
  • 网络Qashqai;Nissan Qashqai
  1. 日产汽车(NissanMotors)和中国东风汽车公司(Dongfeng)的合资品牌启辰(Venucia)一季度的销量达到10487辆,只略低于日产汽车人气SUV逍客(Qashqai)的销量。

    Nissan Motors and partner Dongfeng sold 10487 of their joint brand Venucia in the first three months of this year -- just slightly less than sales of Nissan 's popular Qashqai SUV .

  2. 逍客在全球均有销售,在欧洲被称作Qashqai,在日本又名为Dualis。

    Sold around the world , it is known as the Qashqai in Europe and the Dualis in Japan .

  3. 记者日前从东风日产高卫专营店获悉,东风日产新逍客已登陆衡阳,开始上市销售。

    Recently , this reporter from a high Nissan franchise stores Wei noted that the new Nissan QASHQAI has already landed in Hengyang , beginning on sale .