
  • 网络Reverse Repo;reverse repurchase;Reverse-repurchase Agreement
  1. 美联储提出逆回购计划同时,美联储很多理事都在讨论是否需要遏制回购市场和影子银行体系的其他领域。

    The reverse repo plan comes at a time when a number of Fed governors have talked about the need to rein in the repo market and other areas of the shadow banking system .

  2. 驻上海的投资顾问王伟表示,自上个月以来他们一直在密切关注逆回购市场。他指的是中国银行间市场上交易的工具。

    ' We have been looking closely at the reverse repo market since last month , ' said Mr. Wang , the Shanghai-based investment consultant , referring to the instruments traded on China 's interbank market .

  3. 近几个月来,美联储在开展逆回购的试验,但次数不多。

    The Fed has been conducting limited tests of reverse repos in recent months .

  4. 上周四这些产品到期后,他将这些资金全部投向逆回购产品市场。

    When they matured on Thursday , he pulled out all the money to focus on reverse repos .

  5. 王伟表示,他主要推荐一天期和28天期逆回购产品,收益率在7%。

    Mr. Wang said he is mainly recommending one-day as well as 28-day repos , which offer a return of 7 % .

  6. 但在央行过去一个月发行的大量逆回购协议中,有很多将在本周到期。

    But the central bank has issued a mountain of reverse repos over the past month , many of which will start maturing this week .

  7. 美联储可以使用逆回购协议向金融机构出售证券,同时承诺将在日后买回。

    The Fed can use reverse repos selling a security to financial institutions along with a promise to buy the asset back at a later date .

  8. 美联储在逆回购过程中是从经济体系中抽取资金:银行、货币市场基金和其他参与者为美联储提供隔夜资金,获得收益。

    In reverse repos , the Fed drains money from the economy by having banks , money market funds , and others give it money overnight for a fee .

  9. 规则草案的自营交易禁令对由某些回购和逆回购协议、证券出借交易和真正的流动性管理造成的头寸进行豁免。

    The draft rules exempt from the prop trading ban positions arising under certain repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements or securities lending transactions [ and ] bona fide liquidity management .

  10. 作为一名金融专业人士,他表示,他了解逆回购市场,但此前并未考虑过购买这一产品,因为其利率几乎和银行利息一样低。

    As a financial professional , Mr. Ouyang said he knew about repos but hadn 't before thought about buying it , since the rate was almost as low as bank interest rate .

  11. 这种交易方式解冻了现行封闭式回购中处于质押状态的现券,同时通过逆回购后以立即卖出现券的方式来引入规范的作空机制。

    This type of transaction sets free the under-mortgage in the current closed repurchase , at the same time , it introduces normalized selling mechanism through selling the bonds on hand after reverse purchase .

  12. 他表示,提升超额准备金利率应该在短期利率正常化过程中起到核心作用,而隔夜逆回购机制则有可能用来为货币市场利率设置下限。

    He said raising interest rates for excess reserves should play a central role in normalising short-term interest rates , while an overnight reverse repo facility could be useful in setting a floor for money market rates .

  13. 根据这项名为隔夜固息逆回购工具的计划,美联储从所持大规模国债中借出债券以置换具备资质的金融机构手中的现金。该计划是在去年9月份启动的。

    The program is called an overnight fixed-rate reverse repurchase facility . Under the program , which the Fed started in September , the Fed lends bonds from its large holdings of Treasury securities in exchange for cash from eligible financial firms .

  14. 小心谨慎的拉詹没有理会印度工商界的请求经济增长乏力和近期通胀率大幅降低需要央行做出姿态将回购利率和逆回购利率分别维持在8%和7%。

    A cautious Mr Rajan ignored pleas from business that sluggish economic growth and recent sharp falls in inflation required a gesture from the central bank , holding the repo and reverse repo rates at 8 per cent and 7 per cent respectively .

  15. 海通证券的王伟表示,他在本月早些时候开始关注逆回购市场,他尤其关注中国两个股票交易所上追踪中国银行间市场的证券。中国银行间市场不对个人直接投资开放。

    Mr. Wang , the Haitong broker , said he began looking at the reverse repo market earlier this month . Specifically he looked at securities traded over China 's two stock exchanges that track values on China 's interbank market , which is closed to direct investment by individuals .