
  • 网络marginal utility theory of value
  1. 克拉克的边际效用价值论是边际生产力分配论的前提,是在对奥地利学派理论修正的基础上提出来的。

    Clark is the marginal utility theory of value marginal productivity theory of distribution of the premise is correct in the Austrian theory based on the past .

  2. 西方经济学价值观以边际效用价值论为主导;

    Boundary effect axiology is dominant in western economics value ;

  3. 边际效用价值论与劳动价值论的统一&兼论边际效用价值论100年的弯路

    The Union of Labor Theory of Value and Marginal Utility Theory of Value

  4. 边际效用价值论所揭示的边际效用递减规律是正确的;

    The law of the diminishing marginal benefit expressed in the marginal benefit theory is correct ;

  5. 马克思劳动价值论与边际效用价值论之比较

    Marginal cost A Comparative Study of the Marxist Theory of Labor Value with the Theory of Marginal Utility Value

  6. 比较了马克思劳动价值论与边际效用价值论的异同点。

    This paper deals with similarities and dissimilarities between the Marxist theory of labor value with the theory of marginal utility value .

  7. 事实上,马克思的商品价值论与边际效用价值论具有相通之处。

    In fact , the theory of commodity value by Karl Marx and the theory of marginal benefit value are relevant to each other .

  8. 该文通过区别成本与收益、劳动价值论与边际效用价值论等经济学概念指出:从成本角度核算森林价值,应包括土地价值和正算法的立木价值,环境价值不应记入,它属于收益;

    Through distinguishing the economic terms such as cost and profit , labor axiology and marginal utility axiology , this paper argues that the forest value accounting based on cost should include land value and stumpage of positive algorism , excluding environmental value which belongs to profit category .

  9. 劳动价值和边际效用在历史时间中的共同递减趋势&论劳动价值论与边际效用价值论的综合统一

    On Value of Labour and Marginal Utility : Both Suffering Decreasing Over The Long Run in History ? A Synthesis of Value of Labour and Marginal Utility

  10. 边际革命的历史功绩在于它强调了盲目生产并不一定能创造社会财富和价值,生产必须符合消费的需要。但边际效用价值论是片面的。

    The historical contribution of the theory of marginal utility lies in following view : production must meet the needs of consumption .