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  1. 氧是一种能和许事物质化合的气体。

    Oxygen is a gas which unites with many substances .

  2. 罗斯福的许事施政观点至今仍是美国治国方针的一部分。

    Many of Roosevelt 's ideas of government are still part of the law of the land .

  3. 因为如果这一切都是真的或许薇姬的事也是真的

    Because if it was true maybe , Maybe it 's true about Vicki .

  4. 她又向父亲说:「请你许我一件事:给我两个月的期限,让我与我的伴侣到山上去,哀哭我的童贞。

    And she said to her father : Grant me only this which I desire : Let me go , that I may go about the mountains for two months , and may bewail my virginity with my companions .