
  • 网络Track calculation;orbit determination
  1. 并将其应用于高度为800公里ERS-1卫星的轨道计算,结果表明:修订后的J77模型比其它大气模型在测轨精度上有明显改善。

    The new version of J77 is found to be obviously advantageous to the precision orbit determination of ERS-1 , which is at the height of800km , compared with other atmospheric models .

  2. 目视双星轨道计算的动力学方法

    On the dynamical method of the orbit determination of the visual binary stars

  3. 球状星团M3绝对自行的测定对其轨道计算结果的影响

    The effect of absolute proper motion determinations of the globular cluster m3 on calculations of its orbit

  4. Coates图的简化法则及其在Hückel分子轨道计算中的应用

    The rule simplifying the Coates figure and its application

  5. 应用离散变分Xα量子化学分子轨道计算方法,根据5类共28个不同的结构模型,研究了碳化硼及掺硅系列组成,结构,化学键及热电性能之间的关系。

    The correlation among composition , structure , chemical bond and thermoelectric property of boron carbide and Si doped ones was studied using DV X α method , with 5 classes of 28 models .

  6. FY-2C星发射轨道计算与分析

    Computation and Analysis of Launch Orbit for FY-2C Meteorological Satellite

  7. 本文采用扩展到f轨道计算的INDO程序,对轻稀土石墨层间化合物(REGIC)进行计算。

    Quantum Chemical INDO program involving f - orbitals was employed for calculating graphite intercalation compounds of rare earth ( REGIC ) .

  8. 以扩展休克尔(Hückel)分子轨道计算法半定量地分析了光学碱度,得出了与Duffy定性模型一致的结论。

    The results of theoretical analysis of the optical basicity with the extended Hckel molecular orbital method are in agreement with those of the Duffy 's model .

  9. 详细地研究了目前应用广泛且效果良好的缺失数据处理方法&EM算法,并将EM算法与切比雪夫拟合算法结合,应用于缺失数据时的卫星轨道计算中。

    As a current wide application and good method in processing missing data , EM algorithm is studied in detail , and apply to satellite orbit calculation by combining chebyshev fitting method when it has missing datas .

  10. 为了利用现有的、用Fortran编写的卫星轨道计算子程序,本文采用动态链接库的方式实现了Fortran和VC++的混合编程。

    In order to make use of the exiting program about orbit calculation of satellites which is written in Fortran , Mixed-languages programming ( Fortran and VC + + ) is realized by using DLL .

  11. 应用半经验分子轨道计算绝对速率理论,研究了乙烯和丙烯碳酸酯(EC,PC)分解的反应机理,推断了丙烯碳酸酯在石墨阳极上反常分解行为。

    In order to understand the anomalous decomposition behavior of propylene carbonate ( PC ) on a graphite electrode , the reaction mechanism for the decomposition of propylene and ethylene carbonate ( EC ) was studied by means of absolute rate theory with semi empirical molecular orbital calculations .

  12. 本文以扩展的WassilyLeontief投入产出表为统计基础,结合最优化理论,建立动态反污染控制目标约束下的宏观经济系统均衡增长轨道计算模型,以及宏观经济系统最优增长轨道计算模型。

    This article puts the expanding Wassily Leontief 's input-output form as a statistical basis , and combines the optimization theory to establish a macro-economic balanced increase model under binded by dynamic anti-contaminating control target , and a macro-economic optimum increase model .

  13. 硅表面氧吸附的自洽键轨道计算

    Self-Consistent Calculation of Bond Orbital for Oxygen Adsorption on Si Surface

  14. 给定条件下直接命中月球轨道计算方法

    Calculation method of translunar trajectories for direct striking in specified conditions

  15. 任意共轭系及其代谢中产物的一揽子分子轨道计算

    Wholesale Molecular Orbital Calculation of Arbitrary Conjugated Systems and Their Metabolic Intermediates

  16. 三阶非线性电容电路中的同宿轨道计算及混沌

    Homoclinic Orbits and Chaos in a Third-Order Circuit Containing a Nonlinear Capacitor

  17. 定向井钻井空间圆弧轨道计算的两个问题

    Two question of space circular arc orbit calculation during drilling directional well

  18. 机载固体运载火箭能力分析及轨道计算

    Launching Capability Analysis and Orbit Calculation on Airborne Launch Vehicle

  19. 一种快速轨道计算起步方法

    Quick ; A High Speed Initialization Method for Orbit Computation

  20. 单壁碳纳米管杂化轨道计算

    Calculation of the hybridization orbital of single-wall carbon nanotubes

  21. 地球同步卫星及其轨道计算

    Earth Synchronous Satellite and its Calculation of Orbits

  22. 中间轨道计算的线性拟合方法

    Linear Matching Method of Intermediate Orbital Computation

  23. 苯环分子的分子轨道计算

    Compute orbital wave function of benzene molecule

  24. 轨道计算的一种半分析方法

    A semi-analytical method of Orbit Computation

  25. 大机动无人机飞行轨道计算中两个问题的分析

    Analysis of Two Questions in the Calculation of the Flight Trajectory of a Certain High-Maneuver Pilotless Aircraft

  26. 苯系共轭分子的能级和分子轨道计算

    The calculation of the energy level and molecular orbit of the conjugated molecules of the benzene series

  27. 正是由于以上需要,本文对运动目标的合成孔径雷达成像处理尤其是轨道计算技术进行了深入的研究。

    Therefore , this thesis did some research on the SAR imaging especially the trajectory calculation of moving targets .

  28. 具体地说,采用六自由度弹道仿真对飞行体进行了更加接近实际的轨道计算。

    To be concrete , the six degree of freedom projectile trajectory simulation is used to get close-to-fact trajectory .

  29. 可直接用于制导,实时轨道计算,卫星轨道短期预报等。

    It may be used in guidance , onboard orbit computation , and short term forecast of satellite orbit .

  30. 本文阐述了地球同步卫星的特征、用途及其轨道计算。

    This paper deals with the characteristic , the uses and the calculation of orbits of earth synchronous satellite .