
  • 网络bennett;Bennet;Arnold Bennett
  1. 贝内特小姐和贝内特小姐

    a Miss Bennet , and a Miss Bennet , sir .

  2. 贝内特先生,你真会吊人胃口

    Oh , Mr Bennet , how can you tease me so ?

  3. 贝内特小姐用录像机播放老电影来消磨时间。

    Miss Bennett whiled away the hours playing old films on her video-recorder .

  4. 贝内特发起了一场捍卫“道德价值”、反对腐朽堕落的“自由相对论”的战争。

    Bennett launched a crusade for ' moral values ' against decadent ' liberal relativism . '

  5. 你一直在抄袭贝内特。

    You have been cribbing from Bennett

  6. 因为贝内特先生要请假一段时间,他请医生开了病假条。

    Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work , he asked for a sick note

  7. 在其他人才中,雷蒙是一位杰出人士。与其合作的歌手也是各种年龄风格都蕴含其中,例如贝内特和LadyGaga。

    Among other talent , Ramone was master of Duwest . Prinse Signer was various age style for example Bennett and Lady Gaga .

  8. 贝内特亲生父母的经济状况有所改善:这位父亲如今用的手机是iPhone6s。

    Back in China , the birth family 's financial situation has improved ; the father now has an iPhone 6s .

  9. 他的妻子塔拉•贝内特-戈尔曼(TaraBennett-Goleman)是个神经治疗师兼教员,也曾写了一本神经科学方面的畅销书。

    His wife , Tara Bennett-Goleman , is a psychotherapist and teacher who has also written a popular neuroscience bestseller .

  10. 她陪同着这些近期被释放的女性:卡罗尔(Carol),伊夫林(Evelyn),凯拉(Keila)和特雷西(Tracy)——贝内特同意不透露她们的姓氏。

    She accompanied the recently released women - Carol , Evelyn , Keila and Tracy , whose last names Ms. Bennett agreed not to reveal - as they found jobs and housing and reunited with family .

  11. 是一个设计小组-一个平面设计师博客,于2004年3月创造的阿德里安汉夫特和贝内特Holzworth。

    Be A Design Group – a blog for graphic designers , created in March of2004 by Adrian Hanft and Bennett Holzworth .

  12. 我早该知道会碰到贝内特家的人

    I should have known I 'd run into a Bennett .

  13. 听到贝内特辞职的消息我并不怎么吃惊。

    I was not altogether surprised to hear that Bennet had resigned .

  14. 可爱和傻气只有一步之遥贝内特小姐

    Cute becomes dumb in an instant , Ms. Bennett .

  15. 贝内特是幸运的,尽管听起来不太像。

    It may not sound like it , but Bennett is lucky .

  16. 我在马萨诸塞州实习的时候认识几个姓贝内特的

    I knew some Bennetts when I did my residency in Massachusetts .

  17. 贝内特同时也被控非法出入津巴布韦。

    Roy Bennett is also being charged with entering and leaving Zimbabwe illegally .

  18. 贝内特因为他俩粗心大意而训斥他们。

    Bennett got on them both for their negligence .

  19. 论文导论部分总结了前人对贝内特研究的成果。

    The Introduction part summarizes previous studies of Bennett .

  20. 但是他们也认为贝内特是幸运的。

    But they think Bennett is lucky , too .

  21. 因此,贝内特就在他应该呆的地方。

    So Bennett is where he needs to be .

  22. 贝内特在2006年流亡到南非。

    He fled into exile in South Africa in2006 .

  23. 贝内特先生,你听说了吗?

    My dear Mr Bennet , have you heard ?

  24. 贝内特告诉《先驱太阳报》记者自己曾跑下楼去试图抓住他们。

    Bennett told the Herald Sun he ran downstairs and tried to catch them .

  25. 这封信被保存在贝内特在孤儿院的档案里(另一件罕见事)。

    The note was preserved in Bennett 's orphanage file ( another rarity ) .

  26. 贝内特太太、贝内特小姐

    A Mrs Bennet , a Miss Bennet ,

  27. 她是贝内特家族的女巫凯瑟琳但我相信你是知道的

    She 's a Bennett witch , Katherine.But I 'm sure you knew that .

  28. 贝内特对英格兰中部斯泰福郡的斯托克市五镇有着剪不断、理还乱的情思。

    Arnold Bennett has very strong and complicated homesickness to his native place-the Five Towns .

  29. 贝内特太太、珍贝内特小姐

    Mrs Bennet , Miss Jane Bennet ,

  30. 这里也还不错啦在慢慢变好了贝内特对吗

    It 's not so bad here . It 's lookin ' up.Bennett , huh ?