
  1. 利用搜索引擎进行高质量情报检索

    Searching High Quality Information Via Search Engines

  2. 对省级质量技术监督情报文献工作的思考

    Thinking of Provincial Information Document of Quality Technical Inspection and Supervision

  3. 在雷达情报处理系统中,大量采用串口通信方式传输雷达情报。雷达情报串口传输质量是雷达情报处理系统中需要考虑的问题。

    Since radar information is commonly transmitted via serial ports in radar information processing systems , its transmitting quality must be considered .

  4. 该模型由竞争情报系统质量、竞争情报质量、竞争情报使用者的满意程度、决策者的影响、竞争战略影响五个模块构成。

    This model is made up of five constructs , i.e. competitive intelligence system quality , intelligence quality , competitive intelligence end-user satisfaction , decision-maker impact and competitive strategy impact .

  5. 以网络环境为支撑,深化书目情报服务有赖于对用户的书目情报教育,有赖于高质量的书目情报产品。

    Under the support of network environment , to deepen bibliographical information service relies on the bibliographic information education of the clients , and on high quality bibliographic information product .

  6. 简要指出目前省级质量技术监督情报文献工作存在的问题,阐明省级情报文献收集的原则,并提出建议。

    The current problems of provincial information document of quality technical inspection and supervision was stated briefly . Some principles and suggestions of collection of provincial information document of quality technical inspection and supervision were also expounded .

  7. 研究用户的情报需求与情报行为,对提高图书情报服务效率和质量,改善情报服务形式和方法有重要意义。

    It is of important significance to study the endusers ' behaviors and requirements on information in order to improve the service efficiency and quality of the books and publications and perfect the service modes and methods of information .

  8. 核心期刊是指发文质量高、情报含量大,被摘率、被引率和借阅率都较高,被公认为代表着学科(或专业)当代水平和发展方向的期刊。

    Key periodicals are those that are of high quality , contains more information , with a higher extraction , quotation and borrowing rate , and that are acknowledged to represent the contemporary level and development orientation of the various disciplines .

  9. 加强学科建设提高研究生教育质量&图书馆、情报与档案管理学科研究生教育工作探析

    Strengthening Subject Construction and Postgraduate Education : an Analysis of Postgraduate Education of the Subject of Library , Archive and Information

  10. 接着研究了如何利用网络三大结构特征指标即网络分布密度、网络群聚系数、网络直径对人际网络进行有效分析,从而提高竞争情报工作质量,改善竞争情报工作者在网络中的地位。

    Effective research on social network can give an impetus to the improvement of CI quality and promote the status of CI professional .

  11. 编制便于科研人员使用的《中图法》专业分类表,提高期刊论文分类标引的质量,是图书情报部门在知识组织管理中应作的工作。

    The working out of a specialized schedule to make it easier for scientific researchers to use the Chinese Library Classification System , to improve the qual-ity of the indexing of academic papers classification , is what librarians should do in their work of organizing and managing knowledge .