
  • 网络transition process
  1. 应用广义Wigner分布的Fokker-Planck方程的系统方法,研究了混合吸收和色散特征的受驱动光学系统的多光子跃迁过程。

    The systematic method of Fokker-Planck equation ( FPE ) of the generalized Wigner distribution is used to study the multi-photon transition process of a driven optical system , which has the mixture of absorptive and dispersive feature .

  2. 广义相变是指物质系统由一定态向另一定态的跃迁过程,包括平衡态相变,非平衡相变,以及介于这两者之间的相变。

    Generalized phase transition refers to the transition process of material system from one steady-state to another . It includes equilibrium phase transition ( EPT ) and nonequilibrium phase transition ( NPT ), and the phase transition between them .

  3. 本文通过理论计算揭示共轭体系的分子间光诱导电子转移的机理,用连续介质模型估计电荷转移(CT)跃迁过程的溶剂化能,探讨光诱导电子转移的动力学问题。

    In this work , we intended to study the mechanism of photoinduced intermolecular ET reaction , including the estimation of the solvation energy in charge transfer ( CT ) transitions , and investigation of the kinetics of photoinduced ET.

  4. Coulson(2001)等用框架转换论来阐释幽默言语事件中的语义跃迁过程。

    Coulson ( 2001 ) and others have identified semantic leaps in humorous interpretations with the theoretic tool of frame shifting .

  5. 本文探讨平衡态下的双光子跃迁过程,建立了双光子黑体辐射公式;

    This paper discusses some two-photon processes in thermal equilibrium .

  6. 二者跃迁过程的上能级相同。

    The upper energy levels of these two electrons transition processes are the same .

  7. 本文利用玻恩近似理论对双模激光场中自由-自由跃迁过程中的相位影响进行了初步研究。

    Phase control of free-free transitions in bichromatic laser field is investigated employing the Born approximation .

  8. 最后,通过比较理论与实验结果,对所观测到的跃迁过程进行了指派。

    Comparison of the experiments with theory makes an assign-ment of the transition processes observed experimentally .

  9. 碰撞过程中量子干涉效应是分子碰撞导致的无辐射跃迁过程中的干涉,本质上是属于德布罗意波之间的干涉。

    Collisional quantum interference takes place in radiationless transitions and is inherently the interference between de Broglie waves .

  10. 玻尔如何利用量子跃迁过程中电子在轨道之间来回跳跃,来揭示原子的多微粒结构;

    How Bohr brought the graininess into the atom , with electrons hopping between orbits in quantum jumps .

  11. 这两种理论相结合对幽默的语义作用过程具有很强的阐释力,是理解幽默效果和语义跃迁过程的重要分析工具。

    The combination of the two theories is an important analytic approach to the interpretation of humors and semantic leaps .

  12. 利用量子力学中的二阶微扰理论,推导出了微分散射截面的表达式,给出了跃迁过程的选择定则。

    The expressions of the differential cross section are given using the second-order perturbation method and selection rule is studied .

  13. 无辐射跃迁过程中会产生大量热量,引起热效应,降低激光器输出功率和输出功率与吸收泵浦功率的斜效率,影响光束质量。

    Nonradiative decay process will generate heat , decreasing the out power and the slope efficiency , and decreasing the beam quality .

  14. 本文讨论半导体超晶格及量子阱导带和价带的量子化亚带或子能级之间的带间光跃迁过程。

    The interband transitions between the subbands of conduction band and valence band for the Quantum wells and superlattices of semiconducters are discussed .

  15. 当双光子跃迁过程加强时,原子可以实现较单光子过程更低的温度。

    It is shown that temperatures lower than the one in the one-photon processes can be achieved in the enhancement of the two-photon processes .

  16. 极化子的研究对于解释离子晶体和极性半导体的光跃迁过程及输运现象有重要意义。

    The study on this subject plays an important role in explaining the phenomena of light transition and transport in the ionic crystal and polar semiconductor .

  17. 相变是自然界中广泛存在的一类突变现象,是物质系统由一种稳定状态向另一稳定状态的跃迁过程。

    Phase transition , which exists in nature widely , is a sort of break phenomenon and transition process which substance system changes from one steady state to another .

  18. 本文通过对新型半导体材料的凝聚态光谱研究,对半导体材料的声子、电子及其跃迁过程等基本物理性质和材料薄膜质量等领域进行探索和分析。

    We have studied the basic physical properties such as the lattice vibration and the electron transition , as well as the quality analysis of novel semiconductor materials based on the modern spectroscopy technology .

