
  • 网络Hestia
  1. 赫斯提亚是宙斯,波塞冬和哈迪斯的姐姐。

    Hestia is the sister to Zeus , Poseidon , and Hades .

  2. 还有灶神赫斯提亚,代表居家生活和家庭幸福。

    Hestia , the goddess of the hearth , represented home life and family happiness .

  3. 圣火和圆圈是赫斯提亚的象征。

    The moon is the symbol of Artemis .

  4. 他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。赫斯提亚

    He is the son of Cronus and Rhea . Poseidons ' symbols were the dolphin and the trident .

  5. 这是你们的家庭教师玛丽亚小姐,还有灶神赫斯提亚,代表居家生活和家庭幸福。

    Now , this is your new governess , Fraulein Maria . Hestia , the goddess of the hearth , represented home life and family happiness .