
  • 网络handling;Loading and unloading;material handling;Loading and moving
  1. 军用物资装卸搬运系统设备配置分析

    Analysis on Equipment Disposition for Military Materials Handling System

  2. 军用物资装卸搬运作业系统建模与仿真研究

    Modeling and Simulation Research on Military Material Handling System

  3. 通过对军用物资装卸搬运系统的作业分析,在EXTEND仿真平台上建立了物资装卸搬运系统作业仿真模型;

    By analysing the process of military material handling system , a simulation model of the military material handing process was built in Extend simulation software .

  4. 装卸搬运系统对军事物流影响分析

    Analysis on Influence of Material Handling System in Military Logistics

  5. 军事物流发展的瓶颈&装卸搬运略谈处方应付之规范化

    The Bottleneck of the Development of Military Logistics & Handling and Carrying

  6. 装卸搬运机械是现代物流机械中必不可少的机械设备。

    Assemble and unassembled machine is essential mechanical equipment in modern logistics machinery .

  7. 装卸搬运设备配置优化研究

    Study on Optimized Disposition of Material Handling Equipment

  8. 现行弹药包装对弹药装卸搬运的影响分析

    Influence of Ammunition Package upon Ammunition Handling

  9. 装卸搬运车辆的可靠性探讨

    The Reliability of Handling Transport Vehicles

  10. 实用装卸搬运车的设计

    Design of practical handling carrier

  11. 指出静液压传动的优势,讨论了静液压传动技术在典型装卸搬运机械上的应用,并说明静液压传动技术的发展趋势。

    This paper expounds the hydrostatic transmission technology 's application to typical loading / unloading machine and its development trend .

  12. 在装卸搬运上,集装箱码头比一般杂货码头更快、更经济、更正确、吞吐量更大。

    It is capable of handling containers more quickly , economically , accurately and in greater volumes than conventional ports .

  13. 在物流系统中,装卸搬运是发生概率极高且消耗费用占物流总费用较大的部分。

    In logistics system , transporting and transferring happen with an extremely high frequency , and they cost most of the expense .

  14. 因此,包括装卸搬运机械在内的港口装卸机械的管理工作的优劣效果对提升港口整体竞争实力具有至关重要的作用。

    Therefore , the management of port handling machinery plays a vital role on improving the whole competition strength of the port .

  15. 物流系统的基本功能有:运输、储存保管、包装、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送、物流信息等。

    And the essential function is as following : transportation storage package loading and unloading processing ~ dispatching and the information of logistics .

  16. 本税目的征收范围包括:陆路运输、水路运输、航空运输、管道运输、装卸搬运。

    The levying scope of this tax item includes : land , water , air and pipeline transportation , loading and unloading transportation .

  17. 汽车物流是集运输、仓储、装卸搬运、包装、产品流通加工、配送及物流信息于一体的综合性管理。

    The automobile logistics is the integrative management of transportation , storage , loading and unloading , carrying , product processing , distribution and logistics information .

  18. 物流是由运输、保管、装卸搬运、包装、流通加工、配送和信息管理等环节组成的一个系统工程。

    Logistics is a systematic link which is consisted of transportation , storage , loading and unloading , packaging , distribution processing , distribution and information management .

  19. 物流装卸搬运是指同一地域范围内进行的、以改变物的存在状态和空间位置为主要内容和目的的活动。

    The main content and purpose of material handling activities are to change the existing states of material and its location of space in the same geographical area .

  20. 最后,探讨了物流活动过程诸环节(如装卸搬运、保管储存等)对包装及包装工程学科提出的新要求。

    Finally , it investigates that logistics activities such as loading & unloading , storage , waste package processing put forward new requirements for package and package engineering discipline .

  21. 本文对物流装卸搬运系统从装卸搬运的对象物资、系统流程、装卸搬运作业的起讫点、物流量和搬运高度等几个方面进行分析。

    It analyzes the logistics material handling in several aspects , such as the material , the system flow , destination , logistics flux and the altitude of movement .

  22. 现代物流活动包括运输、存储、包装加工、装卸搬运、网络信息技术等环节,每个环节都是与人的活动密不可分的。

    Modern physical distribution activity including transportation , memory , packing processing , loading and unloading transporting and network information technology , each link connects with the activity of people .

  23. 对装卸搬运设备配置的原则和步骤进行了分析,在考虑设备替代和全寿命周期成本的基础上建立了设备配置模型,并结合实例进行了实证分析。

    The paper analyzes the principles and methods of material handling equipment disposition and builds up the equipment collocation model on the basis of considering substitution and LCC of the equipment .

  24. 建立了装卸搬运系统的模型,分析了其对军事物流的影响因素,提出了提高军事物流装卸搬运效率的途径。

    The paper establishes the model of material handling system , analyzes the influence factors in military logistics and puts forward the way to improve material handling efficiency of military logistics .

  25. 而装卸搬运机器人是装卸搬运机械中机械化、自动化、智能化程度较高的机电一体化产品,是科学技术发展和多学科相互渗透的产物。

    And Assemble and unassembled robot is a mechatronics machine with higher mechanization , automation and intellectualization , its the product of the development of science and technology infiltrate into multidisciplinary .

  26. 成品油物流是由储存、运输、配送三大主要功能和包装、装卸搬运、流通加工和信息处理四个辅助功能构成的。

    Logistics of refined oils includes three major functions ( storage , transportation and distribution ) and four minor functions ( package , loading and unloading , processing and information processing ) .

  27. 在此基础上,对一体化的第三方物流的运作环节仓库管理、装卸搬运、运输管理进行了分析,通过优化物流环节,采用合理的管理方法来提高第三方物流系统的运作效率。

    Moreover , the main operation process of integration third-party logistics is analyzed for improving the operation efficiency of the third party logistics , including warehouse management , transit and transport management .

  28. 合理配置装卸搬运机械可以为港口创造更多的经济效益,因此如何合理配置装卸搬运机械的问题值得深入研究,本文引用系统生产效率的定义建立了装卸搬运机械合理配置模型,进而进行计算及分析。

    The reasonable allocation of port cargo handling machinery can create more economic benefits for the port . So the issue of how to allocate port cargo handling machinery reasonably is worthy of further research .

  29. 物流业是一个综合性很强的行业,它涉及运输、包装、仓储、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送和信息等各个方面。

    The logistics industry is a comprehensive trade , it involves transportation , package , storage , loading and unload carrying , circulating in such all respects as processing , providing and delivering and information , etc.

  30. 在正确理解现代物流的基础上,通过比较物流装卸搬运与铁路装卸的异同,对铁路装卸发展现代物流的必要性进行了分析论证。

    With the use of the modern logistics theory , this paper analyzed and proved the necessity of developing modern logistics in railway handling through comparing the similarities and differences between logistics handling and railway handling .