
  1. 当代西方发展理论论析

    An Analysis of Modern Theory of Western Development

  2. 而当代西方发展理论的积极成果,则是科学发展观产生的不可或缺的理论准备。

    And the positive achievement of the contemporary west developing theory is the indispensable theory preparation of the view producing .

  3. 西方区域发展理论及对中国区域开发的启示

    Western Regional Development Theory and its Instructions for China Regional Development

  4. 当代西方道德发展理论研究综述

    A Synthetic View on the Study of the Contemporary Western Ethic Development

  5. 当代西方社会发展理论探析

    Analysis on Contemporary Western Theories of Social Development

  6. 马克思非西方社会发展理论的历史转变及其当代价值

    Historical Transformation of Marx ′ s Theory of Non-Western Social Development and Its Contemporary Values

  7. 并逐渐形成了基于同一生产力技术结构体系&工业社会的两种发展理路和逻辑传统,即马克思主义发展理论和以古典理论为基础的西方社会发展理论。

    Those are the Marxist developmental theory and the western society developmental theory based on classical theory .

  8. 对于西方区域发展理论既要认真借鉴,又不能迷信照搬。

    We should draw lessons from the Regional Development Theory in the West , rather than simply copy it .

  9. 本文将这一理论从十个具体方面展开,突破和超越了西方区域发展理论。

    Specifically speaking , the Chinese Regional Development Theory has transcended the western Regional Development Theory and make breakthrough in ten aspects .

  10. 马克思主义社会发展理论、西方社会发展理论以及中国社会主义现代化建设的实践经验,是这一理论产生的最深刻的根源;

    Marxist social development theories , Western social development theories and China 's experience of socialism modernization represent a solid ground for efficiency of Deng Xiaoping 's Theory .

  11. 唯物史观与现代西方社会发展理论作为建构中国现代化理论的理论资源,比较其异同,正确认识二者的关系是建设有中国特色的科学发展观的理论前提。

    Historical materialism and western modern theory are the resources of Chinese modernization , comparing and researching its relation is a theoretical prerequisite to construct views of characteristics of Chinese scientific development .

  12. 全球化的客观现实及西方政治发展理论的启示,促使人们必须对中国的政治发展进行理性的分析。

    Globalization and the edification of western political development theory , makes people have to rationally analyze on Chinese political development . Under the background of globalization , to realize the strategic target of democratization ?

  13. 同时,西方金融发展理论认为,金融发展是提高资本配置效率,促进经济增长的内在动力。

    At the same time , people have always think that financial development is the inner power of the economic growth by means of improving the efficiency of capital allocation for the western financial development theory .

  14. 西方政治发展理论自20世纪50年代晚期兴起以来虽然经历了跌宕起伏的发展过程,然而这一领域名家辈出,学术成果丰硕,影响深远。

    Western political development theory has gone through ups and downs since its rise in late 1950s , but there are many famous scholars and fruitful academic production in this field , and it has a far-reaching impact .

  15. 当代西方社会发展理论所说的发展是一个综合的概念,由对社会发展的理解存在着狭义和广义之分而使当代西方社会发展理论大致分为狭义社会发展理论和广义社会发展理论。

    The modification of the Constitution has both broad sense and narrow sense . This thesis aims to sort out the contemporary western theories of social development , and make a rough discussion on Chinese strategy of development in the 21st century .

  16. 为了破解社会发展困境,诸多学者认为研究社会发展问题必须全面考察人与人之间的现实关系,深入汲取西方社会发展理论的合理因素。

    In order to solve the plight of social development , many scholars believe that the study of social development must fully examine the reality of relations between people , in-depth development of the West to learn the theory and reasonable factors .

  17. 西方区域发展差异理论评介与质疑

    Review and Query on the Theories of Occidental Regional Development Difference

  18. 西方区域经济发展理论的演变与启示

    Evolution of the Western Theories of Regional Development and Some Inspiration

  19. 西方社会的发展理论经历了从传统发展观到现代发展观的转变。

    There is a change from traditional view to current view on the theory of development in Western society .

  20. 本文的写作分为四篇:第一篇结合西方零售业态发展理论分析了中国零售业业态发展的现状与存在的问题。

    Firstly , applying the theory of retailing business format , I analyze the format situation of China 's retail industry and problems .

  21. 作为西方传统发展主义理论和实践的反动,新发展主义就是在这种背景下登场的。

    As the reaction to the Western traditional developmental theory and practice , in that case the new developmentalism has entered into our visual field .

  22. 区域经济增长阶段理论、新古典主义的趋同假说、结构主义区域发展观及新经济地理学理论反映了西方区域经济发展理论演变的基本脉络。

    The western theories of regional development consist of regional growth stage theory , new classical theory of regional convergence , structuralist theory of regional development and new economic geography .

  23. 因此,西方经典城市发展理论无一不是从产业发展与演化的视角来研究城市及城市群体的发展演化的。

    That is to say , the Western classical theories of urban development are all from the perspective of industrial development and evolution to study the development and evolution of the city and the city community .

  24. 不可否认,西方的政治发展理论为人类的政治发展提供了一些具有普适价值的东西,但由于中国特殊的经济、政治、文化背景,我国的政治发展就具有了中国特色。

    There is no denying the fact that the western political development theories afford some universal significance for human political development as a whole , however , due to its special economic , political and cultural background , the political development in China has its own characteristic .

  25. 当代西方城市可持续发展空间理论研究热点和争论

    Contemporary Theories and Conflicts on Sustainable Urban Space

  26. 从单纯经济增长到多元协调发展&西方社会关于当代发展理论的反思

    From Single Economic Growth to Diverse Harmonious Development & Reflecting on Current Theory of Development in Western Society

  27. 记者型电视节目主持人在西方的发展由来已久,理论完善,值得我们借鉴。

    The journalist anchorman has a long history in western countries and there is perfect theory which is valuable for our research .

  28. 同时,我国传统儒家文化基本理念、西方经典的城市发展理论和现代发展理论为城市森林文化奠定了深厚的理论基础。

    Meanwhile , a solid theoretical foundation of urban forest culture has been established by traditional Confucian culture of China , western classical theory of urban development and modern development theory .

  29. 预防性储蓄理论是西方新近发展的储蓄理论,它主要研究不确定情况下居民的储蓄行为,是对传统储蓄理论的重要拓展。

    A newly developed western savings theory & Precautionary Savings Theory , which mainly dwells on residents ' savings behavior under uncertain conditions , is a great expansion of the traditional savings theory .

  30. 本文着重进行理论分析,运用现代西方经济学和金融发展理论的观点对金融发展的现状和城乡差距的现状进行了具体的分析期间运用了大量的统计数据来进行。

    This paper emphasis on theoretical analysis , by using the modern western economics , the theory of financial development and a number of data to analyze financial development and Income gap between urban and rural .