  19. 结果表明,在啁啾脉冲光场作用下的双光子过程中,可通过对光场的裁剪实现双光子跃迁过程与和频过程的聚焦效应。

    The results show that two-photon process in under action of the chirped pulse light field ; the focusing effect in two-photon transitions process and sum frequency process is achieved by cutting light field .

  20. 在激光场的极化方向都平行于入射电子方向这种特殊的散射模式下,计算得到了电子-原子自由-自由跃迁过程微分散射截面与激光场的相位、交换光子数之间的关系。

    These relations of differential cross sections of e-Ar , phase and commutative photon are obtained in a special scattering geometry ( the incident electron beam is parallel to the polarization direction of the laser field ) .

  21. 研究表明在nc-Si:H薄膜中光电子跃迁过程明显不同于单晶硅材料中的间接跃迁过程,前者具有较高的光电子跃迁几率和较强的光学吸收。

    The studies in this thesis demonstrate that the optical interband transitions in the nc-Si : H thin film are quite different from the indirect transition in c-Si , the transition probability and optical absorption in nc-Si : H are much higher than those in c-Si .

  22. 通过模型结果表明:我国农业产业化成长路径本质上,是农业产业组织形态由初级农产品自给自足型,向加工农产品自给自足型,向市场交易型,再向企业化经营型逐级跃迁的过程。

    The result of model indicates that the path of agricultural industrialization can be obtained with the process , which agricultural organization types from primary products autarky type to manufacture products autarky type , to marketing transaction type , to corporation organization type .

  23. 工业结构升级就是推动工业生产力系统要素和结构的不断变化,导致生产力系统功能大幅提高,从而实现工业生产力系统整体性跃迁的过程。

    The industry structure upgrade is to impel the continuously evolvement of essential elements and structure of industry productive forces system , and leads to the productive forces system function to improve largely , thus realizes the holistic transition of industry productive forces system finally .

  24. 研究结果表明,纳米银对表面吸附FL的荧光作用与FL分子附近局域电磁场增强和分子到金属表面无辐射跃迁能量转移过程决定并与纳米银的浓度、尺寸及电解质等密切相关。

    The results suggest that the effect of metal-enhanced fluorescence is strongly affected by the local field enhancement , the size and concentration of silver nanoparticles and electrolyte .

  25. 论文首先讨论外界旋转的微扰使BEC产生涡旋,之后被撤掉,涡旋态向能量低、无角动量激发的核心态跃迁的动力学过程。

    In present dissertation , dynamical process of transition from the vortex state to the core state with lower energy and no angular excitation after removing the external rotating perturbation which makes the vortex state formed in BEC is discussed firstly .

  26. 游戏中从头到尾你都拥有飞船的控制权,包括入坞以及进行跃迁旅行的过程中。

    You are in control of your ship the entire time , including docking and jump drive travel .

  27. 双光子吸收过程是一个分子或原子通过中间虚态同时吸收两个光子从而产生从基态到激发态跃迁的量子过程。

    Two-Photon absorption ( TPA ) is a quantum process in which an atom or molecule simultaneously absorbs two photons via intermediate virtual state .

  28. 本文讨论了超导隧道结(SIS)从零电压态跃迁到正常态过程的量子特征。

    We discuss the quantum characteristics of superconductor tunneling junction ( SIS ) during its transition from zero voltage state to normal state .

  29. 根据激光二极管纵向抽运Tm,Ho:YLF激光器的能级跃迁和能量传递过程,在考虑能量传递上转换的情况下,建立了准三能级阈值速率方程,得出了激光器阈值的解析解。

    Based on the energy transfer between ions and the transition between energy levels of diode-end-pumped Tm , Ho : YLF laser , under the consideration of energy transfer up-conversion , the threshold rate equations are given , and the analytical formulas of laser threshold are deduced from rate-equations .

  30. 探讨了在合成NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+/Tm3+过程中,Yb3+、Er3+和Tm3+的掺杂浓度、水热温度、反应时间等因素对发光性质和强度的影响,以及上转换发光过程中的能级跃迁和能量传递过程。

    The influence of nature and intensity of luminescence and up-conversion light-emitting energy in the process of transition and the energy transfer process were also discussed .