
ɡuò dù bǔ lāo
  • overfishing
  1. 科学家们说动物数量下降是灾难性的,也是人类燃烧森林、过度捕捞海洋生物和破坏野生空间对地球造成影响的确凿的证据。

    They described the decline as catastrophic and clear evidence of the impact humans are having on the planet through burning forests , overfishing the seas and destroying wild spaces .

  2. 她的观点是,大白鲨的数量多年来一直在悄声无息地减少,原因是气候变化、污染和过度捕捞这一系列人类活动。

    Her view is that the great white population has been shrinking unnoticed for many years because of climate change , pollution , overfishing – a range of human activities .

  3. 科学家们说,过度捕捞鲨鱼和鳐鱼危害整个海洋生态系统的健康,同时危及世界上一些最贫穷国家的粮食安全。

    The scientists say overfishing of sharks and rays jeopardises the health of entire ocean ecosystems3 , as well as food security for some of the world 's poorest countries .

  4. FAO这份报告称,全世界32%的鱼类资源过度捕捞,耗尽或者正在恢复。

    The FAO report says about thirty-two percent of world supplies are overfished , d or recovering .

  5. “鱼类资源已经面临着过度捕捞和栖息地流逝的威胁,”Turley说。

    " Fish stocks are already under threat from overfishing and habitat loss ," said Turley .

  6. 它们广泛分布于包括地中海(Mediterranean)地区在内的全球热带、亚热带海域。由于过度捕捞,相关保护机构已将旗鱼列为濒危物种。

    While these fish can be found in temperate waters around the world , including the Mediterranean Sea , heavy over harvesting has led protective agencies to place them on a list of endangered species .

  7. 我的导游马卡·卡里奥(MaykelCarillo)说,当地人习惯远离水边,因为这里一度公牛鲨(bullsharks)横行。截至20世纪80年代,过度捕捞和鱼翅交易使得公牛鲨灭绝,但是有些人说仍然有几只潜伏在水下。

    My guide , Maykel Carillo , saidlocals used to stay out of the water because it was once infested with bull sharks.By the 1980s , overfishing and a shark fin trade wiped-out the population , butsome say a few still lurk under the surface .

  8. 计算结果表明,高水平的不确定性将会增加在F0.1和Fmax估计中的差异,从而使其被定义为过度捕捞的可能性减小。

    The results showed that high levels of uncertainty increased variations in F0.1 and Fmax estimation , which led to a decrease in the probability that the fishery was defined as overfished .

  9. 运用ITQ制度,可以有效解决遍布于全球范围内的过度捕捞问题,切断造成渔民转产转业问题的根源,实现渔业资源的可持续利用。

    It can , by cutting the root baffling the transfer , solve the problem of overfishing which is common in the world at large so as to realize sustainable use of fishery resources .

  10. 很多礁石已被过度捕捞面临消失的绝境。

    Many reefs have been fished to a point of extinction .

  11. 但因过度捕捞,其资源破坏严重。

    But because of overfishing , the resources are severely damaged .

  12. 但由于过度捕捞,鳀鱼资源已经严重衰退。

    However , due to overfishing , anchovy resources have declined .

  13. 由于过度捕捞,鱼的数量已经明显下降。

    Owing to over-fishing , the number of fishes has obviously decreased .

  14. 多年来海洋正遭受过度捕捞已是众人周知。

    That the sea is being overfished has been known for years .

  15. 青壮年金枪鱼的数量下降使得环境保护部门开始关心过度捕捞问题。

    Juvenile populations have raised alarms among environmental groups concerned by overfishing .

  16. 大多数受欢迎的海鲜品种也遭到严重的过度捕捞。

    And much of the most popular seafood is being severely overfished .

  17. 预防性管理措施中的生物学参考点是为了防止补充型过度捕捞的出现而定义的。

    Precautionary management reference points are those intended to prevent recruitment overfishing .

  18. 但是,目前很多内陆渔场都与过度捕捞有关。

    but for now many inland fish farms are connected to overfishing .

  19. 二是过度捕捞造成渔业资源严重衰退。

    Over-fishing has caused serious decline of fishery resources .

  20. 污染和过度捕捞使它们饱受食物来源萎缩的折磨。

    They suffer from pollution and overfishing , which limits their food source .

  21. 我们必须制止过度捕捞并防止非法捕捞。

    We must end overfishing and prevent illegal fishing .

  22. 该基金有可能会受到过度捕捞问题的拖累。

    One potential sticking point is concerns about overfishing .

  23. 冰川消融、狩猎和过度捕捞都是造成这些物种濒临灭绝的原因。

    Melting ice caps , hunting and over-fishing were identified as the culprits .

  24. 海洋渔业过度捕捞与私人可转让配额

    Overfishing in Marine Fisheries and Individual Transferable Quotas

  25. 阻止不可持续的农业活动、未加控制的毁林活动、破坏性捕捞活动和过度捕捞;

    Discourage unsustainable agricultural practices , uncontrolled deforestation , destructive fishing practices and overfishing ;

  26. 过度捕捞对珊瑚来说是极具破坏力的。

    Overfishing can be seriously disruptive to coral .

  27. 一些海盗不是袭击船只,而是过度捕捞鱼类。

    Some pirates catch fish instead of ships .

  28. 然而,水温升高和过度捕捞已经使得它们这些天生捕食者数目大减。

    Warmer waters and overfishing practices had reduced the populations of their natural predators .

  29. 由于栖息地遭到破坏以及过度捕捞,它们的数量一直在减少。

    Their populations have been in decline due to habitat destruction and over harvesting .

  30. 一般而言,渔业补贴倾向于通过刺激投资而加剧过度捕捞。

    In general , the operational concern is the role of subsidies in stimulating overfishing .