
cán dòu bìng
  • favism
蚕豆病[cán dòu bìng]
  1. 采取了综合性防治措施降低了蚕豆病的发病率。

    Combined prophylactic measures were conducted and decreased the morbidity of favism significantly .

  2. 蚕豆病426例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 426 Cases of Favism

  3. 目的探讨蚕豆病的发病因素、临床特点和诊疗措施。

    Objective To explore the etiological factors , clinical characteristics and diagnostic and treatment methods .

  4. 蚕豆病是由于红细胞葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏引起的先天性溶血性贫血。

    Favism is a hemolytic anemia due to glucose - 6 phosphate dehydrogenase ( G - 6-PD ) deficiency .

  5. 什么是蚕豆病?怎么才能预防?能彻底治好吗?会复发吗?

    What is horsebean disease ? How can ability prevent ? Can you cure thoroughly ? Can you have a relapse ?

  6. 云南省蚕豆枯萎病发生特点及复合侵染研究

    Outbreak Characters of Broad Bean Blight and Pathogens ' Integrated Infection in Yunnan , China

  7. 甘肃蚕豆赤斑病及轮斑病的为害分析及经济阈值研究

    Studies on the damage of broad bean chocolate spot , annular spot and its economic threshold in Gansu Province

  8. 本文通过蚕豆根病田间调查和鉴定,分析了苗期和成株期发病的相关性。

    This paper presents the analysis of the correlation of root disease incidence between seedling and adult stages of Fababean based on field investigation and identification .

  9. 常熟地区蚕豆枯萎病病原菌鉴定及其致病力初探栗疫病菌致病力和弱致病力菌株的分子生物学检测

    Study on main species and virulence of faba bean Fusarium wilt in Changshu Aera Differentiation of Cryphonectria parasitica strains related to virulence and hypo virulence using PCR-RFLP of ITS regions of ribosomal DNA and RAPD analyses

  10. 复合侵染的蚕豆黄花叶病病原诊断

    Diagnosis of the multiple pathogen of broad bean yellow mosaic disease

  11. 江苏省蚕豆萎蔫病毒病侵染流行的研究

    Studies on the epidemiology of broad bean wilt disease

  12. 广州地区豌豆黄顶病和武汉地区蚕豆黄顶病的病原病毒初步鉴定

    Identity of a virus causing pea yellow top in Canton and Broadbean yellow top in wu-han

  13. 江苏省常熟地区蚕豆镰刀菌枯萎病病原及其防治研究

    Study on the Pathogen of Faba Bean Fusarium Wilt and Their Control in Changshu of Jiangsu Province

  14. 蚕豆黄化卷叶病的药剂防治

    Control of bean leaf roll virus in broad bean with insecticides

  15. 在4月,蚕豆黄化卷叶病的潜育期为11~18天。

    In April , the latent period of the disease was 11 ~ 18 days .

  16. 小麦蚕豆间作条件下蚕豆对钾的吸收及对蚕豆赤斑病的影响

    Potassium Uptake and Its Effect on Leaf Spots of Broad Beans in Wheat and Broad Beans Intercropping