
  • 网络Computer control system;DCS;CNC;ccs
  1. 计算机控制系统C语言程序设计

    Application of C Language Program Design in Computer Control System

  2. 第五章以PLC为控制器,设计了倒立摆的计算机控制系统。

    In chapter 5 , we design the computer controlling system of the inverted pendulum using PLC .

  3. 基于Delphi的计算机控制系统串行通讯的实现

    Implementation of Serial Communication in Computer Control System Based on Delphi

  4. 本文介绍一种分布式电磁搅拌器计算机控制系统,下位机以内含式PLC为核心控制多台电磁搅拌器;

    This paper introduces a kind of Distributed Multifunctional EMS computer control system . Building-in PLC controls four electromagnetic stirrers .

  5. (e,2e)电子动量谱仪的计算机控制系统

    Computer Control System for ( e , 2e ) Electron Momentum Spectrometer

  6. 现场总线控制系统(FieldBusControlSystem-FCS)打破了传统计算机控制系统采用的按控制回路要求,设备一对一的分别与现场进行连线的结构形式。

    Field bus control system has broken the structure form of the traditional computer control system that equipment is connecting with the field one-to-one in accordance with the requirements of the control loop .

  7. 介绍了印刷线路板生产废水治理中的计算机控制系统,重点介绍了PLC在该系统中的作用。

    This paper introduces the computer control system in waste water treatment in printing circuit board production and emphasizes the function of PLC in it .

  8. 用阶跃响应法进行计算机控制系统对象模型辩识,提出了一种直接求取Z传函的方法,省去了求S传函的中间步骤。

    This paper , using unit step response , puts forward a direct method for identifying process in computer control system .

  9. 目的分析在工业计算机控制系统中广为应用的基于事件触发方式的CAN总线和Ethernet的网络性能,为通信协议的改进和实际工程应用提供理论和方法的指导。

    CAN and Ethernet , based on event-triggered , are the two of typical networks that are applied in industrial computer-controlled systems widely .

  10. 介绍了由S5-155U型可编程控制器(PLC)为核心控制的洗衣粉前配料计算机控制系统的工作原理,硬件构成及控制功能的软件实现。

    The working principle , hardware architecture and control function soft design of S5-155U PLC by using the on washing-clothing powder pre-burden automatic system has been introduced .

  11. 介绍在铜冶炼厂由PLC和上位机组成的两级精矿自动计量和取样计算机控制系统的设计和应用情况。

    Design and application of two level computer control system that consists of PLC and process computer for concentrate measuring and sampling in copper melting plant are described .

  12. 由分散控制系统(DCS)和可编程控制器(PLC)组成的一个综合型计算机控制系统中,应用软件开发方法和显示风格的一致性是十分重要的。

    For a composite computer control system composed of DCS and PLC it is very important to make applied software developing method consistent with display style .

  13. 针对工业危险废弃物处置场的生产特点,设计了一套以网络结构和PLC控制站为主的计算机控制系统,并详细介绍了该系统的结构、特点、功能及实施方法。

    A set of computer control system predominated by network structure and PLC control station is designed with reference to the production features of industrial hazardous waste disposal site .

  14. 基于RS485通信的染色机计算机控制系统

    Computer Control System of Dyeing Machine Based on RS 485 Communication

  15. 利用VISUALBASIC6.0强大的功能和友好的界面设计了计算机控制系统的软件部分和系统界面。此外,本文还对系统的远程网络监控进行了初步探讨。

    Software and interface of system are completed with the help of powerful function and friendly interface of Visual Basic 6 . 0 . Besides , this article also probes into the system remote-control with network .

  16. 针对柳钢2800mm双机架中厚板轧机,自主设计开发了完整的LevelⅡ计算机控制系统。

    An entire Level ⅱ computer control system for 2 800 mm medium and heavy mill of LISCO was independently designed and developed .

  17. 介绍了人工气候室对室内温湿度控制精度的要求,建立了人工气候室的计算机控制系统,采用PLC和微机技术对温湿度进行多级控制。

    Presents the control precision requirements of the indoor temperature and humidity . Adopting PLC and computer technology to carry on multistage control to the temperature and humidity , establishes the computer control system .

