
  • Land Rover;Range Rover;Evoque
  1. 哈利姆亮了一下他的军官证,设法找来了一名士兵看着路虎车。

    Halim flashed his official card , and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover .

  2. 很长一段时间以来,路虎(LandRover)似乎也在摆脱不了“僵尸车厂”的宿命。

    For a long while , Land Rover seemed headed in the same direction .

  3. 1986年,路虎亏损9亿英镑。

    In 1986 Rover made a loss of nine hundred million pounds

  4. 他有辆劳斯莱斯,他把它折价贴换了两辆外形相配的银色路虎车。

    He had a Rolls-Royce , and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers

  5. 他看见那辆灰色的路虎越野车停在不远处的边道上,离他一百码开外。

    He saw the grey Land-Rover down the bypass . It was more than a hundred yards from him

  6. 而诺夫利斯公司生产的铝目前用于现款路虎揽胜(RangeRover)。

    Novelis aluminum is used in the current model range rover .

  7. 另一款车预计为路虎发现运动版(LandRoverDiscoverySport)。

    The other vehicle is expected to be the Land Rover Discovery Sport .

  8. 塔塔汽车有限公司(TataMotorsLtd.)旗下的捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)目前也在寻求大举进入中国市场。

    Tata Motors Ltd. 's Jaguar Land Rover is seeking to meaningfully enter the market .

  9. 奇瑞和捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)在2012年签订了合约,定于今年投产。

    Chery and Jaguar Land Rover signed a deal in 2012 , with production due this year .

  10. 捷豹路虎还聘请了歌手维多利亚贝克汉姆(VictoriaBeckham)帮助宣传该车型。

    It has recruited Victoria Beckham , the singer , to help promote the model .

  11. 福特也无法让路虎重振雄风,只好在2008年将它卖给了印度的塔塔汽车公司(TataMotors)。

    Ford struggled with Land Rover before selling it to Tata Motors of India in 2008 .

  12. 揽胜(RangeRovers)系列和路虎(LandRovers)系列要受欢迎得多,占据中国豪华运动型多用途车(SUV)市场10%的份额。

    Its far more popular Range Rovers and Land Rovers command 10 per cent of the market for luxury SUVs .

  13. 艾恩斯利是有史以来最成功的奥林匹克航海家,总共获得了5枚奥运奖牌。他也是路虎本·艾恩斯利帆船队(LandRoverBAR)的船长,他经常在比赛中后来居上,最终取得胜利。

    Ainslie - the most successfulOlympic sailor in history , with five medals - is captain of theLand Rover BAR sailing team and has a penchant for come-from-behind victories .

  14. 新的竞争者,比如梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes)、雷克萨斯(Lexus)甚至连保时捷(Porsche)都开始推出越野车型,蚕食着路虎的市场份额。

    Newer competitors from Mercedes , Lexus , and even Porsche began to make inroads .

  15. 阿斯顿马丁(astonmartin)和捷豹-路虎(jaguarlandrover)也已经通过大量裁员、缩短工时等传统手段对危机做出了回应。

    Aston Martin and Jaguar Land Rover have also already responded with the traditional measures of substantial lay-offs and shorter working weeks .

  16. 另一方面,路虎一直专注于做SUV,并因此而兴盛起来。

    Land Rover , on the other hand , has stayed focused on SUVs and thrived .

  17. 以塔塔汽车(TataMotors)旗下的捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)为例,这个品牌通过销售运动型多用途车(SUV)获利,这是中国最畅销的乘用车型。

    Take Tata Motors-owned JaguarLand Rover , which has profited from selling SUVs , the fastest-selling passenger segment in China .

  18. 在豪华SUV车型领域,降价销售的现象十分普遍,但路虎汽车的价格却十分坚挺。

    Discounts are rife among luxury SUVs , but Land Rover has been able to hold prices .

  19. 即使路虎的跑车车型都具有越野能力,而且它目前也并不打算推出类似于activetourer这样的车型。

    Even its Sport model is expedition-capable and there are no signs of an active tourer on the horizon .

  20. 他在阿斯顿马丁工作了16年,曾参与研发DB9车型;之前他在路虎(LandRover)工作了10年。

    He spent 16 years at Aston Martin and worked on the DB9 , having been at Land Rover for a decade .

  21. 这样一桩交易与福特2008年初把豪华车品牌捷豹(Jaguar)和路虎(LandRover)卖给印度塔塔汽车(TataMotorsLtd.)的交易类似。

    Such a deal would be similar to Ford 's sale of luxury brands Jaguar and Land Rover to India 's Tata Motors Ltd. in early 2008 .

  22. 捷豹路虎汽车(JaguarLandRover)去年的销量刷新纪录,得益于中国这一关键市场的强势增长和一系列新车型的发布。

    Jaguar Land Rover last year sold more vehicles than ever before , helped by strong growth in the crucial Chinese market and a string of new launches .

  23. 在金宝创办他的这家新的创业型企业的过程中,让它与马莎百货(MarksandSpencer)和捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)一道成为英国企业的代表,始终都不是最有可能出现的结果。

    To be representing British business alongside Marks and Spencer and Jaguar Land Rover was never the most likely outcome as Mr James pursued his new entrepreneurial venture .

  24. 相比之下,捷豹路虎的营业利润率接近10%,这建立在未被收购前构想的多款车型——如路虎揽胜极光(RangeRoverEvoque)——大获成功的基础上。

    JLR , by contrast , makes operating margins close to 10 per cent , having built on the success of products conceived during the Ford era , such as the Range Rover Evoque .

  25. 传动系统开始,噩梦汽车拥有从发动机名爵TF传输路虎神行者从交配起来。

    Starting with the drivetrain , the Nightmare Car boasts the engine from an MG TF mated up to the transmission from a Land Rover Freelander .

  26. 自从宝马甩掉路虎(Rover),梅塞德斯-奔驰与克莱斯勒(Chrysler)撇清关系以来,两家公司都在极力避免大型车市场,而把重点放在精品小车上。

    Since BMW dumped Rover and Mercedes shed its relationship with Chrysler , both automakers have shunned high-volume segments of the car business and focused on premium models .

  27. 英国商务大臣曼德尔森(lordmandelson)正在考虑,捷豹-路虎是否需要政府支持以度过难关,或者是否能让塔塔提供进一步支持。

    Lord Mandelson , business secretary , is considering whether Jaguar Land Rover needs government backing to get through the recession or whether Tata can be called on for further support .

  28. 为此,他关闭了福特公司业绩不佳的工厂,停止生产包括捷豹(Jaguar)和路虎(LandRover)在内的令公司亏本的汽车品牌,并开始研发消费者负担得起的节能汽车。

    To do that , Ford closed down under-performing plants , but also began to design affordable , fuel-efficient cars , and discontinued brands that were losing money , including Jaguar and Land Rover .

  29. 捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)正试图通过旗舰轿车产品在中国获得增长动力,该公司正寻求在世界最大汽车市场挑战德国竞争对手的霸主地位。

    Jaguar Land Rover is attempting to gain traction in China with its flagship saloons as it seeks to break the stranglehold of its dominant German rivals in the world 's largest car market .

  30. 印度的塔塔汽车(TataMotors)去年4季度的利润出现了意外的大幅减少,这家捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)的所有者受到了关键的中国市场放缓的冲击。

    India 's Tata Motors unveiled a large and unexpected fall in fourth-quarter earnings as the owner of Jaguar Land Rover suffered from the effects of a slowdown in the crucial Chinese market .