
shū chū ɡuǎn
  • Output tube;output pipe
  1. 虽然CMOS技术具有低成本的优点,但是较大的输出管尺寸,驱动低阻抗负载时稳定性问题,驱动高容性负载时带宽问题以及噪声干扰等一直限制了CMOS应用技术的前进步伐。

    Although CMOS technology offers low cost alternative , they suffer major problems such as large size in output transistors , stability issues on driving low resistive in parallel with high capacitive load at high bandwidth , noise and so forth .

  2. CSD主要分布在睾丸的Leydig细胞和输出管、附睾以及输精管的上皮细胞和一些基质细胞中。

    Immunohistochemical results demonstrate that the main cell types containing CSD are Leydig cells of testis , epithelial cells and some stromal cells throughout the efferent ducts , epididymis and ductus deferens .

  3. 墨汁进入局部淋巴结后,首先在淋巴结被膜下弥散,约5~10min后墨汁出现于淋巴结输出管,再很快进入肠系膜前淋巴干由此进入肠淋巴干。

    The ink passing into the local lymph nodes dispersed under the capsule first . About 5 ~ 10 ! min later , some ink appeared in the efferent vessels of the local lymph nodes , and entered the intestine lymphatic trunks .

  4. 腹壁造口逆行造影示输出管被固定在腹壁下,无狭窄。

    Retrograde radiography of the efferent tubes demonstrated perfect canalization without stenosis .

  5. 输出管悬吊增强缩窄回肠控制机制的实验研究

    Enhanced continent mechanism of tapered ileum by suspension technique

  6. 显示器行输出管损坏的原因分析及设计改进

    Cause analysis and its design improvement of CRT 's horizontal output transistor damage

  7. 粘液细胞(Ⅱ型)在肝脏仅有少量分布于输出管壁和外上皮中。

    There are a few mucous cells ( type ⅱ ) in the transport duct wall and outer epithelia of digestive diverticula .

  8. 文中分析了电荷泵的原理和控制方法,采用线性调节输出管导通电阻的方法,设计了输出可调的正负电荷泵。

    The adjustable output positive and negative charge pump are designed by using the method of linear regulated on-resistance of output transistor .

  9. 压力损失代表发动机的功率损失比,就是在消声器工作过程中,输入管和输出管内的平均全压差。

    Pressure loss reflects the power loss ratio of internal-combustion engine with the difference of the mean total pressure in the double pipes of input and output .

  10. 尿动力学检查示膀胱输出管最大闭合压为117~157cmH2O,平均137cmH2O。

    The urodynamic study of the efferent tubes showed the maximum close pressure ranged from 117 cmH 2O to 157 cmH 2O , with a mean of 137 cmH 2O .

  11. 同时,为了能够支持点反转和列反转两种面板驱动方式,本数据驱动电路的奇数和偶数输出管脚分别输出极性不同的灰度电压。

    Also , to be able to deal with dot-line inversion , this source driver 's odd output pins and even output pins respectively output gray scale voltages of differing polarity .

  12. 因此行激励级电路的设计,自然采用了从显象管偏转线圈和行输出管到激励变压器和行激励级的倒推设计法。

    Therefore the design of horizontal driving circuit adoptes naturally the backward design method from the deflection coil of tube and horizontal output transistor back to the driving transformer and horizontal driver .

  13. 通过分析传统大功率管版图设计的特点,结合分析双极型工艺条件下晶体管寄生参量产生的原因,设计了一个适用于汽车环境下工作的驱动电机功率驱动芯片中大功率输出管的版图。

    In this paper the layout design of a power transistor for motor drive IC chip has been present and how to reduce the parasitical parameter of layout is described in detail .

  14. 注料管一端与整流阀上的输出管相互衔接,其上适当处设有枢接座,导膜板可枢接于枢接座上;

    The appropriate point on a frame is provided with a film level division filling device which comprises a feed pouring tube , a film guide plate , a location seat and a side baffle .

  15. 电流模式下混频器由四个开关电流镜组成,调节开关电流镜输入输出管宽度的比值能增加混频器的增益,从而增加整个接收机前端的增益。

    The current-mode mixer is composed by four switched current mirrors . Adjusting the ratio of the drain channel sizes of the switched current mirrors can increase the gain of the mixer , and increase the gain of RF receiver front-end accordingly .

