
  • 网络Amy Tan;Tan,Amy
  1. 谭恩美(AmyTan)是当代美国文坛上一位颇具影响力的华裔女作家。

    Amy Tan is a contemporary Chinese writer who is very influential in American literature world .

  2. 《喜福会》(TheJoyLuckClub)是美国著名华裔女作家谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,也是她的成名作,一经出版即大获成功。

    The Joy Luck Club is the first novel of the famous Chinese-American woman writer Amy Tan , and also her signature work . It made a great success once published .

  3. 郎朗的自传读上去像是华裔作家谭恩美(amytan)的小说:父子间的矛盾终于化解,一位卖水果的人帮助了不快乐的孩子,并鼓励他继续弹琴。

    His autobiography reads like an Amy Tan novel : the stand-off between father and son was ended when a fruit-seller befriended the unhappy boy and encouraged him to continue to play .

  4. “听到那些,心里真是舒服多了,”谭恩美说。

    " Hearing that was so healing ," says Tan now .

  5. 谭恩美是美国华裔作家的代表人物之一。

    Amy Tan is one of the most famous Chinese American writers .

  6. 谭恩美小说《接骨师的女儿》中的道家印迹

    The Stamp of Taoism in Amy Tan 's the Bonesetter 's Daughter

  7. 在这部作品中,谭恩美笔下的世界是一个混乱的、非理性的世界。

    Amy Tan describes a chaotic and absurd world in the novel .

  8. 谭恩美是当代美国华裔女作家。

    Amy Tan is a contemporary Chinese-American women writer .

  9. 论文第三章分别分析了谭恩美作品中美国华裔女性种族与性别身份的建构。

    Chapter three dwells on the construction of ethnic and gender identity respectively .

  10. 谭恩美《灶神之妻》中的女性叙事特征探究

    Characteristics of Feminist Narratology in Amy Tan 's The Kitchen God 's Wife

  11. 谭恩美文化身份建构的矛盾性

    The Discrepancy in Amy Tan 's Cultural Identity Constructing

  12. 女性世界一直是华裔女作家谭恩美创作小说着墨的重点。

    Female world is highlighted in chinese american writer Amy Tan description all along .

  13. 纵观谭恩美的一生,她对奇怪的事件和近乎灾难有一种磁力。

    Throughout her life , Tan has been a magnet for extraordinary events and near-disasters .

  14. 在美籍华裔作家中,毋庸质疑谭恩美是非常具有代表性的一位。

    Among all the Chinese American writers , Amy Tan undoubtedly occupies a representative position .

  15. 谭恩美,20世纪美国文学史上的重要人物之一。

    Amy Tan is a very important figure in American literature in the twentieth century .

  16. 论谭恩美新作《接骨师的女儿》中的母女关系

    On the Mother - Daughter Relationship in Amy Tan 's New Novel The Bonesetter 's Daughter

  17. 谭恩美是美籍华裔的著名女作家,在中国也享有盛誉。

    Amy Tan is a world-renowned female Chinese American writer who enjoys high reputation in China .

  18. 从那以后,谭恩美笔耕不辍,又创作了其他四部小说。

    From then on , she has kept creation energy and has created other four novels .

  19. 首先,谭恩美对东方主义的解构可以从三个方面展开。

    To begin with , three aspects will be presented to illustrate her deconstruction of Orientalism .

  20. 从沉默到发声&对谭恩美作品中华裔美国女性打破沉默的研究

    From Silence to Full Voice & Silence-Breaking of Chinese American Women in Amy Tan 's Works

  21. 谭恩美小说中的神秘东方&以《接骨师之女》为个案

    The Mystical Orient in Amy Tan 's Novels : A Case Study of The Bonesetter 's Daughter

  22. 文化的返乡:论谭恩美小说中的文化冲突与融合

    A Cultural " Homecoming ": the Conflict and Reconciliation of the Culture in Amy Tan 's Novels

  23. 谭恩美笔下的中国形象也因此成为了一个复杂而又饶有趣味的研究课题。

    The images of China described by Amy Tan also become a complex and interesting research subject .

  24. 谭恩美是当今美国华裔文坛中最为卓越的女作家之一。

    Amy Tan is one of the most prominent writers in Chinese American literary circle at present .

  25. 作为第一代移居美国的华裔的后代,谭恩美有着独特的人生经历。

    As a descendant of the first generation of the Chinese Americans , she has special life experience .

  26. 谭恩美是第二代移民,是继汤亭亭之后的又一位受人瞩目的华裔小说家。

    Amy Tan , a second - generation immigrant , is one of famous Chinese American women writers .

  27. 谭恩美是当今美国文坛上一位十分著名的华裔女作家。

    Amy Tan is one of the most representative female Chinese American writers in contemporary American literary world .

  28. 谭恩美的《喜福会》是华裔美国文学中最富盛名的小说之一。

    The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan is one of the best known Chinese American literary works .

  29. 谭恩美以独特的叙事视角与写作手法,将中国传统文化与美国多元文化融为一体。

    Amy Tan integrates Chinese traditional culture and American multi-culture with a unique narrative perspective and writing style .

  30. 此外,谭恩美还娴熟地运用各种叙述策略来探寻华裔女性主体意识的发展,探寻她们的心路历程。

    In addition , Amy Tan artistically adopts various narrative strategies to explore the development of female subject consciousness .