
  • 网络Integrity marketing;Creditability in Marketing
  1. 与诚信营销相对应的是企业营销过程中的诚信缺失问题,这一现象在我国尤其普遍。

    In opposition to creditability in marketing , there is lack ofcreditability in marketing , which is especially ubiquitous in China .

  2. 这也是企业实施诚信营销的基本前提。

    The understanding is also a basic precondition of credible marketing .

  3. 诚信营销是社会营销观念的主要表现之一。

    Credible marketing is a major one among social marketing concepts .

  4. 保险诚信营销现状调查及改进措施研究

    Study on Trust Management Situation of Insurance Marketing and Improvement Measure

  5. 网络环境下企业诚信营销机制

    On trust marketing mechanism for enterprises under network environment

  6. 民营科技企业诚信营销研究

    The Research on Integrity Marketing of Private - enterprise in High - tech

  7. 转轨期我国营销环境与企业诚信营销

    Marketing environment and enterprise 's honesty marketing in the period of transformation in China

  8. 在理论研究中,着重对诚信营销的相关理论问题进行了研究。

    The theory research part emphasizes on the related theory problems of integrity marketing .

  9. 试论诚信营销的前提及其运作构架

    On Preconditions and Operational Framework of Credible Marketing

  10. 企业要实施诚信营销就必须对社会营销观念有正确的认识。

    Enterprises must have a correct understanding of social marketing concept before practicing credible marketing .

  11. 第五章提出了企业诚信营销体系的模型,并对企业诚信营销环境、战略和基础设施作了设计。

    Chapter 5 put forward the model of enterprise trust marketing system and makes the design for enterprise environment , tactics and basic establishment .

  12. 但是改革和创新网络营销理念,特别是强化诚信营销意识,这一点在网络这个虚拟世界里显得尤其重要。

    But , reforming and innovating the mind of cyber-marketing , especially enforcing the awareness of trust marketing , is very important in the fictitious world .

  13. 诚信营销的力度取决于企业内外部因素相互作用的力量,诚信营销的评价需要有合理的评价标准与指标体系;

    The extent of integrity marketing lies on the interaction of inner and outer facts ; the evaluation on integrity marketing need appropriate standard and index system ;

  14. 对策探讨主要从内外结合两个方面分析了促进民营科技企业提升诚信营销水平的有效途径。

    The countermeasure discussion part analyses the effective way for the private-enterprise in high tech to increase their integrity marketing level from both inner and outer facts .

  15. 理论研究主要分析了诚信营销的成本与效应、诚信营销环境、诚信营销评价标准与指标体系以及诚信营销管理;

    The theory research part include the cost and effect , the environment , the evaluation standard and index system , and the management of integrity marketing ;

  16. 从微观的角度而言,企业的网上诚信营销是它今天的生存之道,也是它未来发展的必由之路;

    From the micro-point of view , enterprise 's credit is not only the way of its existence but also the way to its development in the future .

  17. 第六、丰富营销模式,通过公益营销、文化营销、深度与广度营销和诚信营销等提升顾客对济南国美品牌及促销活动的感知度。

    Charity marketing , culture marketing , depth and width marketing and integrity marketing can all improve the perceptions of consumers toward Jinan Gome and its sales promotions .

  18. 在此基础上,从转变营销观念角度提出企业实施诚信营销的基本构架,为企业实施诚信营销提供思路。

    Based on the above analysis , in order to change people 's marketing concept , the paper suggests the basic framework of implementing credible marketing and offers direction of credible marketing .

  19. 企业诚信营销的开展受到内外部两方面多种因素的影响与制约。同时对诚信营销的内涵、要求及特征进行了分析,认为诚信营销是民营科技企业快速发展的必然选择。

    This part also analyses the connotation , request , and character of integrity marketing , considers that integrity marketing must be the certain choice for private-enterprise in high tech to develop .

  20. 第六章是诚信营销体系的建设,包括诚信营销策略建设、企业价值链构筑战略联盟、企业相关社会组织的合作建设和企业员工的诚信建设。

    Next Chapter 6 is about the construction of trust marketing system , including tactic construction , enterprise value chain building tactic alliance , cooperation construction between enterprises and social organizations and enterprise 's employees ' trust construction .

  21. 但是与此同时保险业也存在很多问题,其中一个问题就是保险营销诚信问题,保险营销失信问题对于保险业健康发展有很大影响。

    But there are many problems in insurance industry of China , one of the questions is trust problem . The trust losing in insurance marketing affect the insurance industry health developing very much .