
  • 网络Rotameter;rotary flowmeter;rotometer;LZS
  1. 压力补偿式转子流量计

    Compensated pyrheliometer balanced-pressure rotameter

  2. 仪器配有转子流量计,调节方便,使用安全可靠。

    The equipment is equipped with rotameter , easy to adjust .

  3. 热流传感器及其应用概况温度测量采用Pt100铂电阻温度传感器,流量测量采用经严格标定的涡轮转子流量计;

    Heat Flux Transducer and Application It measures temperature and flux by sensor .

  4. DK800系列玻璃转子流量计是引进德国KROHNE公司专有技术和设备制造的产品。

    DK800 float-type flowmeter is manufactured by technique and equipment of KROHNE .

  5. 介质粘性对转子流量计示值的影响及其修正

    The effect of viscosity on rota flowmeter and a method of modification

  6. 基于霍尔传感器的金属管转子流量计的设计

    Design of metal tube rotary flowmeter based on Hall sensor

  7. 转子流量计用于气体采样测量中应注意的问题

    Some Issues in Using Rotameters for Gas Sampling and Measurement

  8. 相似理论在转子流量计刻度换算中的应用

    The application of the similarity theory in the flow scale conversion of Rotameter

  9. 非标刻度气体转子流量计的流量换算

    Flow Conversion of the Gas Rotameter under Nonstandard Calibration

  10. 转子流量计的安装及提高测量精度的探讨

    Installation of Rotating Flowmeters and Improvement of Measurement Precision

  11. 基于摩擦学的自动润滑双转子流量计故障监测网络系统的研究

    Study on Fault Monitoring Network System of Automatic Lubricating Double-rotating Flowmeter Based on Tribology

  12. 带普通外圆导柱的丝锥锥形芯柱式转子流量计

    Tap with plain cylindrical pilot tapered center-column rotameter

  13. 智能网络型自动润滑双转子流量计的研究和设计

    Research and Design for Automatic Lubrication Birotor Flow Meter of Intelligent and Network models

  14. 新型智能转子流量计的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Smart Rotor Flowmeter

  15. 倾斜和缩进式转向管柱锥形芯柱式转子流量计

    Tilt and telescopic steering colum tapered center-column rotameter

  16. 转子流量计普遍流量方程推导

    Derivation of general flow equation for rotameter

  17. 测蒸汽的金属转子流量计刻度换算与工艺条件

    Conversion of Graduation on Metal Variable Area Flow Meter Used for Steam and Process Conditions

  18. 气体转子流量计的刻度与换算

    Calibration and conversion of the Gas rotameter

  19. 金属管转子流量计的线性化技术

    The Linearization Technology of Metal Tube Rotameter

  20. 特殊刻度气体转子流量计的检定推导及程序实现

    Measurement Verification Deduction of Gas Rotor Flowmeter with Especial Scale and Implementation with Computer Program

  21. 气体转子流量计通常是以空气为介质按标准状态下的标况体积流量来进行刻度的。

    Its application is explained with the example of the rectification rotor flowmeter in gas chromatography .

  22. 操作员应定期观察气体分析仪上的转子流量计,以确保流速不会降低。

    The operator should periodically observe the rotameters to see that flow rates are not dropping .

  23. 柱形棱锥图在柱形图中使用棱锥形数据标记。锥形芯柱式转子流量计

    A pyramid column chart uses pyramid data markers in a column chart . tapered center-column rotameter

  24. 转子流量计的原理与应用

    Principle and Application of Rotameters

  25. 转子流量计的安装与使用

    Installation and Use of Rotormeter

  26. 双转子流量计中双转子副的几何特征求证

    The derivation for the geometrical features of double - rotating - pair in the double - rotating flowmeter

  27. 文章介绍了转子流量计的特点、工作原理、特性、应用和使用方法。

    The article introduces Rotameter 's features , operation principles , characteristics , application and its operation method .

  28. 文章通过理论推导、计算数据及实验数据对转子流量计流量计算理论及刻度标定进行探讨。

    A theoretical calculation on the flow in the rotameter and its calibration were studied both theoretically and experimentally .

  29. 非对称耦合量子阱、柱形量子点量子阱中非线性光学性质研究锥形芯柱式转子流量计

    Studies on the Nonlinear Optical Properties in Coupled Quantum Wells and Cylindrical Quantum Dot Quantum Well tapered center-column rotameter

  30. 直通式带护套转子流量计击剑运动员必须佩带护具,包括护胸、罩和手套。

    Straight through type armored rotameter Fencers must wear protective clothing including a padded jacket , a wire mesh and a glove .