
  • 网络forwarder;Transportation Agency;Forwarding agent;Forwarding Agent or Ship's Agent
  1. 请告诉我怎样成为进出口(业务)中一成功的运输代理。

    How to be a successful forwarding agent in trade ?

  2. 请在展品离开中国前支付给运输代理出馆、以及回运的费用。

    Charges for outbound movement and closing services should be paid to the freight forwarder before exhibits leave China .

  3. 关于进一步指示,请和横滨我运输代理行ABC公司联系。

    As for further instruction , please contact ABC Company , our shipping agent in Yokohama .

  4. 此外,作为世界上最大的贸易市场之一的中国,其国内外贸易随着WTO的加入仍在不断地扩大,对运输代理业务的需求也在不断地增加。

    As one of the largest trade market in the world , China has been expanding its trade especially after its entry into WTO and it has an increasing demand to transportation agent industry .

  5. 运输代理企业向现代物流企业转化对策分析

    The Countermeasure Analysis of Transportation Agent Corporation Transform into Modern Logistics Corporation

  6. 中国运输代理业的现状分析及发展对策

    Present Situation Analysis and Development Countermeasures for the Transportation Agencies In China

  7. 提升铁路货物运输代理企业核心竞争力的思考

    Thought on Improving Core Competitiveness of Railway Transport Agencies

  8. 关于运输代理制的探讨

    A Discussion on the Agent System of Transportation

  9. 本文对成都中铁西南国际运输代理有限公司进行了系统研究。

    This thesis researches into the development of Chengdu Sino-railway Southwest International Transport Agency Co.

  10. 货物运输代理管理信息系统的开发

    The Developing of Freight Agent Management Information System

  11. 航空公司签发的运单或买方的运输代理签发的分运单可以接受。

    The HAWB not issued by agent named by the Buyer shall not be acceptable .

  12. 保护公平竞争,促进国际货物运输代理业服务质量的提高。

    To protect fair competition and promote the improvement of services of international freight forwarders .

  13. 卖方亦应与买方的运输代理或买方保持密切联系。

    The Seller shall also keep in close contact with the agent or the Buyer .

  14. 乙方委托甲方承运自中国宁波至俄罗斯莫斯科的的服装货物国际运输代理业务。

    Part B consign Part A carry its fashion cargo from Ningbo China to Moscow Russia .

  15. 张明(音译)是黑龙江省陆海通道国际货物运输代理有限责任公司的副总经理。

    Zhang Ming , deputy general manager of the Heilongjiang Land-Sea Route International Freight Forwarding Corporation .

  16. 内资企业需从事国际货物运输代理业务一年以上。

    A domestically funded enterprise shall have engaged in international freight agency for at least one year ;

  17. 公司的经营范围:海运、空运、陆运等国际货物运输代理业务。

    The company 's business : shipping , air , land and other international cargo transport agency business .

  18. 皇庭服务对象:批发市场业者,工厂,外贸公司,运输代理,同行,客户。

    Target Clients : Market Wholesaler , Factories , Trading Co. , Shipping Agents , Competitors , Clients & etc.

  19. 我公司提供从上海和宁波港等沿海各口岸的整箱、拼箱出口货物的国际运输代理业务。

    International transport agency business of export goods in whole container and assembled container from Shanghai Port and Ningbo Port .

  20. 上海禾众国际货物运输代理有限公司位于中国国际航运中心上海。

    Shanghai Royal International Transportation Co. , ltd was established in2002 in Shanghai , the international shipping center of China .

  21. 适应对外贸易发展的需要,促进国际货物运输代理业的合理布局;

    To meet the demands of development of foreign trade and promote the rational distribution of international freight forwarding agencies .

  22. 即使在某些发达国家,也曾试图取消运输代理这一行业,以便减少运输过程中交易的环节。

    Even in some developed countries , transportation agency is to be cancelled to decrease the trade tache of transportation process .

  23. 可提供整箱、拼箱及空运进出口运输代理、信息咨询等服务,是国际货运的新型骨干企业。

    Being a newly-developed agency , the company has occupied an important position in its local industry of international freight forwarding .

  24. 1994年成立于北京,是一家为客户提供全球物流解决方案的专业运输代理企业。

    Founded in1994 in Beijing , Seajet Company Limited is a professional transportation company who provides global logistics solutions to our customers .

  25. 偶尔有进口货,但不急,有没有价格更有优势的进口报关运输代理服务公司?

    The occasional imports , but don 't worry , have the price of the import declaration has more advantages transportation agency service company ?

  26. 如入选作品不能按时交给运输代理公司或运至组委会,组委会对在此情况下造成该作品无法展示的后果不承担责任。

    If works cannot be transferred to the agent or to the Organizing Committee timely , we are not responsible for their missing the exhibition .

  27. 主要经营:海运、空运进出口货物的运输代理,国际集装箱场站综合物流业务,国际海铁多式联运以及船舶代理业务等。

    Main business : shipping , air freight cargo freight forwarders , container station international integrated logistics services , international sea and rail intermodal shipping agency business and so on .

  28. 如果旅行社是旅游产业的百货店,那么,货物运输代理和旅行俱乐部对于航空产业来说正如工厂外销店之于服装厂一样。

    Where travel agencies are the deparment stores of the tourism industry , consolidators and travel clubs are to the airline industry what factory outlet stores are to clothing manufacturers .

  29. 对我国运输代理业的现状进行了分折,探索其在新的形势下可能会遇到的问题。并对我国运输代理业的未来发展提出若干建议。

    The problems , which might be encountered under the new circumstances are explored and some suggestions are put forward for the future development of the transportation agencies in China .

  30. 本文通过分析铁路发展运输代理的必要性、优势条件和目前的现状,提出了今后铁路运输代理业发展的方向;

    This text has proposed the way of developing agency of railway transport in the future , after analyzing necessity , advantage conditions and present current situation of the forwarding agent ;