首页 / 词典 / good

  • route;rut;groove;rhyme;the track of a wheel
  • 车轮压的痕迹:覆~。车~。南辕北~。

  • 车行的一定路线:上下~。

  • 诗词、歌曲、杂曲所押的韵:~口。合~押韵。

  • 办法,主意:没~了。

  • 途径,门路。


(车轮压出的痕迹) the track of a wheel; rut:

  • 覆辙

    the track of an overturned cart


(行车规定的路线方向) route:

  • 顺辙儿

    take one's route to;

  • 戗辙儿

    go against the route


(曲词的韵) rhyme:

  • 合辙

    in rhyme


[方] (办法; 主意) way; idea:

  • 没辙

    can find no way out; be at the end of one's rope;

  • 想个辙吧

    find a way out

  1. 繁荣之后,出版商开始另找饭辙。

    Publishers are now trying to find new means of profit-making after the prosperity .

  2. 他也太离辙了。

    He just went too far .

  3. 研究认为,沥青胶结料Burgers模型中的η1及沥青混合料Burgers模型中的η1与轮辙试验的动稳定度有很好的相关性,可以用来评价沥青及沥青混合料的高温稳定性。

    It is proved that η 1 of asphalt binder and asphalt mixture can be used to assess the high temperature stability and they have a good relationship with the DS of rutting test .

  4. 沥青混凝土路面分析仪APA,是一种以沥青混合料轮辙深度为主要评测指标的试验室加速加载测试装置,近年来其广泛应用于沥青混合料的车辙性能评价中,并且得到了逐步的发展。

    Asphalt Pavement Analyzer ( APA ) is an accelerated laboratory rutting tester using rutting depth of asphalt mixtures as evaluation index . For recent years , APA is widely used as a general method of predicting rutting performance of asphalt mixtures and is developed further .

  5. 轮辙试验的车辙预估模型探讨

    Rutting Prediction Model for Asphalt pavement Based on Wheel Tracking Test

  6. 光亮辙印,犹似你留予我的思虑

    and leaves a shining furrow , as thy thoughts in me

  7. 火车在这块地里轧出了辙痕。

    The farm carts have worn ruts in this field .

  8. 苏辙《诗集传》的成书及版本考

    Completion and Versions of SU Zhe 's Commentary on THE BOOK OF SONGS

  9. 那个眼神说…“我仍在想辙

    That look means " I 'm still thinking about

  10. 苏辙研究综述

    A summary of the study of Su Zhe

  11. 雪下的辙痕;相信青涩的果实,一定还在舞动。

    The ruts under snow ; believe bitter fruits , certainly are still waving .

  12. 苏辙在史论文中表达了其对历史人物的深刻关注。

    Su Zhe expressed his profound concerns in the historical figures in his theses .

  13. 我儿子真是个淘气包,我拿他一点儿辙都没了。

    My boy is such a mischief-maker . I am at my wits'end with him .

  14. 从文史不分到文史异辙:略议中国古代正史传记

    From unity to separation of literature and history & Discussion on classical Chinese biographies of official history

  15. 留下一道光亮辙印

    And leaves a shining furrow

  16. “编辑与教育两轮一辙”编辑思想的启示

    The Enlightment of the editorial idea of " editing and education , two wheels one track "

  17. 本文以《诗集传》、《春秋集解》为主要研究对象,对苏辙的经学成就作初步的探讨。

    The author aimed at Shi Ji Zhuan and Chun Qiu JiJie to study the achievement of SuZhe .

  18. 而事实上,所有的竞争厂商大部分卖的东西都如初一辙。

    We realize that all of our competitors are going to have pretty much the same stuff on sale .

  19. 他穿过看不见的黑暗,留下他的歌声的辙痕跨过黄昏的静谧。

    He traversed the dark unseen , leaving the track of his song across the hush of the evening .

  20. 流星悄然掠过,留下一道光亮辙印,犹似你留予我的思虑。

    Now slides the silent meteor on , and leaves a shining furrow , as thy thoughts in me .

  21. 采用模型参数化分析方法,讨论了牵引杆长度、主车与拖车和拖车与拖车的铰接点位置对主车与拖车轨迹同辙性的影响。

    The effects of drawbar length , articulation joint position on path following performance are investigated using parameter analysis method .

  22. 明清之际的许多文人曲家一改前辙,以内敛叙事为主、开放叙事为辅,创构了严谨的情节结构和精巧的排场结构。

    Until between Ming and Qing , many literati authors adopted the limitable narrative and created the precise dramatic structure .

  23. 近代史学如何建立途辙,近10年来已成为学术热点。

    In the past 10 years , the making of modern historiography has been a central issue in the academic circle .

  24. 以汽车列车稳态圆周运动和8字型运动时主车与拖车轨迹同辙性为目标函数,对汽车列车进行了优化设计,获得了满意的优化方案。

    Optimization on path following performance in steady circling and figure '8'motion of the tractor is performed and the result is satisfactory .

  25. 依据全厚度车辙试验和标准厚度车辙试验结果,对比了动稳定度和辙槽深度差异,并分析了其形成的原因,为全厚度车辙试验提供了理论支持。

    We compared the differences between the total thickness and the standard thickness and supplied theory support for the total thickness test .

  26. 苏辙是宋代学者中公开承认对佛道思想认同与吸收的典型代表。

    Su Zhe was the typical representative among scholars in Song Dynasty who publicly acknowledged the approval and absorption of Buddhism and Taoism .

  27. 苏辙以他的创作实绩,赢得了不朽盛名。在他生前身后,他的散文都得到了人们的重视。

    Su Zhe gained monumental fame for his great achievements and his prose were paid close attention to before and after his death .

  28. 中文译文:在看电视三十秒后,人的脑部放松情形就如同人睡著前的情况如山一辙。

    After only thirty seconds of TV , a person 's brain relaxes the same way that it just before a person falls asleep .

  29. 九道辙无入声,平仄可讲&关于古入声字的调查

    With no In-tone in the Nine Rhymes , Either Flat Tone or Oblique Tone is Acceptable ── A survey on the ancient in tone characters

  30. 建立了单点及单轮辙激励的随机激励及离散事件激励的时域数学模型,并进行了路面激励时域模型的仿真;

    Time-domain mathematic model of random disturbances and discrete event road disturbances is found . And the simulation of time-domain model of road disturbances has finished ;
