
jiǒnɡ yì
  • totally different;widely different
迥异 [jiǒng yì]
  • [widely different] 迥然不同;完全不同

  • 与它石迥异。--宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  • 性情迥异

  1. 社会是由能力迥异的人组成的

    Society is made up of people of widely different abilities

  2. 网络阅读伴随着网络媒体的普及,以及网络传播技术的发展,是一种与传统阅读方式迥异的阅读方式。

    With the popularity of network media and the development of network communication technology , Online reading is widely different from the traditional way of reading .

  3. 今年秋装系列风格迥异。

    This autumn 's collections are a very mixed bag .

  4. 你母亲是如何做到让这两个性格迥异的男人相安无事的?

    How did your mother succeed in keeping the peace between these two very different men ?

  5. 科尔·波特写了这么多风格迥异的优美歌曲,要对他进行概括并不是件容易的事。

    It 's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied .

  6. 正如我们下面将看到的,这幢大楼的内部结构风格迥异,走廊和房间如迷宫般复杂交错。

    The building , as we shall see , is very different in its internal planning , with a great complex of halls and rooms .

  7. 例句今早的会议有15个人参加,他们都来自不同的部门,而且意见迥异。

    There were 15 people in our meeting this morning , all from different departments and each with different opinions .

  8. 最近,微软公司(Microsoft)为了从人才争夺战中抢得300名高级管理人员,尝试了一种迥异于平常的方式。

    When Microsoft ( MSFT ) recently was looking to snag 300 senior managers from the competition , the company tried a different approach than the usual .

  9. actioneconomics的金鲁珀特(kimrupert)表示,近几周股市和债市走势迥异,仿佛“它们来自不同的星球”。

    Kim Rupert at Action Economics suggested that stock and bond markets had traded in recent weeks as if they " were from different planets " .

  10. Libor操纵丑闻引发的后果迥异于其他银行业丑闻。

    The LIBOR manipulation debacle has resulted in something rare in the world of banking scandals .

  11. 在小鼠中,根据NK细胞的组织分布特点或不同发育成熟阶段,NK细胞被划分成表型和功能迥异的各种亚群。

    In mice , according to the tissue-distribution features and maturational stages , NK cells can be classified into distinct NK-cell subsets with different phenotype and function .

  12. 现役CBA主场城市多为副省及以上级别城市,城市生态环境丰富迥异。

    The current CBA host cities are mainly at the level of provincial capitals or above , whose ecological environment is rich and diversified .

  13. CFO作为公司最高财务负责人,在公司管理变革及发展转型中角色迥异,起着越来越重要的作用。

    As a top responsible person in company finance management , CFO plays a more and more important role in the transformation and development of company .

  14. 由于中国上市公司实行MBO处于起步和试验阶段,因此,从已有研究来看,由于研究方法和样本选择的不同,结果迥异。

    And the MBO carried out by Chinese listed corporations is just a beginning and trying . As a result , different methods and samples result in different outcomes according to the researches in existence .

  15. 两个对立假说通过对OCA收益和成本的不同修正,导致迥异的政策建议。

    The two opposing schools of theories approach the adjustment of OCA revenue and cost along different routes and thus postulate different policy proposals .

  16. 这个单词很容易混淆,因为即便定义迥异,解释起来实质还是一样的。Panacea(万灵药)能立刻治愈各种疾病。

    This one is easy to confuse because the explanation is virtually the same even if the definitions are vastly different . A panacea is something that cures a lot of things all at once .

  17. 但MBO在实际操作过程中还存在许多问题和障碍,实施后上市公司的绩效迥异,上市公司如何应对MBO是我们必须直面的问题。

    But MBO still exists many problems in actual operation process and after it putting into practice ; the results of the listed companies are entirely different . So we are facing the problems of how the listed companies deal with the MBO .

  18. 奇怪的是,教育界两个景象迥异的学校垂柳依依的剑桥和建筑前卫的UEL都是政府扶植的对象。

    Curiously , both images of education-the weeping willows of Cambridge and the futuristic architecture of UEL-are cherished by the government .

  19. 本次发布带来了Largefile插件&一种将集中式数据存储带入迥异的分布式版本管理系统的方式。

    This release brings the Largefiles Extension , a way of bringing centralised data storage to an otherwise distributed version control system .

  20. 北京万豪酒店有多少个风格迥异的餐厅?

    How many restaurants does Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall have ?

  21. 虽然他们性格迥异,却能友好相处。

    Though their personalities were different , they got along well .

  22. 而在迥异的命运中,人际关系发挥了重要的作用。

    In those fortunes , relationship had played an important role .

  23. 发展新型服务业,建立形式迥异的服务平台;

    New-style service industry should be developed to establish new service platform .

  24. 不同学术背景的专家学者对乡镇体制改革的出路提出了迥异的政策主张和治理路径,彼此互相激荡、争鸣。

    Many scholars put forward many different policy opinions and governance paths .

  25. 禀赋迥异,万物各就其位;

    Talents differ ; All is well and wisely put ;

  26. 个性迥异的同学们也展现着各自不同的风格。

    Students with different personalities show their own particular style .

  27. 网络新闻评论是迥异于传统媒体新闻评论的一种新的评论形式。

    That is the spring up of the netnews commentary .

  28. 此外,这些研究结果迥异,甚至相互矛盾。

    In addition , these studies have reported inconsistent or even conflicting findings .

  29. 但是,二者的涵义、实质与基本结论却迥异。

    Yet , their meaning , essence and basic theory is totally different .

  30. 德、日对战争罪行反省迥异及其影响

    Germany and Japan Differ Completely in Reflecting on War Crimes and the Implications
