
If I stay till evening my candle may go out .
On every full moon , the girl would burned incenses and wax candles to worship the moon .
Although , candles can be nice if you 're in the mood for , say , some Dirty Dancing .
Her bones shall be laid to rest in the Temple of the Graces , and a hundred candles shall burn day and night in her memory .
Otherwise , if your date is coming to you , then you can light a few scented candles for the same effect .
With this candle , I will light you in darkness .
Every evening he could see the candle-light from his neighbor , but the light could not reach his home .
For some special birthday or because the number of candles will be the risk of fire , special candles will be replaced by the actual number of small candles .
Scientists aren 't quite sure why it happens , but we all know it 's true : sitting in a softly lit room or looking at a cluster of glowing candles makes us feel peaceful and cozy .
To allow diffuse of remaining scent , don 't put the lid on immediately after fire out .
" It is important to think about what could happen if a candle falls , is bumped , or burns all the way down ," she says .
Tell Delia that we offered a candle to the Virgin Mary for each of you there , and that we are bringing her back a rosary from there also . Mummy and I climbed the tower later .
Susan said that whenever it was Hannah 's turn to light the first candle , she 'd always tease Susan that the candles she lit would burn longer and brighter than when Susan lit them .