
  • 网络Cellular cell;cell of origin
  1. 基于TD-SCDMA的蜂窝小区两跳结构的覆盖性能研究

    Research of Coverage through Two-hop Relaying of Single Cell Based on TD-SCDMA Cellular Radio System

  2. 本文提出了蜂窝小区移动通信体制下波束形成的约束模型,并基于该模型利用Chebyshev线阵实现多波束优化设计。

    In this paper , a new constraint model is presented for the cellular mobile communication system . Based on that model Chebyshev array is applied to get optimum solution for multibeam designation .

  3. 多波束天线下多层蜂窝小区切换性能分析

    Handover performance analysis of multi-cell cellular configuration with multi-beam antennas in mobile communications systems

  4. 上下行信号平衡与蜂窝小区设计

    Balancing of Up - Link and Down - Link Signal for Cell Design in Cellular System

  5. 基于蜂窝小区的同频干扰和越区切换模型研究带飞行因子的粒子群算法的铝蜂窝板模型修正

    Aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate model updating based on the partical swarm optimization algorithm with flying factor

  6. 在蜂窝小区系统中,小区边缘用户受到相邻小区的干扰,因此它们的吞吐率相当低。

    Cell-edge users in cellular systems suffer from the interferences of adjacent cells and their throughputs are typically very low .

  7. 与传统的分层小区结构不同,本文提出一种基于基站多波束天线在垂直面分割形成的分层蜂窝小区结构。

    Different from conventional hierarchical cellular system , the proposed one is based on multi-beam base-station antenna splitting in the elevation-radiating plane .

  8. 中继技术能有效地扩大蜂窝小区的覆盖范围,克服阴影效应,有效地提高系统的吞吐量。

    Relays can be deployed in cellular wireless networks to extend coverage and combat shadowing , and thus significantly increase system throughput .

  9. 蜂窝小区的合理覆盖是蜂窝通信系统为用户提供优质服务的先决条件。

    The proper coverage of a cell / sector is a prerequisite for the cellular communication system to provide users with high-quality services .

  10. 同时建立了一个基于TDMA/FDMA蜂窝小区的数据容量解析模型来分析该体制的性能。

    In the following , an analytical model of data capacity in TDMA / FDMA cellular systems is developed for the performance simulation of the scheme .

  11. 当各规划小区话务量分布不均匀和蜂窝小区结构不规则时,这种传统方法受到诸多限制。

    The traditional methods are usually subject to various kinds of constraints , because the traffic density is not well distributed and microcell structure quite irregular .

  12. 提出了一种基于改进扇区天线的蜂窝小区模型下,利用干扰对齐技术,通过三小区进行协作,从而有效提高了各小区的频谱效率,并能避免小区协作簇之间的干扰。

    This paper proposed a scheme by the use of IA and rearranged sector-antenna in order to avoid inter-cluster interference and greatly improve the spectral efficiency of each cell .

  13. 正交频分复用技术非常适合蜂窝小区内部用户间的干扰消除;认知无线电技术则是在不影响主用户通信的情况下,实现频谱动态接入。

    OFDM is an efficient way to eliminate the interference between users within the cell . While , CR can achieve dynamic spectrum access without affecting the primary user communication .

  14. 在平流层通信平台上,利用了多波束天线来形成蜂窝小区结构,而用户端采用空分复用方式使用无线信道。

    In this system , the information platform uses a multi-beam antenna to form a cellular structure , and the mobile terminal use the radio channel through space division multiplexing .

  15. 随着蜂窝小区无线通信系统的不断发展,正交频分复用()和认知无线电技术()相继被提出。

    With the continuous development of the wireless communication system of the cellular network , Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) and Cognitive Radio ( CR ) technology have been proposed .

  16. 通过理论分析揭示了移动通信基站天线下倾有助于改善蜂窝小区间同频干扰的机理。

    The principle that a tilted base-station antenna of cellular mobile communications is conducive to improve the reduction of cochannel interference between the cells is expounded in this paper with theoretical analysis .

  17. 接着重点阐述了利用射线跟踪技术这种确定性的分析方法预测无线电波传播特性的基本原理、方法,以及它在微蜂窝小区的电波传播特性研究中的优势。

    With that , emphases were be put on the basic principle 、 methods and its advantages in the study on the characteristic of the microcell based on ray tracing method of determinate analysis means .

  18. 现代通信正朝着两个不同的方向飞速发展,一个是面向全球范围日益增长的宽带通信;另一个是基于蜂窝小区结构的无线通信。

    Modern communication is developing at full speed towards two different directions , One is broadband communication increased in global range , the other is wireless communication on the basis of the structure of the cell phone .

  19. 本文考虑在蜂窝小区模型下,研究如何减小小区间的干扰,并对次用户的频谱接入进行了一定的研究。首先,本文对干扰协调的相关技术进行分析。

    In this paper , we consider to study how to reduce the inter-cell interference ( ICI ), and secondary users spectrum access under the cellular network model . First , this paper describes the interference coordination techniques .

  20. 对于移动六边形蜂窝小区,基站位于小区中心,向外产生圆形辐射区域,因此在小区边缘通信质量较差,易产生共道干扰。

    Base stations locate in the center of the hexagonal cell and radiate the power in a circle to the outside part , so the quality for the cell edge users is quite poor and it can easily be disturbed by the Co-Channel Interference .

  21. 为满足用户数量及数据速率增加对传统蜂窝小区提出的覆盖及容量增加的要求,文中分析多跳通信模式的基础上,提出矩形蜂窝结构。

    To meet the requirements of the coverage and capacity increase due to the augment of the users number and data rate in traditional cellular systems , based on the analysis of the multi-hop communication scheme , a rectangle-shaped multi-hop cellular architecture is proposed .

  22. 提供了一种提高蜂窝OFDMA小区边缘用户上行链路传输效率的方法,它利用小区内扇区分集提高误比特率性能,并利用小区间分组分集降低分组重传次数。

    A method to improve transmission efficiency at the edge of cellular OFDMA uplink is proposed , decreasing bit errors by sectors diversity and reducing the number of retransmission .

  23. 在微蜂窝码分多址小区的上行链路实现比特同步的设想

    The bit - synchronous communication on the up-link of micro - cell CDMA Systems

  24. 分析了一种基于多波束天线在垂直面发射形成的多层蜂窝移动通信小区结构的切换性能。

    A new multi-cell cellular configuration networks is provided for analysis of handover initiation probability , which is based on multi-beam base-station antenna splitting in the elevation-radiating plane .

  25. 分析和仿真表明,相对于传统蜂窝结构,群小区架构的小区间干扰并没有大幅度的提高。

    Analyses and simulation results indicate that the inter-cell interference of group cell will not increase more than traditional cellular structure .

  26. 移动通信无线蜂窝网包含许多小区,各个小区又根据用户业务需求要求配置数目不等的载频。

    Wireless cellular mobile communication network contains a number of districts ; each district is configured according to user requirements of business needs , ranging from the number of carrier frequency .

  27. 蜂窝移动通信中小区基站的场强覆盖情况很大程度上决定了移动通信的通话质量和系统容量,而场强传播损耗预测是获得小区覆盖的最有效方法。

    In mobile communication system , the quality of service and the capacity of the system are determined by the cell coverage which can be obtained from the field strength propagation prediction .