
  • 网络screw pairs
  1. 自动气象站防雷螺纹副的防松技术

    The Automatic Weather Station Defends the Thunder Loosing Prevention Technology of Screw Pairs

  2. 对光机系统中螺纹副联接结构的接触状态进行了计算分析,并对其结果进行了后处理,同时对其加载过程进行了试验。试验表明,分析结果与试验结果具有良好的一致性。

    The contact status of screw pairs joint structure on opto-mechanical system are analyzed , the result has a good consistency with trial result .

  3. 笔者研制的ST2型防松螺母采用了减小以至消除螺纹副径向间隙的防松原理。

    The lock nuts type ST 2 developed by the writer adopts the anti loose principle of reducing or even eliminating the radial clearance in thread pairs .

  4. 螺旋千斤顶螺纹副优化设计

    The Optimum Design for the Screw Part of the Screw Jack

  5. 轧机压下螺纹副承载特性测试研究

    Experimental Study on the Load Distribution of Plate Mill Pressure Screw-pairs

  6. 轧机压下螺纹副微尺度理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study of Pressure Screw Pairs Micro-Size Behavior

  7. 微小型零件精密装配中的螺纹副联接技术研究

    Research on Screw Joint for Precise Assembly of Miniature Parts

  8. 轧机压下螺纹副不等厚螺牙面力场的多极边界元解析

    Frictional contact multipole-BEM analysis of traction field in screw pairs

  9. 浅谈压缩机活塞杆螺纹副配合精度控制

    On the Control of the Fit Accuracy of Piston Rod Thread of Compressors

  10. 轧机压下螺纹副回松机理试验和铜螺母螺牙塑扁鼓包分析

    Rapping experiment of rolling mill pressure SCREW-PAIRS and plastic bulge of nut teeth analysis

  11. 型同轴线接头转接器微小型零件精密装配中的螺纹副联接技术研究

    Coaxial N type adapter N Research on Screw Joint for Precise Assembly of Miniature Parts

  12. 最新螺纹副装配扭矩测试方法&瞬时滑动法介绍

    New Test Method for Assembly Torsion of Thread Pairs & Introduction of Instantaneous Sliding Method

  13. 副乳腺的高频二维超声诊断轧机螺纹副面力场的3维解析

    High-Frequency Two-Dimensional Ultrasonography Diagnosis of Accessory Breast The 3D analysis of traction field in screw pairs of mill

  14. 介绍配合间隙要求高的螺纹副的一种简易加工精度控制方法。

    It presents an easy method to control the machining accuracy of thread with high requirement for fit clearance .

  15. 飞秒激光烧蚀金属材料特性与微零件制备研究微小型零件精密装配中的螺纹副联接技术研究

    Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Metallic Materials and Fabrication of Micro-components ; Research on Screw Joint for Precise Assembly of Miniature Parts

  16. 提高轧钢机压下丝杠螺纹副寿命的设计下图是常见的、能够接受的操纵杆和压铁位置。

    A method of prolonging the life of adjusting screw in rolling mill Illustrated below are some commonly accepted positions of the lever and weight .

  17. 螺纹副在机械行业中不仅起到重要的连接功能,而且为了机械零件的运动安全,必须具有良好的防松功能。

    Screw pairs play important function of not only connecting in mechanical business , but also preventing loosing to ensure operation safety of mechanical parts .

  18. 而其他常用的控制方法,需要将螺纹副拧至屈服,不适用于目标预紧力确定的微小型零件螺纹副精密装配。

    Other methods are not suitable for the miniature screw thread precise assembly which need target pre-tightening force determined , since the control force is too large .

  19. 对密封不良的圆锥螺纹副进行分析和计算找出问题所在,改进加工方法和尺寸,获得了良好的密封效果。

    The reason for the leak of sealed taper screw was found through analysis and calculation , after the improvement of machining method and dimension size , the seal effect was fine .

  20. 本论文以光机系统的结构设计为背景,阐述了有限元方法的应用,并明确了螺纹副联接结构中接触非线性问题对求解动力学响应的影响。

    The application of the finite element method on structure design of opto-mechanical system is summarized , and the influence of screw pairs joint structure contact nonlinear problem on simulating dynamics response is depicted .

  21. 运用三维弹性摩擦接触多极边界元对3500中厚板轧机压下螺纹副进行面力场的数值解析。

    The three dimensional elastic contact multipole-BEM and the corresponding program are successfully used in solving the distributions of traction in the press down screw-pairs of 3500 heavy plate mill , which is a large scale computing subject .

  22. 最后利用最大轧制力对改进前后的轧机压下系统进行有限元模拟,并且验证对该中板厂4300轧机压下系统螺纹副改进的可行性。

    Finally , using the maximum force on the rolling mill pressure before and after transformation of the finite element simulation of the system , and verify the pressure in the rolling mill 4300 to improve the feasibility of the system thread Vice .

  23. 应用Pro/ENGINEER软件,按照国家标准分别建立六角头螺栓和螺母的三维模型,并将它们旋合起来成为螺纹副;

    This paper presents an approach that uses the software pro / ENGINEER first to build the three-dimensional models of the hex head bolt and the screw cap respectively according to the national standard , and then combine them to form the screw part .

  24. 阐述了螺旋式打包压榨机的结构特点和工作原理,介绍了螺旋传动机构的材料、牙型选择和结构组成及螺纹传动副的主要参数选择、校验。

    The structure characteristics and working principle of spiral pack squeezer , the material , tooth selection structure formed of spiral machine , and main parameter selection , check of spiral machine were introduced .

  25. 采用有限元数值模拟方法,考虑螺栓材料的弹塑性性质,计算分析普通三角形螺纹螺栓&螺母副在轴向力作用下的内力、应力和变形规律。

    By using finite element method and taking bolt material elastic-plasticity into consideration , the distribution laws of inner force and stresses in and deformation of a general triangle screwed bolt under the action of axial force were numerically calculated and analyzed .

  26. 螺纹连接中螺母松动的主要原因是,横向动载荷作用和由此引起的螺纹副横向振动。

    In thread connection , the main causes of loosening of nuts are action of lateral dynamic load and the induced lateral vibration of thread pairs .