
  • 网络beth;Bess;the betsy;Bessie
  1. 吉米是被收养的,因此和贝丝没有血缘关系。

    Jimmy is adopted and thus unrelated to Beth by blood .

  2. 他觉得他是不会和贝丝结婚的。

    He did not think he would marry Beth .

  3. 贝丝迷上了马克斯,这让她很担心。

    It concerned her that Bess was developing a crush on Max.

  4. 贝丝因比她的两个朋友个子都矮而感到很不自在。

    Bess was self-conscious about being shorter than her two friends .

  5. 马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。

    Mark often took his books to Bess 's house to study

  6. 贝丝大声说话,微笑的脸上现出了酒窝。

    Bess spoke up , smiling so that her dimples showed .

  7. 贝丝谈及哈默医生时赞不绝口。

    Beth spoke of Dr. Hammer in laudatory terms .

  8. 娜奥米在失误面前表现得处乱不惊,给贝丝留下了深刻印象。

    Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride .

  9. 贝丝最终承认了南希是对的。

    Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right

  10. 乔治看到这一表情,认为最好让贝丝在发作之前离开。

    George caught the look and decided that Bess had better leave before she exploded .

  11. 贝丝合上眼睛睡着了。

    Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep

  12. 贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。

    Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber

  13. 贝丝往后瞥了一眼。

    Bess glanced backwards

  14. 火车咣当咣当进了小站,“我们到站了,”贝丝说。

    ' Here we are now , ' Beth said , as the train clanked into a tiny station .

  15. 贝丝因错过了这场比赛而垂头丧气。

    Beth showed her dejection at missing the game .

  16. 贝丝被送进了私立学校。

    Beth was sent to private school .

  17. 今天来我们节目的是LandO'Lakes公司的首席执行官贝丝-福特,该公司是一个农业合作社,其业务遍及美国和世界上几十个国家。

    Here with me today is Beth Ford , the CEO of Land O'Lakes , a farming cooperative that works across the United States and in dozens of countries around the world .

  18. 例如说,名为伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)的女孩,可能被叫做丽莎(Lisa),贝丝(Beth),或是贝兹Betsy(Betsy)。

    For instance , a girl named Elizabeth may be called Lisa , Beth or Betsy .

  19. 四十年代大学毕业之后,贝丝·洛马克斯·霍斯加入AlmanacSingers(年历歌手)。该乐队主要演唱一些社会抗议歌曲。其他成员包括伍迪·格思里,皮特·西格和鲍尔温·霍斯。鲍尔温·霍斯后来成为她的丈夫。这个家庭后来迁往加利福尼亚,贝丝在那里教音乐,包括吉他和班究琴。

    The family later moved to California , where Bess taught music , including guitar and banjo .

  20. 她享年不长,给他生了两个儿子,其中一个就是我父亲,和一个女儿,即我的姑姑贝丝(AuntBess)。

    She lived long enough to bear him two sons , my father for one , and a daughter , my Aunt Bess .

  21. 在她发布的一条ins上,贝丝晒出了为她筹备婚礼的整个团队,还包括婚礼的策划人AngelSwanson。

    In one of her Instagram captions , Beth plugged the team who had helped put together her nuptials , including wedding planner Angel Swanson .

  22. 还记得由JohnnyCash和JuneCarter在1963年演唱的《Jackson》这首歌生动演绎了贝丝和迈克尔两人在婚礼结束时沿着过道往回走的情景。

    The 1963 song Jackson , once memorably sung as a duet by Johnny Cash and June Carter , was apparently performed live as Beth and Michael headed back down the aisle once the actual ceremony concluded .

  23. 纽约精品店KirnaZabete联合创始人贝丝・布奇尼(BethBuccini)说:“我觉得褶皱很不衬人。”这使得褶皱从设计师的角度来看变得很有挑战性。

    I think that pleats are deeply unflattering , ' said Beth Buccini , co-founder of New York boutique Kirna Zabete . That makes them challenging from a designer 's point of view . '

  24. 贝丝•戴维斯(BethDavis)在科罗拉多州博尔德(Boulder)开设了一个游泳培训班。戴维斯表示,到她这里参加游泳培训的成年人的人数近几年增长了将近一倍,2009年她只有34个成年学员,现在已经达到67个。

    Beth Davis , who operates her own swim clinic in Boulder , Colo. , says the number of adults in her practice has nearly doubled in recent years , from 34 adult students in 2009 to 67 currently .

  25. 贝丝说:“日落时分,他在我们好友ChristinaHendricksandGeoffreyArend家的屋顶上面请了私人爵士乐队演奏我最喜欢MilesDavis/JohnColtrane的歌曲《overlookingManhattan》!向我求婚。”

    Bethsaid : ' He proposed on our friends Christina Hendricks and Geoffrey Arend 's rooftop at sunset with a private jazz band playing my favorite Miles Davis / John Coltrane song overlooking Manhattan ! '

  26. 贝丝去见了住校生活主管克里斯·尼恩多夫(KrisNiendorf)。后者耐心地听她讲了自己的疑虑,然后问道:手足情这种说法让你的校园生活有何损失?

    Beth went to Kris Niendorf , the director of residential life , who listened sympathetically and then asked : Why does sibling take away from your experience ?

  27. 只见贝丝身着MoniqueLhuillier的高叉白色婚纱,和丈夫在风景如画的田野中手牵手漫步。

    Decked out in a white Monique Lhuillier bridal gown with a high thigh-slit , Beth and her new husband strolled across a picturesque field hand in hand .

  28. 贝丝:我喜欢在销售部门工作的主意。

    Beth : I like the idea of working in sales .

  29. 贝丝:没有销售就没有公司。

    Beth : Without sales , there would be no company .

  30. 她们知道这表示贝丝已病得很重。

    The girls knew this meant that Beth was very ill .