
  1. 第一章介绍马克思相对过剩人口理论和西方经济学流派中主要的失业理论并运用马克思主义批判武器进行简要的分析述评;

    In the first chapter I introduced west theory about unemployment and made a brief comment with Marxism weapon ;

  2. 第二部分介绍了西方经济学流派中四种不同的财政赤字理论,并做出归纳和评述。

    The second part introduces the four different fiscal deficits in schools of western economics theory , and make a summary .

  3. 《西方经济学原理》与西方经济学各个流派理论的关系是:前者是从后者中筛选、提炼和概括出来并为后者所接受的系统的经济理论体系;

    The relationship between western economics principles and other different theories in western economics isthat the forler is sifted , summarized , and refined from the latter and has become an accepted economics theory system .

  4. 本文遵从教学改革和素质教育的需要,结合长期教学实践中的经验与教训,主张实现《西方经济学》、《经济学说史》和《西方经济学流派》的专业课整合与重组。

    Following the need of teaching reform and quality education and the experience of long teaching practice , the paper proposes intergrating the three lessons : western economics , the history of economics thoughts and schools of western economics .