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tāo fèn gōng
  • nightman
掏粪工[tāo fèn gōng]
  1. 有意思的是,这类故事竟然吸引了国际媒体的关注。因为去年的时候,在另一座城市有2500个人争夺10个掏粪工的职位。

    It 's funny what stories catch the international media 's attention , because another city had 2500 applications for 10 positions the previous year .

  2. 幸运的是,很快就会有更多的掏粪工的职位开放了,因为中国觉得现在大便已经供不应求(什么时候足够过?)

    Fortunately for everyone , there should be more waste collector openings soon enough , as China has decided that poo is not enough ( when is it ever ?)
