
  • 网络beckett;Beckert;Samuel Beckett
  1. 它说有四个“非常珍贵”的脚本是贝克特为Clodd署名的,Clodd死于2002年。

    It said four of the " very rare " scripts are signed by Beckett for Clodd , who died in2002 .

  2. 但是,有趣的事,贝克特极其乐意为Clodd多次去巴黎拜访贝克特时总会带去的书上题词。

    All the more interesting , then , that Beckett was more than happy to inscribe the books that Clodd always took with him on his numerous visits to see Beckett in Paris .

  3. 给布朗添乱的则是默文金(mervynking),他受布朗二度任命,地位与贝克特一样稳固。

    For Mr Brown , it is Mervyn King , whom he has reappointed to an equally impregnable position .

  4. 杰克的罗盘,贝克特要它干嘛?

    Jack 's compass ? What does Beckett want with that ?

  5. 贝克特一生都不愿在媒体上抛头露面。

    Throughout his life Beckett shunned the glare of the media .

  6. 这位年轻作家被称为“新贝克特”。

    The young author was billed as " the new beckett " .

  7. 贝克特刚刚和西格鲁提进行了一场秘密交易。

    Beckett had just brokered an underhanded deal with cigliutti .

  8. 贝克特是第一个扬名国际的荒诞派作家。

    Beckett was the first of the absurdists to win international fame .

  9. 贝克特:小说语言与情节的掘墓人

    Samuel Beckett : Gravedigger of Words and Plots of Novels

  10. 我该警告贝克特留心你的

    Oh , I should have warned Beckett about you .

  11. 文类间的转换和戏仿&贝克特的小说与戏剧

    The Transformation and Parody of Genres : Beckett 's Fiction and Drama

  12. 死亡背后的荒诞&解读贝克特的《马龙之死》

    Absurdity Behind Death-An Interpretation of Beckett s Malone Dies ;

  13. 有贝克特题辞的作品版本是非常罕见的。

    Inscribed copies of beckett 's works are very uncommon .

  14. 他的作品被比作是贝克特的作品。

    His works have been likened to those of beckett .

  15. 贝克特勋爵渴望得到这箱子里的东西。

    Lord Beckett desires the content of that chest .

  16. 等待与希望&解读贝克特的《等待戈多》

    Waiting and Hoping & An Interpretation of Beckett s Waiting For Godot ;

  17. 从贝克特作品看荒诞派戏剧的特征

    The Works of Samuel Beckett and the Features of the Theatre of Absurd

  18. 此卷最好看的地方是贝克特对某些书的恶评。

    Some of the best material here is Beckett 's dyspeptic book talk .

  19. 这也正是贝克特及其作品带给人类的永恒价值。

    This is the eternal significance of Beckett and his works to the world .

  20. 贝克特说律师需要更多的时间来仔细浏览所有的证据和文件细节。

    Beckett says the lawyers need more time to evidence and documents detailing the case .

  21. 他整天都要提心吊胆,当贝克特让他感到精疲力尽,神经紧张。

    Given how guarded he had to be , being Beckett was exhausting and anxiety-inducing .

  22. 你觉得贝克特怎么样

    What did you think of Beckett ?

  23. 1928年,塞缪尔•贝克特迁往巴黎,很快便对这个城市倾心不已。

    In1928 , Samuel Beckett moved to Paris , and the city quickly won his heart .

  24. 英国卫报曾评价麦加恩是自从贝克特以来最伟大的爱尔兰作家。

    The Guardian said that McGahern was arguably the most important Irish novelist since Samuel Beckett .

  25. 当你对标准是什么有所了解时,贝克特是对的。

    When you have that sense of what the standards are , But Samuel Beckett is right .

  26. 此外,贝克特还运用有象征意义的表现手法来反映现实。

    Furthermore , besides the structure , Beckett also employs the symbolic expressive means to mirror the reality .

  27. 在Hawksmoor餐厅,贝克特声称,他的员工赚取的薪资与他们的业务水平相符。

    At Hawksmoor , Mr Beckett claims his staff earn a wage that corresponds to their vocational level .

  28. 残雪与贝克特

    Can Xue and Beckett

  29. 文学传统的履新与反叛&从《莫洛伊》看贝克特的反小说形式实验

    Revival and rebel of the tradition o literature & On Beckett 's experiment on " anti-fiction " style

  30. 贝克特第二批信给人的第一印象并没有驱散这些虚无影像。

    On first glance , the second volume of Beckett 's letters does little to dispel this nihilistic image .