  16. 结果表明,刀鲚的雄性生殖腺由精巢(生精部)、贮精囊和输精管等组成,精巢为典型的小叶型结构,由精小叶、精小囊、小叶间质、小叶腔和输出管构成。

    The results indicated that , the male gonad of Coilia nasus was composed of spermary ( sperm production ), seminal receptacle and spermatic duct , the spermary had typical lobular structures , which is composed of seminiferous lobula , follicle , interstitial substance , lobular cavity and efferent duct .

  17. 本文分析浮置扩散放大器(FloatingDiffusionAmplifier)输出复位管的两种工作状态及其产生复位失真的原因,并导出了确定复位脉宽的公式。

    The two working states of reset MOSFET and the reset distortion of the floating diffusion amplifier ( FDA ) are analysed .

  18. 在Pspice仿真的基础上,介绍了利用MagneticsDesigner软件设计、优化高频变压器的方法,分析了合理选择开关管、输出整流管及RCD箝位电路参数的依据。

    The method for the design and optimization of high frequency transformer using Magnetics Designer code is introduced , and the parameters of switching tube , output rectifier tube and RCD clamping circuit are analyzed based on Pspice simulation .

  19. 叶绿素和癌细胞分布于淋巴结的被膜下窦和小梁周窦,而髓窦和输出淋巴管内未发现叶绿素和癌细胞。

    The chlorophyll and cancer cells located in the subcapsular sinuses and peritrabecular sinuses of the lymph nodes , while there were no them in medullary sinuses and efferent lymphatic vessels .

  20. 第二级,多模光纤隔离电气连接并传递信号,再经电流放大和栅极辅助驱动输出开关管控制信号。

    Secondly , multimode fiber-optics is used to isolate electrical connection and transmit the signals , while current amplifier and grid electrode auxiliary drivers are assembled to generate the advanced control signals .

  21. 咽后外侧淋巴结或咽后内侧淋巴结的输出淋巴管形成气管淋巴干,汇入颈深后淋巴结。

    The efferent lymphatic vessels in the lymph nodes of the lateral retropharynx or in in those of the medial retropharynx form tracheal lymphatic trunks which converge into the posterior deep cervical lymphatic nodes .

  22. 解决上述问题的方法是自动控制输出电路MOS管的栅极电压变化率。

    This problem can be solved by controlling the variety speed of the G-S ( grid-source ) voltage of MOS transistors .

  23. 输出腔漂移管;

    Transfer Tube of Output Cavity ;

  24. 提出一种更适用于焊接等场合的低阶模输出的新型管板式电极。

    A new type of tube-plate electrodes more suitable for low order transverse electric ( TE ) modes output in fields like laser welding has been developed .

  25. 设计了基于4-LUT的四周型管脚分布逻辑单元,且每个输入(输出)逻辑管脚的物理管脚数为1(2)。

    In the FPGA device sample , we adopt 4-LUT-based logic cell with full perimeter pin positioning and one / two physical pin for each logical input / output pin .

  26. 二次侧采用桥式整流方式,在DCM模式下可解决变换器高压输出带来的整流管寄生振荡和电压过冲。

    The secondary side is adopted in bridge commutate mode . Thus it can solve the parasitic oscillation of rectifiers and the clash of voltage by the high voltage output of converter . Secondly , FB ZVS-PWM DC-DC converter is modeled exhaustively .

  27. 负载级将中频电流信号转换为中频电压信号输出,采用PMOS管与电阻并联的有源负载结构,可以提高输出电压,进而提高增益。

    Load-level can convert IF current signal into the IF voltage signal , Load-level select active load structure of resistor in parallel with PMOS , it can improve the output voltage , thereby increasing the gain .

  28. 文中对输出采用同步整流管对共模传导干扰模型的影响也进行了分析。

    The influence on common mode EMI by a synchronous rectifier is analyzed too .

  29. 附睾由睾丸网、输出小管和附睾管组成;

    The ostrich epididymis is composed of rete testis , efferent duct and ductus epididymidis .

  30. 输入节点采用光电耦合输入,输出节点采用三极管驱动继电器输出。

    The input node uses the optical coupling technology , and the output node uses a transistor driving a relay .