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  1. 克洛德·孚罗洛早已不再是朵尔西神学院的单纯的学生,不再是一个孩子的温和的保护人,不再是对好些事物很熟悉,对好些事物很陌生的一位青年玄学梦想家了。

    Claude Frollo was no longer the simple scholar of the college of Torch , the tender protector of a little child , the young and dreamy philosopher who knew many things and was ignorant of many .

  2. 这是罗摩神和西她神的脚印。

    These are the footprints of Lord Rama and sita .

  3. 摩西上西乃山从神那里领受刻在石版上的十诫或律法.有的上面有(基督教的教条的)十诫、日历或者乘法表。

    Moses went up Mount Sinai and got the Ten Commandments or Laws on two tablets of Stone . Some have the Ten Commandments , calendars or the multiplication table on them .

  4. 当摩西上西乃山,从神那里接受刻有十条诫命的法板的时候,约书亚也被摩西带到山上。

    It was Joshua whom Moses took with him up into Mt. Sinai when Moses received the Ten Commandments on stone tablets .

  5. 那时地见神的面而震动,天也落雨。西乃山见以色列神的面也震动。

    The earth was shaking and the heavens were streaming , because God was present ; even Sinai itself was moved before god , the God of israel .

  6. 本文是对中国古典小说《西游记》的神猴原型及其在东西方的比较进行的个案研究。

    This is to make a case study on the prototype of the deified monkey in the Chinese classical novel Travel to Buddhism Western Paradise and its different annotation in Western and Eastern literature .