
  • 网络transport demand;transportation demand
  1. 应用回归分析法、移动平均法、平滑指数法,在定性分析的基础上对CCT集装箱运输需求以及CCT在深圳港群中的地位进行了科学的预测。

    On the basis of qualitative analysis , the thesis uses many kinds of quantitative method to predict CCT 's containerized transport demand and it status in the port group of Shenzhen .

  2. 截止2012年,我国多个LNG进口项目竣工投产,进口LNG资源供应大大增加,产生LNG分拨物流的运输需求,油改气交通运输工具成为LNG巨大的终端市场。

    By the year 2012 , some LNG import projects have completed and put into production . The supply of LNG resources increases greatly . The import produces LNG distribution logistics transport demand and the transportation tools in the " from oil to gas " projects become LNG terminal market .

  3. 因此,近年来,对于LNG的需求不断上升,与其相关的LNG的运输需求也就随之不断的增加。

    Therefore , the demand of LNG rises in recent years , and so does the demand associated LNG transport .

  4. 本文用弹性预测法,解决了在公路建设项目可行性研究中,如何确定社会经济发展同公路运输需求的关系问题,并编制了BASIC程序,使计算机工作简便、顺捷。

    This paper shows how to apply the elastic forecast method to solve the problem of relationship between social economic growth and highway transportation demand in highway project feasibility study , and compiles a program in BASIC language in order to calculate easily .

  5. 第四章在对LPG市场分析和运输需求分析的基础上,进行了LPG市场预测,重点是进口量预测和消费需求预测。

    On the basis of the analysis on LPG market and shipping demand , the fourth chapter makes a forecast of LPG market which emphases on importation quantity and the demand of consumption .

  6. 在过去3年里,出口能力不足,加上页岩气产量猛涨导致美国天然气进口量低于预期水平,使得LNG的供应量和运输需求均低于油轮运营公司的预期。

    In the previous three years a shortage of export capacity and smaller-than-expected demand from the US for imported gas , due to surging shale gas production , had meant both the supply of LNG and demand to ship it had fallen short of tanker operators ' expectations .

  7. 我国肉类食品的市场特点及冷藏运输需求

    Market Characteristics and Refrigerated Transport Demand of Meat Products in China

  8. 从经济发展要求和交通运输需求增长看高速公路发展

    Expressway development viewing from economic development demand & transportation need increasing

  9. 基于谱分析的综合运输需求周期波动研究

    Research of Comprehensive Transportation Demands Periodic Fluctuation Based on Spectrum Theory

  10. 加快港口发展适应国际集装箱运输需求

    Quicken Port Development to Gear to the Needs of International Container Transport

  11. 外贸货物运输需求量预测研究

    Research on prediction of cargo transport demand in foreign trade

  12. 铁路客票实际价格水平对运输需求及收入的影响分析

    Analyze the Effect in the Railway Transport Price on Demand and Income

  13. 运输需求弹性预测法在公路建设项目可行性研究中的应用

    Application of traffic demand elastic forecast method in highway project feasibility study

  14. 三峡枢纽过坝运输需求分析及其预测

    Demand analysis and forecast on the freight transportation of Three Gorges Project

  15. 运输需求管理的思想、方法及实施的基本内容

    The Ideas , Measures and Application of Transportation Demand Management

  16. 居民出行频繁导致运输需求急剧增长。

    Residents ' frequent travel makes transport demand increase dramatically .

  17. 中国民航运输需求的宏观经济分析

    Macro Economic Analysis of CAAC Air Transport 's Demands

  18. 中国经济快速发展和交通运输需求对中国铁路提出严峻的挑战,铁路面临着经营性建设和政策性建设的重任。

    Rapid development and transport need have issued a challenge to China railway .

  19. 基于区域产业特性的货物运输需求模型

    Study on Model of Demand of Freight Transportation Based on Regional Industrial Character

  20. 运输需求的特性及其分析特点

    The Characteristics of Demand for Transport and The Peculiarity of Transportation Demand Analysis

  21. 运输需求管理及其在我国城市交通中的应用

    On transportation management in demand applied in city traffic

  22. 一个铁路运输需求预测软件的开发

    Development of A Demand Prediction Software in Railway Transportation

  23. 运输需求的一种间接预测方法&兼论预测的本质

    Indirect Forecasting Method for Transportation Demand & With Discussion on the Essence of Forecasting

  24. 而掌握铁路旅客运输需求是研究铁路旅客运输的重要前提。

    Mastering the railway passenger transportation demands is the premise for studying passenger transportation .

  25. 旅客运输需求是我国铁路客运专线运输组织与经营管理的基础。

    Passenger transport demand is the basis for transport organization and operation of PDL .

  26. 运输需求预测计算机辅助系统研究

    A Computer Aided System for Transportation Demand Prediction

  27. 运输需求预测综合社会经济模型

    Synthetical Social Economic Models of Transportation Demand Forecast

  28. 没有一处地方的人口密度和运输需求跟香港的一模一样。

    Nowhere else has the density of population and the transport demand like ours .

  29. 红水河连续翻坝滚装运输需求和要素研究

    Study the Roll on Transport Needs and Factors Faced by Hongshui River Continuous Dam

  30. 综合客运枢纽运输需求预测。

    Transportation demand forecast of comprehensive passenger hub .