
zhì tǐ kūn
  • plastoquinone
  1. 在叶绿体中,光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)是类囊体膜上的一个大的色素蛋白质复合物,利用光能催化水的氧化以及质体醌的还原。

    Photosystem II ( PSII ), which catalyzes light-dependent water oxidation and plastoquinone reduction in chloroplasts , is a large pigment-protein complex in the thylakoid membrane .

  2. 光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)是绿色植物光合膜上存在的两个光反应中心之一,具有利用太阳光的能量来裂解水、释放分子氧并还原质体醌的功能。

    PSII functions as a water / plastoquinone oxidoreductase in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria , comprising one of the light reaction centers for photosynthesis .

  3. 在植物体内,尿黑酸是维生素E和质体醌的前体,所以HPPD又间接控制着这两类物质的合成。

    In plants , homogentisate is the precursor of vitamin E and plastoquinones , therefore HPPD also plays a key role in the biosynthesis of this two kinds of substances .

  4. 含有异戊烯基侧链质体醌类似物的合成研究

    Synthetic Study of Quinone Derivative Containing Isopentenyl