
  • 网络financial warning system
  1. 论我国企业财务预警机制的构建

    On the Building of Financial Alert Mechanism of China 's Enterprises

  2. 上海贝兹建立财务预警机制的探讨

    The Research of the Establishment about the Financial Forewarn System in Shanghai Betts

  3. 综上所述,为文化传媒企业设计建立符合自身特点的高效财务预警机制十分重要。

    To sum up , for cultural media designed enterprise establishment conforms to the characteristics of the efficient financial alert mechanism is very important .

  4. 对中小商业银行财务危机预警机制的思考

    Thinking on small and medium commercial bank finance crisis prevention mechanism

  5. 浅议我国中小企业财务危机预警机制的建立

    On Establishment of Warning Mechanism on Financial Crisis in Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  6. 建立财务危机预警机制提高医院经济运行质量

    To Set up Prepared System of Finance Emergency and to Improve Economic Running Quality of Hospitals

  7. 中小企业财务危机预警机制是个全新的探索性的领域,对中小企业防范和化解财务危机,具有较强的实践意义。

    SMEs financial crisis system is a new exploring field and is meaningful in practice for SMEs to prevent and resolve the financial crisis .

  8. 在如此局面下,企业面临的各种风险和危机四伏,企业急需建立一套财务危机预警机制。

    Under so-called aspect , various risk sum facing the enterprise is beset with crisis , enterprise needs badly build a set of financial affairs crisis early warning mechanism .

  9. 另外,针对内部沟通和监督不力,也提出了完善措施,加快中小企业信息化步伐和充分发挥中小企业内部审计的监督作用。针对风险评估体系缺乏,建立财务风险预警机制。

    In addition , for the poor internal communication and supervision , also put forward the improving measures , namely , accelerating the pace of SMEs information and giving full play to the supervisory role of the internal audit of SMEs .

  10. 最后,针对实证结果,本文从建立财务风险预警机制、提高从业人员素质、发展多种筹资模式等方面提出完善房地产企业财务风险的管理对策。

    Finally , for the empirical results bring forward the management strategies about the real estate companies , such as the establishment of the early warning on financial risk , the quality of employees , the development of many methods about raising funds .

  11. 然后,分析了财务预警的运行机制,为房地产企业财务预警模型发挥有效作用提供保障。

    Then , this paper analyzed the operation mechanism of the financial early-warning system , which guarantee the effect of financial early-warning model for real estate enterprises .

  12. 本文所构建的财务预警系统,包括财务预警组织体系、财务信息收集传递机制、财务预警分析机制和财务风险处理机制。

    The financial pre-warning system of this thesis includes : financial pre-warning organization system , financial information collecting and transmitting mechanism , financial pre-warning analysis mechanism and financial risk dealing mechanism .

  13. 本文也从理论上阐述了高等学校财务风险管理的方法和途径以及如何建立高等学校财务风险预警机制。

    This thesis also explains the methods and approaches of the risk management , and how to establish the prewarning mechanism of financial risk in university .

  14. 近年来多家世界知名的跨国公司因财务失败而走向破产的事件表明,我国企业应当建立有效的财务预警机制,为企业的健康、持续发展提供技术支持。

    The bankrupt of several world-famous multinational companies indicate that financial alert mechanism should be built in enterprises in our country . So it can provide the technical support for the sustained development of listed company .

  15. 要使财务危机预警能够顺利运行并发挥最大效用,中小企业应该构建一个完善的财务危机预警机制。

    SMEs should establish a perfect financial crisis warning system so as to make the warning operate smoothly and give its full play .