
sài shì
  • game;match;contest
赛事 [sài shì]
  • [match] 指比赛

  • 赛事过半

  1. 加雷思·爱德华兹于1971年法国队与威尔士队在巴黎的比赛中贡献的一记扭转赛事的触地得分

    the Gareth Edwards try which turned the game between France and Wales in Paris in 1971 .

  2. 《人生的赛事》(TheGameoftheirLives,2002)由来自谢菲尔德的丹尼尔戈登(DanielGordon)执导。

    The Game of their Lives ( 2002 ) was directed by Sheffield-based Daniel Gordon .

  3. 英国广播公司将报道这次锦标赛的所有重要赛事。

    The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament .

  4. 这项赛事是由师生共同组织的。

    The event was organized jointly by students and staff .

  5. 由于天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行。

    In view of the weather , the event will now be held indoors .

  6. 开播于1991年的付费电视频道premiere实况转播两大顶级足球联赛的赛事。

    Premiere , a subscription channel which began in 1991 , shows live football covering the top two divisions

  7. 这是英国体坛大事表上最负盛名的赛事之一。

    It is one of the British sporting calendar 's most prestigious events

  8. 连绵阴雨致使翌日各项赛事被迫中止。

    Constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day 's competitions .

  9. 除了两项赛事之外,欧洲在其余5项赛事中都有代表参加。

    Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races

  10. 女子链球运动还不是主要的赛事。

    Hammer-throwing for women is not yet a major event .

  11. 他已赢得了超过25次国际级别赛事的胜利。

    He had notched up more than 25 victories worldwide

  12. 背部受伤使她不得不退出温布尔登赛事。

    A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon

  13. 一个小时后车手们将做好准备参加这项重要的赛事。

    In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event

  14. 未来7天通过电视和卫星转播的每一项体育赛事都列在节目预告单上。

    Every sporting event on television and satellite over the next seven days is listed

  15. 这项赛事将会在一英里以外的一个巨大的电视屏幕上转播。

    The event will be relayed to a giant TV screen a mile away .

  16. 这将是他第五个世界冠军,第三个成人级别赛事的冠军。

    This will be his fifth international championship and his third at senior level .

  17. 我们将为您带来今天各项赛事的所有详情。

    We 'll be bringing you all the details of the day 's events .

  18. 上个赛季曼城队在该项赛事中以3比0获胜。

    City won this fixture 3-0 last season .

  19. 电视改变了重大体育赛事观众的规模和其社会阶层构成结构。

    Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions

  20. 滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。

    Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events .

  21. 赛事官员不应纵容这种行为,而应严格执行比赛规则。

    Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game .

  22. 新的一揽子赛事安排已由各英超俱乐部在过去10天的会谈中经反复商讨确定。

    The new fixture package has been hammered out by the Premiership clubs in talks over the last ten days .

  23. 明年足球赛事很频繁。

    Football matches are heavily scheduled for next year .

  24. 今天的赛事中中国队获得了一块金牌两块银牌。

    The Chinese team won a gold and two silver at the races today .

  25. 全国各地大约有l0万名学生参加该项目的系列比赛,每年五月则进行类似游戏展风采的全国性赛事。

    About 100,000 students around the country participate in the program 's competition series , which culminates in a national game-show-style contest held each May .

  26. 从收集到的数据来看,体育赛事、时间变化和假期最常剥夺我们的睡眠。

    From data collected , it seems the things that cause us to lose the most sleep , on average , are sporting events , time changes , and holidays .

  27. 从1856年开始,除了战争年以外,这项赛事每年都会举行。

    From 1856 on , the race has been held every year except war years .

  28. 生活在"互联网"时代,越来越多的电子产品和应用程序在很多方面改变了人们的生活方式,如阅读习惯和体育赛事。

    Living in the age of " Internet " , more and more electronic products and Apps have changed people 's lifestyles in many ways , such as reading habits and sports events .

  29. 参与其他体育赛事或者比赛的人能想象这种事的发生吗?

    Who could ever imagine it in any sport or endeavor ?

  30. 现在可以下赌注——赛事于半小时后开始

    Place your bets now — the race begins in half an hour !