
  • 网络cut-off grade;cutoff grade;marginal grade
  1. 一种确定矿床综合边界品位的方法

    An approach to determine the complex cut-off grade of ore deposits

  2. 这4项品位指标依次为边界品位、边际品位、经济品位和矿床平均品位。

    They are respectively named cut-off grade , marginal grade , economic grade and the average grade of an ore deposit .

  3. 过去我国规定的胶磷矿(磷块岩)P2O5的最低工业品位为12%,边界品位为8%。

    In the past , the fixed minimum industrial tenor of P_2O in phosphate rock was 12 % , and the cut off grade of P_2O_5 was 8 % in China .

  4. 石棉矿床边界品位初探

    The Study of Optimal Grade Cut-off of Asbestos Ore Boundary thinking

  5. 金属露天矿次边界品位和次品位储矿堆的优化决策

    Optimum decision on sub-cutoff grades and stockpiles in metal open pits

  6. 应用数理统计估值法测算320铀矿床的边界品位

    Marginal Grade Assessment of 320 Uranium Deposit by Mathematical Statistics

  7. 边界品位的动态规划优化模型及算法

    Dynamic Programming Optimization Model for Cutoff Grade and Its Algorithm

  8. 国外某地下铜矿边界品位的研究

    Study on cutoff grade in a foreign underground copper mine

  9. 合理确定露天开采矿山的边界品位

    The Rational Determination of the Cut - off Grade of Open-pit Mine

  10. 提出和建立了确定最优次边界品位的比较完整的理论方法。

    The method for determining the optimum sub - cutoff grade is developed .

  11. 露天矿短期生产计划边界品位的确定原则与计算

    Determination of cutoff grades for short-term open-pit production planning

  12. 露天矿边界品位优化及其动态调整

    Optimization of Cut-off Grade in Open Pit and Its Adjustment of Dynamic State

  13. 新分类标准下多金属矿床露天边界品位的确定及应用

    Determination and Application of Open-Pit Cut-Off Grades of Multi-Metal Deposits under New Classification Standards

  14. 地下开采矿体边界品位动态优化法

    Dynamic optimum method boundary grade of mine deposit

  15. 一定边界品位的矿量计算

    Ore Quantity Calculation with a Definite Cutoff Grade

  16. 市场经济下金属露天矿边界品位的优化与控制

    Optimization and Control of Cutoff Grades in Metal Open Pits under Market Economical Conditions

  17. 所以,矿石边界品位的确定是矿产业中的一个极为关键的决策问题,边界品位的优化是当今世界矿业界的重大科研课题之一。

    To define the cutoff grade is a key decision-making , in mining production .

  18. 因此,边界品位的优化有着很强的实际意义。

    Therefore , the optimization of the cutoff grade is extremely important in practical application .

  19. 露天开采时矿体边界品位动态优化的神经网络方法

    A dynamic optimization method of orebody cutoff grade for surface mining based on Neural Network

  20. 边界品位为15%时剥采比为0.50立方米/吨;

    When the border value is15 % , the ratio of overburden is 0.5 ( m3 / t );

  21. 采用综合评价法确定了岔路口矿区开采范围内的最佳边界品位。

    Then using the comprehensive evaluation method , the optimal cutoff grade in the project region was determined .

  22. 分析市场经济体制下影响矿山企业矿石边界品位的主要因素。

    The influencing factors of ore cut off grade for mining enterprises under the market economy condition are analyzed .

  23. 通过对边界品位法及盈亏平衡法的理论分析,确定下盘最大切岩高度。

    The greatest height of footwall cutting is determined through the theoretical analysis of cut-off grade method and breakeven point method .

  24. 用同样的方法一直计算到最后阶段(最后一个优化单元)每个状态的净现值和边界品位。

    The cutoff grade and the NPV of each state were calculated to the final stage ( final optimize unit ) with similar method .

  25. 发现样品中镓的加权平均含量超过边界品位,并在煤层下部和底板岩石中显著富集,其主要地质载体为硬水铝石。

    It was discovered that the gallium is more than marginal grade in content and enriched in lower coal seam and floor , and occurs mainly in diaspore .

  26. 在320铀矿床常规开采条件下,要求铀矿资源(金属量)利用程度不低于原情况的95%时,选择的边界品位为0.045%。

    Under the normal mining condition and 95 % the utilization rate of the uranium resource in 320 Uranium Deposit , 0.045 % as the marginal grade is recommended .

  27. 该模型考虑矿体的开采顺序和矿床不同区段的品位分布,实现了地下开采边界品位在时间和空间上的动态结合。

    The model considers the mining order and the grade distribution in different deposit sections and has realized the time-space dynamic combination of the cutoff grade in underground mining .

  28. 在一定的技术经济条件下,就一给定的矿床而言,存在着使整个矿山的总经济效益达到最大的最佳边界品位。

    As a given deposit , it exist a optimal cutoff grade which could maximize the economic benefits of the entire mine , with the certain technical and economic conditions .

  29. 每个状态都有一个本阶段开采矿量,从优化单元的品位&矿量曲线可以得到这一矿量对应的边界品位值。

    Every state has mining quantity in the stage , and cutoff grade of every state could be obtained from the distribution graph of grade VS mine quantity of optimize unit .

  30. 结合矿山技术经济指标与成本数据库和多金属共生矿山多金属共生矿边界品位动态智能测算程序,开发了一套矿山工业指标动态测算管理软件。

    Combined with the mining technical-economical indexes and cost database and the dynamic intelligent calculation procedure of cut-off grade , this paper has developed a mining industrial indexes dynamic calculation and management software .