
jì shí qì
  • timer;time-meter;calculagraph;chronoscope
计时器[jì shí qì]
  1. 代理网站后台的访问Web服务模块,使用计时器实现了多线程技术,从而可以对健康预测模型Web服务进行短时间间隔的连续访问。

    Accessing Web Services module of proxy website background uses calculagraph to realize multi-thread technique , with which the system could consecutive access Web Services of health forecast model within seconds .

  2. 用Verilog硬件描述语言设计数字计时器

    Designing Digital - Calculagraph By Verilog HDL

  3. 让厨房计时器开始计时。

    Set the kitchen timer going

  4. 睡眠计时器模拟时发现,大多数电视

    Sleep Timer Emulates the time found in most TVs .

  5. 处理这种情况的方法是在输入的同时使用递减计时器,每次击键重新计时。如果递减计时器变为零,就开始验证

    If the countdown timer ever hits zero , do your validation processing .

  6. 学习建议三:使用计时器,更有效率地利用时间。

    Study tip \# 3 . Use your time more efficiently with a timer .

  7. 往超时的停车计时器里面放枚硬币。

    Put a coin in an expired meter .

  8. 使用番茄工作法,就是用一个计时器把工作分为时间长度为25分钟的多个时段,每个时段之间作短暂休息。

    The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals1 traditionally 25 minutes in length , separated by short breaks .

  9. loadfile()函数是触发计时器时调用的函数。

    The load_file () function is the one that will act as the function when the timer is triggered .

  10. FlashPlayer事件,比如计时器和鼠标事件

    Flash Player events such as the timer and mouse events

  11. 现在我们查看一下针对这个计时器实现的API。

    Let 's now look at the API for this timer implementation .

  12. Linux提供了一个简单的API来构造和管理计时器。

    Linux provides a simple API for the construction and management of timers .

  13. 可编程控制器(PLC)中计时器的使用及扩展

    Application and Expand of Clock in PLC

  14. PLC计时器、计数器设定值的外设定方法

    An Off-line Set up Method on Set up the Value of PLC Timer and Counter

  15. VB中计时器控件的长定时初探

    Preliminary Study on Long-playing Timing of Timer Component in Visual Basic

  16. 在SOA服务调用上实现主动计时器

    Implementing aggressive timers on SOA service invocations

  17. 浅析TCP协议重传超时计时器存在的问题

    Analysis concerning the Protocol of Retransmission Time Out

  18. 第二个线程可以通过一个中间区域(stagingarea)和一个计时器,与EventThread进行交互。

    The second thread can interact with the Event Thread by using a staging area and a timer .

  19. 《时代》周刊(Times)采用的是计时器方法,非付费用户可以免费阅读所有热门的系列内容。

    The times uses a metering method , meaning that a casual , non-paying reader could view all of the Dasani series without paying .

  20. 为提高性能和保证数据的可靠传输,TCP使用了重传计时器的概念。

    To gain higher performance and reliability , TCP uses the concept of Retransmission Timer .

  21. 基于TCP重传计时器的算法分析

    The Study of TCP Retransmission Timeout Algorithm

  22. VB中创建超长时间计时器,虽非原创,但很有用。

    VB to create long-timer , though not original , but very useful .

  23. 然后它创建了一个名为sendping间隔为一秒的计时器,并启动事件循环。

    Then it creates a one-second timer that calls send_ping , and starts the event loop .

  24. 首先分析计时器的基本工作原理,根据常用CMOS集成电路元件设计计时器。

    This paper analyzes timer 's rationale and with design the timer CMOS integrated circuit .

  25. 您可以在./include/linux/timer.h中进一步了解计时器API。

    You can learn more about the timer API in . / include / linux / timer . h.

  26. 计时器插入使用具有O(1)复杂度的列表操作发生,过期发生在O(N)时间内。

    Timer insertion occurs using list operations that are O ( 1 ) complexity , with expiration occurring in O ( N ) time .

  27. 在基本配置上:增加蓝光治疗装置,LED数显计时器,显示治疗时间和累计时间。

    Basic function , and add : Phototherapy ( blue light ) unit , LED display timer , display treatment time and total time .

  28. 本文说明了基于计时器轮算法实现TCP的重新传输计时器的一种备选方法。

    This article explains an alternative method for implementing TCP 's retransmission timer based on a timer wheel algorithm .

  29. 基于CPLD的多功能计时器的设计

    Design of multi-function timer based on CPLD

  30. 采用DSP的捕获功能和改变计时器的周期值可快速、平稳地实现单台逆变器对并联交流母线相位和频率的跟踪。

    Using the capture function of DSP and altering the period of timer , the phase-following can be realized fleetly and calmly .