
xú lái
  • Xu Lai;gently blows
徐来 [xú lái]
  • [gently blows] [风] 轻缓吹来

  • 清风徐来

徐来[xú lái]
  1. 清风徐来。

    A refreshing breeze is blowing gently .

  2. 清风徐来,水波不兴。

    A cool breeze blew gently , without starting a ripple .

  3. 清风徐来,松涛竹籁,美景令人陶醉。

    A gentle breeze whistles through the pine forest and bamboo groves .

  4. 清气徐来,带来仿佛是夏季的芳馨,掠过凉爽的海面。

    The air was soft , and came over the cooling wave with something of summer fragrance .

  5. 夕阳西下,晚风徐来,那样凉爽,那样清新(如果不总是那样芬芳)。

    As the sun went down , the breeze was cool and refreshing ( if not always fragrant ) .

  6. 新课改春风的徐来,牵引着民族贫困地区农村小学顺应时代的召唤,与时俱进。

    New curriculum reform tries to guide rural primary schools in ethnic impoverished areas to adapt to the call of the times .

  7. 夏秋之际,轻风徐来,松涛阵阵,志书所载洞峡松风即属此境。

    Off the occasion to gentle Xu , Greenfield blowing and Records contained in the " holes Pine Wind Gap " That is the habitat .

  8. 如果清风徐来,他喜欢让自己迎风吹拂。

    If there was any light breeze , he enjoyed feeling it blowing against him The slender willow twigs were swaying in the gentle spring breeze .

  9. 清代宫廷中的扇子,多种多样,用料上乘讲究,除了带给人们清风徐来的实际功用,俨然已是艺术品。

    Fans at the royal court varied widely . Exquisitely made , they were more than a tool for cooling people down ; they were extraordinary works of art .

  10. 他现在住在海天大酒店,正等待着外贸公司的一个部门经理徐先生来商谈他访问的时间安排计划。

    He is staying at the Haitian Hotel and expecting Mr xu , a department manager of the Corpration to talk about the schedule for his business visit .