
Chì bì zhī zhàn
  • The Battle of Chibi;Battle of Red Cliff (208 A.D.), in which liu Bei and Sun Quan joined in crushing Cao Cao
  1. 赤壁之战决定了魏、蜀、吴三国鼎足之势。

    The Battle of the Red Cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms , Wei , Shu and Wu .

  2. 2008年7月11日作者:MaggieLee摘自:《好莱坞报道》作为重现公元208年赤壁之战——中国历史上最有名的军事壮举——的首部力作,吴宇森拍摄的电影《赤壁》是一个泛亚工程项目,足以用“丰碑”一词加以形容。

    July 11 , 2008 By Maggie Lee HONG KONG -- As the first film to re-create the 208 A.D. Battle of Chibi , the most famous military feat in Chinese history , John Woo 's " Red Cliff " is a Pan-Asian project with the word " monumental " written all over it .

  3. 赤壁之战斗舰的复原研究

    Recovery Research of Combat Ships Used in Chibi Battle

  4. 由此为赤壁之战研究中有关分歧的解决奠定了基础。

    It is a foundation to solve the questions of research on ChiBi Battle .

  5. 这部由吴宇森导演的电影叫做《赤壁之战》。

    The film , Red Cliff , is to be directed by John Woo .

  6. 赤壁之战的节奏包括三个部分:一是言语与语言。

    The rhythm of ' The Battle of Chi Bi ' includes three parts .

  7. 赤壁之战后,协助刘备平定荆南。

    After Battle at the Red Wall , assists Liu Bei to still Jing Nan .

  8. 赤壁之战的结果极大地阻止了曹操跨过扬子江向中国南部的扩张。

    The result of the Battle of Red Clifk greatly hindered Cao Cao 's expension across Yangtse River into the Southern China .

  9. 三大战役中的“赤壁之战”和“夷陵之战”的主战场在湖北;

    In three big campaigns " Battle at the Red Wall " and " war of the Yiling " main battlefield in Hubei ;

  10. 对大部分人来说,读过赤壁之战的故事绝对比读兵法更为受用。

    For most people , it is more useful to read the story of the Red Cliff them to read the Art of War .

  11. 在赤壁之战中,寻求帮助的蜀国反而成了幕后总指挥;

    Take the Chibi War for an example , Shu , who asked for help at first , later unexpectedly became the backstage manipulator .

  12. 本文综合史料,概述了历史上的赤壁之战的几个主要问题。

    According to historical data and records , this article provides an overview of several major issues covering the history of the Battle of Red Cliff .

  13. 军史价值与文学价值的统一《赤壁之战》与《曹刿论战》比较分析命运拷问与性格悲剧试析曹禺《雷雨》的创作意图

    The Unity of Military Historic Value and Literary Value On destiny of Torture and Disposition 's Tragic ── On Analysis Intension Guiding Creation of Thunder Rain

  14. 赤壁之战,是中国历史上非常著名的以少胜多的战例之一。

    The Battle of Chibi or the Red Cliff is a famous battle in Chinese history in which a numerically inferior force defeated its stronger enemy .

  15. 影片投资者可能将要从亚洲市场获取大部分票房收入。因为在亚洲,赤壁之战的故事早已被编写到学校课程、电脑游戏及连环漫画之中。

    Its investors likely are to recoup most of it from the Asian market , where the story has infiltrated school curriculum , computer games and manga .

  16. 赤壁之战时,孙权已有能力抵御来自北方曹操的进犯。

    By the time of the Red Cliffs campaign , however , the state of Sun Quan was strong enough to hold off a direct attack from Cao Cao in the north .

  17. 电影背景为赤壁之战以及其他发生在公元三世纪汉朝末期三国时期的重要事件。

    The film follows the battle of Red Cliffs and other key events at the end of the Hahn Dynasty immediately prior to the beginning of The Three Kingdoms period in the third century AD.

  18. 智斗艺术描写的典范&谈赤壁之战的智斗艺术描写论红岩精神的丰富内涵

    Sample of Artistic Description of Sapiential Warfare & Discussion about the artistic description of sapiential warfare in The War of the Red Cliff About the Profound Conception of the Hong Yan ( Red Cliff ) Spirit

  19. 《赤壁之战》与《曹刿论战》是我国历史上以描写战争著称的两篇历史散文。这两篇文章在许多方面有相似之处,又有各自的独特风格。

    The War at Red Cliff and Cao Kui 's Prose Works on Ware , two historical prose writings fa - mous for their descriptions of wars , bear a lot of similarities while each maintains its individual style .

  20. 赤壁之战曹军大败,所剩三百人马,跟随曹操向华容道退去。

    This story is from the novel Three Kingdoms . Cao Cao 's troops had suffered heavy casualties in the Chibi Campaign and there were only 300 troops left . Cao Cao led these troops to Huarongdao in retreat .

  21. 诸葛亮在《隆中对策》中确定了联吴抗曹、兴复汉室的方针,取得了赤壁之战的胜利,显示了孙刘联盟的生命力。

    Zhuge Liang defined the policy of combining Wu against Cao , reviving the Han Dynasty in " Long Zhong Countermove " . He won the victory of Chibi Battle , and showed great vitality of Sun Liu Alliance .

  22. 这两个部分不但创造了赤壁之战的艺术审美情境,而且还起到提升《三国演义》艺术质量的作用。

    The language of ' The Battle of Chi Bi ' can be divided into two types : narrative speech and character speech , which not only create an artistic aesthetic situation of this article , but also upgrade the quality of it .

  23. 赤壁之战成为中国历史上有名的战役,它也是最后一次统一中国南北的机会,因为对长江中游地带的控制就意味着南方是继续存在还是归顺北方。

    The battle at the Red Cliffs has become one of the most celebrated battles in Chinese history , and it was the last chance for many years to re-unite the empire , for it was the control of the middle Yangtze which meant survival or surrender of the south .