
  • 网络Seeger;Sig;SIGG;SEAGUAR;X-GE
  1. 美国歌手皮特•西格(PeteSeeger,今年1月27日去世)曾是加利福尼亚州外来工作移民的狂热支持者。1940年,西格在“愤怒的葡萄”(GrapesofWrath)慈善音乐会上结识了伍迪•格思里(WoodyGuthrie)。

    Pete Seeger , the singer who died this week , was a fervent supporter of California 's migrant workers - he met Woody Guthrie at a " Grapes of Wrath " [ ? ? ] benefit concert in 1940 .

  2. 西格,他现在到银行去了。

    Seeger . he 's hitting the bank right now .

  3. 这篇文章论述了ISO9000质量管理体系标准、6西格码管理方法、全面质量管理之间的关系与区别。

    This article discusses the relations and differences among ISO9000 quality management system standards , 6 δ manage method and total quality management .

  4. 同时,西格和华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)的朱莉安娜·达尔坎顿(JulianneDalcanton)正分别在为AURA撰写一篇报告。AURA是一个负责天文台运营的大学联盟。

    Meanwhile , Dr. Seager and Julianne Dalcanton of the University of Washington are writing a separate report for AURA , a consortium of universities that runs observatories .

  5. 西格正在负责一项研究遮星板(starshade)概念的NASA研究。这种遮星板将漂浮在太空望远镜前方,遮挡恒星发出的光,这样就能看见它比较暗淡的行星了,就像司机拉下遮阳板挡住刺眼的阳光那样。

    Dr. Seager is heading a NASA study investigating the concept of a starshade , which would float in front of a space telescope and block light from a star so that its much fainter planets would be visible , the way a driver flips down a shade to block the glare of the sun .

  6. 组织六西格码培训,安排和协调各种必须的资源。

    Organize six sigma training , arrange and coordinate necessary resource .

  7. 在4西格码(4σ)质量水平时,质量成本约占销售额的15%;

    At the level of 4 SIGMA , 15 % occupied ;

  8. 对精益生产或六西格码基本了解。

    A basic knowledge of lean production or six sigma .

  9. 乔-西格:家庭电影,《企鹅冲浪》。

    Joel Siegel : Family films , Surf 's Up .

  10. 六西格码方法在制丝质量管理中的应用

    Application of 6-Sigma ( 6 σ) Method in Quality Management of Tobacco Cutting

  11. 乔-西格:凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯以及阿比盖尔·布兰斯林《美味关系》中担当主角。

    Joel Siegel : Catherine Zeta-Jones and Abigail Breslin star in No Reservations .

  12. 我要你找出西格和查波从哪里找来的任务。

    I want you to find out where Seeger and Chapel are operating from .

  13. 巴尔斯和西格驳斥了这种论点。

    Baars and Seager have refuted this interpretation .

  14. 法兰西斯和查尔斯西格琉提。

    Domino : frances and Charles cigliutti .

  15. 1938年,年轻的皮特西格离开了位于马萨诸塞州的哈佛大学。

    As a young man in 1938 , Pete Seeger left Harvard College in Massachusetts .

  16. 对于许多人来说,记忆里的皮特西格是美国最著名的民谣歌手。

    For many , Pete Seeger will be remembered as America 's most famous folk singer .

  17. 具备六西格码质量管理、精益生产和工艺流程设计经验者优先。

    Experience with Six Sigma , Lean manufacturing systems and process flows would be highly desirable .

  18. 什么是六西格码精益生产?

    What is6 Sigma Lean ?

  19. 由于六西格码管理与质量管理对产品质量和流程要求等各方面的诸多不同,直接利用质量管理中的统计工具必然会给六西格码管理的实施带来一定的限制。

    Six Sigma is so different from Quality Management that it will take Six Sigma many problems .

  20. 奥托出生于德国东部开姆尼茨城外的西格马尔,在柏林长大。

    Born in Siegmar , outside Chemnitz in eastern Germany , Mr. Otto grew up in Berlin .

  21. 每当我想到爸爸我就会想起鲍勃?西格的《宛若山岩》

    When I think of my dad , I think of Bob Seger 's Like a Rock .

  22. 不同的企业都可以在六西格管理中找到答案。

    However , for all the problems in different enterprises can be found the answer in 6 sigma .

  23. 但是,由于六西格码管理形成的时日尚浅,许多工具并不是直接来自于统计或统计思想,而是来自于质量管理中的工具。

    However , most of the tools of Six Sigma are not from Statistics directly but from Quality Management .

  24. 六西格码管理的实施主要是量化的流程式管理,大部分项目的实施都建立在数据统计和分析的基础之上,这使得六西格码管理和统计学的结合非常紧密。

    Process management is the foundation of Six Sigma . Most of the projects are done through data analysis .

  25. 青藏线西格段增建二线盐湖路基设计

    The salt lake area road foundation design of the newly built second line in Xi-Ge section of Qing-Zang line

  26. 西格说,根据这个探测器的轨道,还可以对它进行调整,使之“能够使用遮星板”。

    Depending on the probe 's orbit , said Dr. Seager , it could be also be made " starshade ready . "

  27. 六西格码管理作为一种系统解决问题的质量管理方法,已广泛应用于医院管理。

    As a kind of systemic solving questions , 6 Sigma is a quality control method that has been used in hospital management .

  28. 其结果表明:西格段机车司机总体合格率为31.6%,年龄、行车线路高度差对合格率有较大影响;

    Results show that the general acceptance rate is 31.6 % , and the age and the altitude difference in travel line are significantly effective .

  29. 此外,本文的另外一个贡献还在于通过介绍六西格码管理、质量管理和统计学的发展沿革,阐述了它们之间的关系。

    In this paper , we also introduce the histories of Statistics , Quality Management and Six Sigma , and expound the relations among them .

  30. 上个世纪40年代初,西格组建了以录制维护劳工权益和反对战争等歌曲而闻名的年鉴歌手乐队。

    In the early 1940s , Seeger formed The Almanac Singers . The singing group was known for recording songs about labor rights and against war .