
  • 网络Cardiac Carcinoma;Cardiac cancer;GCA;Gastric cardia adenocarcinoma, GCA
  1. 结论:该地区食管癌和贲门癌存在较高的Rb一致性变化,提示二者可能具有相似的发病因素和分子机制。

    Conclusion : There is a high frequency of Rb coincident changes in concurrent cancers of SCC and GCA , suggesting that there may be similar risk factors and molecular mechanisms involved in SCC and GCA .

  2. 早期贲门癌患者术后5年生存率可达90%,而中、晚期患者5年生存率仅为10%左右,预后极差。

    The five-year survival rate for early GCA patients is more than 90 % after surgical treatment .

  3. 食管癌与贲门癌食管腔粘液24小时pH值监测分析

    Twenty-four Hour Monitoring of Esophageal Mucous pH in Esophageal and Cardiac Cancer

  4. 贲门癌的术前CT评价

    Preoperative CT Evaluation of Carcinoma of Cardia

  5. 贲门癌的CT及B超诊断价值(附67例报告)

    Evaluation of CT and US in diagnosis of cardia carcinoma ( with 67 reports )

  6. 贲门癌组织中P-糖蛋白和p53蛋白的表达及其意义

    Expression and Significance of P-glycoprotein and p53 Protein in Gastric Cardiac Carcinoma

  7. 食管癌和贲门癌组织中p53基因突变的研究

    Mutation of p53 gene in human cancers of the esophagus and gastric cardia

  8. 端粒酶联合DNA倍体分析对贲门癌的诊断率为95.56%。

    The diagnostic accuracy of cardiac cancer was 95.56 % if telomerase activity and DNA analysis were examined at the same time .

  9. 组织蛋白酶D、P糖蛋白及Her-2与贲门癌预后关系的研究

    Expression of Cath D , P gp and Her 2 in carcinoma of the cardia

  10. 方法:对91例进展期贲门癌的术前内镜、螺旋CT增强扫描等检查资料进行综合分析,并与术后病理进行对照。

    Method : The data of endoscope and spiral CT were analyzed and compared with postoperative pathological finding in 91 cases with advanced cardiac carcinoma .

  11. 老年贲门癌组织中caspase-3表达及其临床意义

    Caspase-3 expression and its clinicopathological significance in elderly patients with cardia cancer

  12. 河南贲门癌高发区癌组织浸润淋巴细胞CD4和CD8及δγT的表达及意义

    Alterations of CD_4 and CD_8 and δγ T infiltrating T lymphocytes in gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma in Henan Province , China

  13. 贲门癌黏膜脱落细胞DNA倍体的阳性率(77.78%)明显高于贲门良性疾病组织(11.11%);

    Positive rate of DNA ploid was significantly higher in cardiac cancer tissue ( 77.78 % ) than in benign cardinal lesion ( 11.11 % ) .

  14. src基因产物在贲门癌中表达的免疫组织化学观察

    An Immunohistochemical Observation of src Gene Product in Cardiac Carcinoma

  15. 结论本研究结果表明,胃底贲门癌的p53免疫蛋白表达较胃窦癌高,但p53蛋白核染色不能作为判断胃癌预后的指标或参数。

    Conclusions p53 nuclear staining is not useful as a prognostic indicator or a prognostic parameter in gastric cancer .

  16. 青年人贲门癌预后因素的COX模型分析

    Prognostic factors for youth patiens with cardia cancer : a multivariate analysis by cox model

  17. 基质金属蛋白酶-2和PTEN在贲门癌中表达及临床意义

    The clinical significance of the expression of MMP-2 and PTEN in gastric cardia carcinoma

  18. 方法77例贲门癌患者术前行胃充气状态下上腹部增强CT扫描,对贲门癌切除的可能性进行预测,将预测结果与手术结果相对照。

    Methods 77 preoperative patients received upper abdominal CT scan to judge the resectability of the cancer of gastric cardia , the results of judgement was compared with actual operations .

  19. 方法对1987年12月&2004年12月,本院48例食管贲门癌手术后发生ARDS的临床资料进行回顾分析。

    Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on 48 ARDS patients after operation of esophageal cardiac cancer .

  20. 方法采用多指标检测方法,对192例贲门癌切除术后患者进行定量观察,行电子胃镜、食管压力测定、24小时食管pH监测、放射性核素检查和电镜检查。

    Methods One hundred and ninety two patients were studied by video assisted gastroscopy , manometry , 24 h pH esophageal monitoring , radioscintigraphy and scanning electron microscopy .

  21. 结论贲门癌患者存在恶性贫血倾向及慢性DIC发展过程。

    Conclusion Pernicious anemia and chronic DIC process are found in patients with cardiac cancer .

  22. 目的研究食管贲门癌术后肠内营养(EN)支持的临床价值。

    Objective To study the clinical value of early enteral nutrition after the operation of carcinoma of esophagus and cardia .

  23. 目的评价多层螺旋CT(MDCT)及其多平面重建(MPR)技术在贲门癌术前分期的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the utility of multi-detector CT and multiplanar reconstruction technique in the preoperative staging of cardia cancer .

  24. 目的研究血清涎酸(SA)对贲门癌诊断及监测的临床价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical significance of serum sialic acid ( SA ) measurement in diagnosing and monitoring cardia cancer .

  25. 贲门癌组织P53、P21和CD(44V6)蛋白的表达及其意义

    Expression and significance of P_ ( 53 )、 P_ ( 21 ) and CD_ ( 44V6 ) protein in gastric cardiac carcinoma

  26. 目的:探讨胃底贲门癌病人术后早期应用全肠外营养(TPN)和肠内营养(EN)对营养等状况恢复的比较分析。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of early enteral nutrition on the nutrition status and recovery in postoperative patients with gastric cancer .

  27. 高亲和力、高含量GR在胃体癌、胃底贲门癌中表达的阳性率高;晚期胃癌表达的GR多属高亲和力。

    High affinity and high content GR were found in cancer of gastric body and fundus as well as in advanced gastric cancer .

  28. 结果:本组34例一次性置放成功者32例(94.l%),术后2h经口均能进食,2例因食管贲门癌术后瘢痕狭窄,导丝无法穿过狭窄段而失败。

    Result : 32 patients were successful and had diet after 2 hours , 2 patients of all were failed for postoperative cicatricial stenosis .

  29. 目的总结食管贲门癌术后急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)早期诊断与治疗的经验。

    Objective To review the experience in early diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory distress syndome ( ARDS ) after operation of esophageal cardiac cancer .

  30. 目的探讨P53、P21和CD44V6蛋白的表达情况与贲门癌生物学行为的关系。

    Purpose : To study the correlation of the expression of P53 , P21 and CD44V6 protein with biological behaviors in gastric cardiac carcinoma .