
  • 网络nanofossil;Calcareous nannofossil;nannofossil;ultramicrofossil
  1. 钙质超微化石分异度DH以及主要化石种相对百分含量的高值区的主轴线的走向与现代黄海暖流的流路密切相关。

    The trend of the main axis of the high-value area of the Shannon-Wiener Index ( D_H ) and the relative Content ( % ) of the principal calcareous nannofossil is closely related to the flow way of the warm current of the Huanghai Sea .

  2. 钙质超微化石的生物地层学是对钴结壳定年的可靠方法。

    Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy is an effective method to date Co-rich ferromanganese crust .

  3. 对南海东北部海区(12~22°N、116~122°E)155个表层样品进行了超微化石分析。

    Calcareous nannoplankton analysis has been carried out for 155 surface sediment samples taken from the northeastern parts of the South China Sea ( 12 ~ 22 ° N , 116 ~ 122 ° E ) .

  4. tenuis的出现,表明该区钙质超微化石组合面貌与东海外陆架相似,和东海及南海都属于北太平洋中央水团组合。

    So this area belongs to the central zone of the North Pacific in biogeographic zonations of nannoplankton as the East China Sea and the South China Sea .

  5. 对“大洋一号”调查船在中太平洋采集的N115和N5E062个富钴结壳样品进行了钙质超微化石及其生物地层学的研究与分析。

    Calcareous nannofossils in2 Co-rich ferromanganese crusts , N1-15 and N5E-06 , from the central Pacific seamounts were analyzed in order to estimate their depositional ages .

  6. 通过对西太平洋麦哲伦海山M1-1,M2-1铁锰结壳样品超微化石的分析,在Ⅱ+Ⅲ层结壳层中发现了中新世以来的超微化石种类H.carteri,C。

    Based on the study of nannofossils in ferromanganese crusts MDD-53-1 and MED-48-1 collected from Magellan Seamounts in the western Pacific , the nannofossil species H. carteri , C.

  7. 钙质超微化石表明红层的时间从Turonian早期(UC7带)到Coniacian中期&晚期界线(UC10/?UC11带)。

    Nannofossil assemblages show that the age of the red beds is the uppermost part of Lower Turonian ( Zone UC 7 ) to Middle-Upper Coniacian boundary ( Zone UC10 / ? UC11 ) .

  8. 南海北部深海钻孔中的钙质超微化石

    Calcareous nannofossils from two deep-sea cores in the northern South China Sea

  9. 钙质超微化石物种更新速度增长;

    An increased species turnover rate in marine calcareous nan of ossils ;

  10. 边缘海与大洋第三纪钙质超微化石群比较研究

    A comparative study of tertiary calcareous nannofossils from marginal sea and open ocean

  11. 西北太平洋中部海山区富钴结壳中的钙质超微化石

    Calcareous nannofossils from cobalt-rich crust in Middle Pacific seamount

  12. 我国咸化湖泊沉积中钙质超微化石特征及其地质意义

    Characteristics and geologic significance of calcareous Nanofossils in sediments of terrestrial salinized lakes

  13. 东太平洋中新世钙质超微化石及其地层学、古海洋学意义

    Miocene calcareous nannofossils from the East Pacific Ocean and their stratigraphic and palaeo-oceanographical significances

  14. 珠江口盆地新第三纪钙质超微化石的分布及其地质意义

    Distribution of Neocene calcareous Nannofossil in Pearl River Mouth Basin and its geological significance

  15. 钙质超微化石研究简况

    History of the research of calcareous nannofossils

  16. Albian-Campanian钙质超微化石描述生物地理学研究

    Descriptive biogeographic study on albian-campanian calcareous nannofossils

  17. 西菲律宾海盆-马里亚纳海槽区柱状岩芯中钙质超微化石分析及地层时代

    Calcareous nannofossils analysis and the age of cores from West Philippine basin - Mariana Trench

  18. 南海东北部表层沉积中钙质超微化石的分布

    Distribution of calcareous nannoplankton in surface sediments of the northeastern parts of the South China Sea

  19. 南海南部第四纪表层海水古生产力变化的钙质超微化石证据

    Calcareous Nannofossil evidence for variations in Quaternary surface water paleoproductivity in the southern South China Sea

  20. 珠江口盆地新近系钙质超微化石研究综述

    Review of the Neogene calcareous Nannofossil research of the Pearl River mouth basin , South China

  21. 香港南部近海晚第四纪钙质超微化石分布及其地质意义

    Distribution and geological significance of calcareous nannofossils in Late Quaternary sediments on the south of Hongkong

  22. 钙质超微化石定量研究方法

    Techniques for quantitative Nannofossil studies

  23. 东海陆架盆地西南部海相始新统钙质超微化石

    Lower and middle Eocene calcareous nannofossils from the southwestern continental shelf basin of the East China Sea

  24. 南海表层沉积钙质超微化石氧碳同位素研究

    Preliminary study on the oxygen and carbon isotope of calcareous nannofossils in surface sediments of the South China Sea

  25. 南海中部KSO1和KSO2岩心钙质超微化石分带与古地磁测年

    The calcareous nannofossils zonation and paleomagnetic dating of cores kso_1 , kso_2 from the centre of the South China Sea

  26. 第四系和现代陆相咸化湖泊沉积中发现的钙质超微化石属种往往是海相第四系或现代海洋中常见类型。

    The calcareous nanofossils found in Quaternary and present terrestrial salinized lakes are generally the same kinds in modern oceans .

  27. 西永1井上新世的钙质超微化石记录了一次迅速的海侵事件。

    The Calcareous nannofossils in Xiyong 1 drilling cores recorded a fast transgression event happened in the early stage of Pliocene .

  28. 对南海34个站位表层沉积中的钙质超微化石进行了氧碳稳定同位素分析。

    Oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses have been carried out on calcareous nannofossils in 34 surface sediment samples from the South China Sea .

  29. 出现有“海相”沟鞭藻、有孔虫和钙质超微化石是由于当时湖泊咸化及富养料造成的。

    The presence of the " marine " Dinophyceae , foraminifera and calcareous ultramicrofossils are attributed to the salinized lakes and abundant nutrients .

  30. 不宜笼统地把钙质超微化石都当作海侵或海陆过渡相烃源岩的标志

    It is Inadvisable to Regard All Calcareous Nanofossils in Hydrocarbon Source Rock as Mark for Hydrocarbon Source Rock of Marine Transgression or Paralic Origin