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  • 网络Edict prison;The jail and court of the emperor;the jail of the imperial palace
诏狱 [zhào yù]
  • [prison] 奉皇帝命令拘捕犯人的监狱

  • 逮瑞下诏狱。--《明史》

  • 锢诏狱。

  1. 第二章,西汉时期诏狱的沿革。

    Chapter two , the evolution of imperial edict prison in Western Han Dynasty .

  2. 所以,就性质而言,诏狱是皇帝下诏特令专门审理的重大案件或者由皇帝直接控制的特别监狱。

    Therefore , the imperial edict prison means the important case or a special jail under imperial order .

  3. 在对诏狱案件的主题内容有了详细的阐述之后,本部分主要是对诏狱案件涉及到的其他一些规定的研究。

    After the exposition in detail , we study the other provision which involves to the imperial edict prison case .

  4. 诏狱制度对于西汉专制皇权的巩固发展起到了重要的促进作用。

    The imperial edict prison system had promoted the development of the consolidation of the family tyranny for the Western Han Dynasty .

  5. 诏狱作为古代中国特有的一种政治现象,在考察皇帝诏旨及古代法制建设等方面有着十分重要的意义。

    As an unique politics phenomenon , the imperial edict prison play an important role on inspecting emperor aspects and ancient legislative work .

  6. 主要是介绍西汉时期诏狱实际发生的概况,我们将西汉分为三个阶段来选择有代表性的案例介绍诏狱的发生。

    It introduced the actual state of the imperial edict prison in Western Han Dynasty . we divide the Western Han Dynasty into three stages to choose has the representative case introduction the imperial edict prison occurrence .