
  • 网络Hard Boiled;hard-boiled;hardboiled;Dirty Harry
  1. 我第一次看的TonyLeung的电影是《辣手神探》,那是很多年以前。

    The first Tony Leung film I saw was HARD BOILED , many years ago .

  2. 要想明白吴宇森和周润发合作的这部影片为何能够超越两人合作的另外两部在风格上更有成就的影片《喋血双雄》和《辣手神探》而成功获得一代人的关注,可能就相当于追溯香港的影迷历史。

    To understand how this particular John Woo-Chow Yun-fat collaboration - instead of their more stylistically accomplished The Killer or Hard Boiled - captured the imaginations of a generation is perhaps to chart the history of cinephilia in Hong Kong .

  3. 白人,英国,女。看的第一部他的电影是《辣手神探》。

    White , English female-first saw him in'Hard Boiled . '

  4. 但看了《花样年华》和《重庆森林》后他给我留下了强烈的印象(我想自己当时被《辣手神探》弄得如痴如醉而没有留意精彩的演技)。

    But it wasn 't until I saw IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE and CHUNGKING EXPRESS that he made an intense impression ( I was sort of blown away by HARD BOILED and didn 't recognize the great performances ) .