
xuè shū
  • letter written in one's own blood;a letter (expressing one's determination last wish, etc.)written in one's own blood
血书 [xuè shū]
  • [a letter (expressing ones determinationlast wish, etc.)written in ones own blood] 为了表示有极大的仇恨冤屈或决心而用自己的血写成的遗书、诉状、决心书等

血书[xuè shū]
  1. 他这血书字迹太潦草,什么内容都有可能啊。

    It 's hard to read his actual words , as they are written in blood .

  2. 如今,这皮夹克和“血书”被世界上的博物馆和收藏家珍藏着。

    Today , these leather-flying jackets and their " blood chits ," are prized by museums and collectors all over the world .

  3. 美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)飞行员身上穿的皮夹克的背面缝上了“血书”,证明他们是来帮助中国人民的“飞虎队”队员。

    Sewn onto the back of leather flying jackets worn the pilots of the American Volunteer Group , the " Blood Chit " or " Xuefu " was worn to identify the " Flying Tigers " to the Chinese people .