
  1. 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。(赵翼《论诗》)

    Each age brings forth new genius on this noble land , | and each will rule its own domain for years to come .

  2. 创新:诗歌创作的价值体现&对赵翼诗歌理论的另一种诠释

    Another Annotation on the Poetry Theory of Zhao Yi

  3. 赵翼是清代享有盛誉的诗人、诗歌批评家和史学家。

    Zhao Yi is the Qing Dynasty renowned poet , poetry critic and historian .

  4. 赵翼史论的近代价值

    The Modern Value of Zhao Yi 's Historiography

  5. 史学赵翼与文学赵翼:学者身份和诗人身份互动的个案研究

    A Case Study Related to ZHAO Yi in the Interaction Effect between a Historian and a Literati

  6. 史与诗的合璧:作为史家身份的赵翼诗歌创新宋诗是中国诗歌史上继唐诗之后的又一高峰。

    The Song Poetry was another climax after the Tang Poetry in the history of the Chinese poetry .

  7. 袁枚、蒋士铨和赵翼是清代中期三位著名的诗人,他们以其显著的诗学成就被时人及后世并称为乾隆三大家。

    Yuan Mei , Jiang Shiquan and Zhao Yi were famous poets in the Qing dynasty , who were called " the three great poets in the period of Qianlong " .

  8. 其独特性之一表现在其身份的二重性&诗人与史家合璧,赵翼的诗歌创作明显受其史学思维与方法的影响,在诗歌内容与风格等方面皆有创新;

    The one was his double status & historian and poet 's amalgamation , his historical thought and method had a great influence on his poetry produce and caused innovation on his poetry content and method .

  9. 赵翼详细考察宋、辽、金三史的编纂过程、材料来源,并对其编纂方法和体例进行分析,总结其成功之处,分析其存在不足和失误之处。

    Zhao Yi gave a detailed observation on the process of compilations , the source material , the compiling method and stylistic rules involving histories in Song , Liao and Jin dynasties . He summarized their success and analyzed the shortcomings in this notes .