
  • West Lake Longjing Tea;West Lake Dragon Well Tea;Long-jing Tea,in Xihu
  1. 一级西湖龙井的价格也不低,你要买多少啊。

    First class West Lake longjing tea is not cheap , how much do you want ?

  2. 此外,西湖龙井茶种植园位于附近的博物馆为加强与中国茶文化的经验。

    Also , the West Lake Dragon Well Tea Plantation located near the museum provides closer experience with Chinese tea and its culture .

  3. 基于近红外的PLS量化模型鉴定西湖龙井真伪的研究

    Identification of Xihu Longjing Tea by PLS Model Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

  4. 研究结果表明,西湖龙井茶原料一芽二叶初展新梢铅含量在0.3~5.6mg/kg之间,平均为2.2mg/kg。

    The results showed that the Pb concentration in the shoots of one bud and two leaves , the raw material of Westlake Longjing tea , ranged from 0.3 to 5.6 mg / kg with an average of 2.2 mg / kg .

  5. 西湖龙井是简称龙井。

    West Lake Dragon Well is called Dragon Well for short .

  6. 大棚栽培环境对西湖龙井茶品质的影响

    Effect of Plastic Greenhouse Cultivation on Quality of Longjing Tea

  7. 西湖龙井茶茶农标识产地防伪管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Anti-fake Original Label Management System

  8. 说明西湖龙井茶叶铅来源于汽车尾气和燃煤排放,主要污染途径为大气降尘,而不是土壤。

    It showed that the most important source of tea lead pollution were vehicle tail gas and coal-fired emissions . The pollution way of tea was atmospheric dust not soil .

  9. 本公司还经销中国十大名茶&西湖龙井绿茶,均已达到国家茶叶进出口检测标准。

    Besides , our company also supplies Chinese ten famous teas – west lake dragon well tea . All the teas has passed the national tea import / export inspection standard .

  10. 这些都是安徽的红茶,广东和福建的乌龙茶,还有西湖的龙井茶。

    These are Black tea from Anhui , Oolong tea from Guangdong , Oolong tea from Fujian and Longjing tea from Xihu .

  11. 日前开幕的2005中国(杭州)西湖国际茶文化博览会上,西湖龙井茶的故乡&杭州市被授予“中国茶都”的称号。

    The2005 Westlake International Tea Culture Exposition opened Friday in Hangzhou , the capital of east China 's Zhejiang Province .

  12. 其他特产有西湖绸伞和中国十大名茶之一的西湖龙井。

    Other specialties include silk parasols and West Lake Dragon Well Tea , which is among the top ten produced in China .