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  1. 外皮质色浅系T淋巴细胞繁殖区。

    Lightly stained external cortex was proliferative region of T lypmho-cytes .

  2. 针对地毯的质、色、形、工艺做了大量的考察、调研和改进,取得了可喜的成绩。

    They have made deep investigations and improvements on the qualities , colors , shapes and crafts of carpets .

  3. 对延长气区上古生界烃源岩样品进行有机岩石学、有机地球化学分析测试,包括干酪根镜检、岩石热解、镜质体反射率、元素分析、有机碳、质&色联用等手段。

    For Upper Paleozoic source rocks of Yanchang gas area , samples will do some tese including organic petrology , geochemistry analysis test . kerogen microscopic examination , rock pyrolysis , vitrinite reflectance , organic carbon , element analysis , GC-MS combination .

  4. 所观察指标,舌象包括:舌色、舌体、苔质、苔色;脉象包括:脉位、脉率、脉宽、脉长、脉力、流利度、紧张度、均匀度。

    In the observation indexes , tongue pictures included tongue color , tongue body , quality of tongue coating and color of tongue coating ; pulse conditions included pulse position , pulse rate , pulse width , pulse length , pulse fluency , pulse tensity and pulse evenness .

  5. 基于Stroop效应证实了意识知觉和无意识知觉引起的行为结果存在质的差异,色词的无意识知觉导致Stroop效应的出现,而色词的有意识知觉导致Stroop效应的反转。

    Qualitative differences in performance were established across perception with awareness and perception without awareness , based on one phenomenon : Stroop priming . A typical Stroop effect occurred when color words were perceived without awareness , whereas a reversed Stroop effect occurred when color words were perceived with awareness .

  6. 透明质酸酶的色氨酸残基修饰与荧光光谱研究

    Studies on Tryptophan Residue Modification and Fluorescence Spectrum of Hyaluronidase

  7. 电场作用下紫膜中细菌视紫红质的圆二色性研究

    Studies on circular dichroism of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane under the action of electric field

  8. 土脉细紫,质颇薄,色青浓淡不一。

    Soil thin purple veins , quality is quite thin , varying shades of color green .

  9. 不同生物材料的分子结构,包括胶原蛋白、蛋白、骼、白质附着物、色萤光蛋白质、组装肽。

    Molecular structures of various materials of biological origin , including collagen , silk , bone , protein adhesives , GFP , self-assembling peptides .

  10. 山西老陈醋以其酸醇厚、味清香、回味绵、质浓稠、色棕红和久贮不变质等特点著称于世。

    Shanxi Overmature Vinegar with its acid mellow , fragrant flavor , aftertaste cotton , quality thick , reddish brown color and a long storage without deterioration , and so famous for .