  18. Intouch在转炉计算机控制系统的应用研究

    Application study of Intouch on converter control system

  19. QCS生料质量计算机控制系统应用体会

    The application ami experience on QCS raw meal quality computer controlling system

  20. 用带计算机控制系统的UVVis8500型双光束紫外可见分光光度计定量测量和分析了市场上某品牌汽车太阳膜的光谱特性。

    A dual-beam ultraviolet / visible spectrometer ( UV-Vis 8500 ) automatically controlled by computer was used to measure qualitatively and to analyze the spectral properties of car solar films of a certain brand in the market .

  21. 设计和实现了一种热疗仪病床自动移动计算机控制系统,详细论述了控制系统的硬件组成及基于COM组件技术控制软件的实现结构。

    A computer control system for the sickbed 's automatic move in hyperthermia system is designed and implemented , Details of the hardware structure and the structure of control software based on COM are described .

  22. 在综合比较了继电器控制系统、单片机控制系统、计算机控制系统和PLC控制系统后,根据实际的要求,选用西门子S7-200型PLC作为本控制系统的控制核心。

    According to the actual requirements , the Siemens S7-200 PLC was chose to be as the core of the whole control system after comparing with relay control system , computer control system and distributed control system .

  23. 因此要求FMS装卸工作站计算机控制系统(FMS-LUCCS)提供各种加工零件夹具拼装图的计算机图形显示。

    Therefore , computer controlling system for loading and unloading work station in FMS ( FMS LUCCS ) is asked to display variety of fixture together figure of workpieces to be processed by computer .

  24. DH-16型分布式计算机控制系统的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of DH-16 Type of Distributed Computer Control System

  25. 本文介绍对DIAL装置中CO2选频激光器的工作谱线进行搜索、检测、选定及数据处理的微型计算机控制系统的设计思想,各部分功能,控制软件结构及其作用。

    This paper is about the designing ideology , functions of various parts , system software-controlled structure and the purpose of the microcomputer controlled system used for hunting , selecting and data handling for the working series on lines of CO2 frequency-selecting laser in device .

  26. 结合液压式厚度自动控制的基本原理及先进的自动控制理论,给出了一套综合优化的热连轧厚控算法,并基于此开发了工程可实现的AGC计算机控制系统。

    With the fundamental of hydraulic automatic gauge control system and advanced automatic control theory , an optimum automatic gauge control algorithm for hot strip rolling is given . With the algorithm , a realizable control system of AGC in project is developed .

  27. 以Borlandc++4.5语言编制Windows动态连接库(DLL)为底层硬件接口的控制层;数据处理层采用Access2.0数据库,研制了低浓铀在线分析仪计算机控制系统。

    The user program is designed with Visual Basic 4.0 , the program of controlling the hardware interface with Windows Dynamic Linking Library ( DLL ) which is programmed by Borland C + + 4.5 , and the date processing is with Access 2.0 database .

  28. 本文研究的是以MCS-51系列单片机为核心的计算机控制系统,用以实现化工催化剂活性检测过程床层温度程序控制。

    The control system of a microcomputer with microprocessor of series MCS-51 as core is discussed in this paper . It is used to realize the program control of the bed temperature in the measuring process of the activities of catalyst in chemical engineering .

  29. 本文给出了柴油发电机组微型计算机控制系统的接口电路、程序结构及框图;详细阐述了Z80单板微型计算机控制柴油发电机组的基本原理和工作过程。

    The interface circuit and programme flow-chart of a Z-80 microprocessor controlled system for a marine diesel-generator set are described with the fundamental principle and working procedures given in detail .

  30. 提出了现有JB-30B摆式冲击试验机的缺点,通过分析其工作原理,设计出一套具有自动检测、显示、打印及数据处理的计算机控制系统。

    The disadvantage on the existing JB-30B swing impacting test machine was pointed out in the paper . By analyzing its working principle , a computer-controlled system with automatically monitor , display , print and data processing has been designed .