
  • 网络computer chip
  1. 第一个纸笔基准测试要求人类模拟计算机芯片上执行的单个指令,得出的结果为人脑的得分仅为0.01MIPS左右。

    One , the pencil-and-paper Dhrystone benchmark , asks humans to manually simulate individual operations on a computer chip , and finds humans perform about 0.01 MIPS .

  2. 举例来说,宝洁公司(ProcterGamble)找到了减少烘干衬衣起皱的办法,而其起点是欧洲一所大学的计算机芯片专家所发明的聚合物。

    Procter Gamble , for instance , found a way to reduce the wrinkles in shirts fresh out of the dryer by starting with a polymer invented by a computer chip expert at a European university .

  3. 与目前的技术相比,DNA计算机芯片在速度和成本上都具有优势。

    DNA computer chips would offer significant advantages in both speed and price compared with current technology .

  4. 由于半导体行业受到摩尔定律(Moore'slaw)的启发,让计算机芯片变得更小、更强大、无所不在,人们认为,科技与竞争或许也能对光生伏打电池施以同样的魔法。

    As the semiconductor industry was inspired by Moore 's law to make computer chips tiny , powerful and ubiquitous , it 's thought that technology and competition might work a similar magic for photovoltaic cells .

  5. 计算机芯片技术的发展使CPU发热量越来越大,解决CPU的散热,开发有效的冷却技术是当今世界正在研究的重要课题。

    Heat generation of CPU becomes larger and larger because of the rapid development of computer technology . It is key problem for solving heat removal of CPU and developing an efficient cooling technology .

  6. 近年来,随着计算机芯片技术的不断改进,中央处理器(CPU)的速度和主存速度之间的差距逐渐扩大,系统对主存的存取访问成为新的瓶颈。

    In recent years , as the performance of central process unit ( CPU ) is improved greatly and the speed gap between CPU and memory becomes larger , in many cases memory access has become the main bottleneck of processing .

  7. 举例来说,宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)找到了减少烘干衬衣起皱的办法,而其起点是欧洲一所大学的计算机芯片专家所发明的聚合物。

    Procter & Gamble , for instance , found a way to reduce the wrinkles in shirts fresh out of the dryer by starting with a polymer invented by a computer chip expert at a European university .

  8. 同时,本文针对数据加密标准DES和MD5及SHA-256算法分别进行了量子线路的设计,可用于后续的仿真实验,也可作为量子计算机芯片集成设计的依据。

    Meanwhile , this paper puts forward the quantum circuit design of DES , MD5 and SHA-256 algorithm which can be used in the following simulation and also can be used as the basis of the quantum chip design .

  9. 近年来,CVD金刚石膜作为一种新型的功能材料,在金属切削加工,超高速计算机芯片、半导体和微波器件的散热元件,以及光学窗口等领域已得到初步应用,并显示出无与伦比的优越性。

    In recent years , as one kind of new function material , CVD diamond thick film has been used in many field such as cutting tool , cooling device of super-high speed computer CMOS chip , cooling device of semiconductor and microwave parts , and shown unique superiorities .

  10. 它曾经为第一代计算机芯片提供生产设备。

    It supplied equipment used to perfect the first computer chips .

  11. 该文为计算机芯片散热提出了一条新的有效途径。

    This paper proposes a new effective way for computer chip cooling .

  12. 研究了这些算法和计算机芯片上纹理高速缓冲存储器的相互作用;

    We will study how they interact with the on-chip texture cache .

  13. 基于微喷射结构的计算机芯片冷却试验研究

    Experimental study on heat sinks of computer chip cooling based on micro-injection

  14. 压电泵为动力源的计算机芯片水冷系统研究

    Practical Research on Water Cooling System with Computer Chip Driven by PZT Pump

  15. 最大的利润该来自计算机芯片。

    The biggest profits should come from computer chips .

  16. 计算机芯片的散热研究

    Research on the Heat Sink for Computer Chip

  17. 集成式计算机芯片水冷系统的研究

    Compositive Water-Cooling System Applied to Computer Chip

  18. 计算机芯片也有一个陶瓷底座。

    Computer chips have a ceramic base .

  19. 此外,这家全球最大的计算机芯片制造商还下调了全年的营收预期。

    The world 's largest computer chipmaker also lowered its revenue forecast for the year .

  20. 计算机芯片二维模型自然对流散热的激光散斑法研究

    A Two-Dimensional Model for Investigating Natural Heat Convection on Computer Chips by the Laser Speckle Method

  21. 据悉,这家计算机芯片制造商在重组上的花费达到了12亿美元。

    The maker of computer chips will take a $ 1.2bn charge to cover restructuring costs .

  22. 在第二个对话中,贝丝尝试要购买在台湾可以使用的计算机芯片。

    In the second dialog , Beth is trying to buy computer chips for use in Taiwan .

  23. 电子计算机芯片和太阳能发电板都由同一种基本原料制成&超薄硅芯片。

    COMPUTER chips and solar panels are made of the same basic stuff : thinly sliced silicon .

  24. 它在空间爆炸,能够瓦解敌人指挥中心的电子线路和计算机芯片。

    Exploded in space , it could fry the electronic circuitry and computer chips of an enemy command center .

  25. 基因芯片技术的概念来自计算机芯片,发展至今不到二十年。

    Gene chip , the concept of which from computer chip , has been developed for about twenty years .

  26. 如果大脑中的神经连接变多变细,就会碰到热力学极限,正如计算机芯片上的晶体管所遇到的问题一样:容易产生“噪音”。

    Making wires thinner would hit thermodynamic limitations similar to those that affect transistors in computer chips : communication would get noisy .

  27. 但这些工人并不仅仅是在制造高科技的计算机芯片。他们向我们展示了美国如何赢得未来的方式。

    But these workers aren 't just manufacturing high-tech computer chips . They 're showing us how America will win the future .

  28. 考虑到计算机芯片和软件生产全球化,试问外国势力有能力使用电脑臭虫感染高科技军事装备吗?

    And given that computer chips and software are produced globally , could a foreign power infect high-tech military equipment with computer bugs ?

  29. 不过,一台数码相机倒是可以只要几英镑就做出来,镜头和计算机芯片可以单独购买,在后面安装上去即可。

    But a digital camera could be made for a few pounds , and a lens and computer chip bought separately and added later .

  30. 测距器瞄准目标,测量距离,将数据传到子弹里的计算机芯片上。威利斯垂直距离测量尺

    This rangefinder fixes the target , measures the distance and passes it along to a computer chip in the shell . Willis bite gauge