
  • 网络condiment sauce
  1. 然后慢慢加入牛奶,搅拌,直到温度加热为止,做成蘸料。

    Slowly pour milk in it and mix until heated .

  2. 生蔬菜切成一口大小的长条,作为蘸料食用。

    Raw vegetables cut into bite-sized strips and served with a dip .

  3. 配有美味蘸料看上去是豆酱还有…

    and what looks to be a tasty bean dip , and ...

  4. 用牛奶或奶油溶化的巧克力做成的溶化巧克力,是水果的蘸料。

    Fondue made of chocolate melted with milk or cream for dipping fruits .

  5. 热的类似沙司的溶化干酪或巧克力,是面包和水果的蘸料。

    Hot sauce-like melted cheese or chocolate in which bread or fruits are dipped .

  6. 用白葡萄酒溶化的干酪做成的溶化干酪,是面包有时也是水果的蘸料。

    Fondue made of cheese melted in wine for dipping bread and sometimes fruits .

  7. 炸鱼薯条配的佐料有番茄酱和醋,还可以多加50便士要一份咖喱蘸料。

    Distribution of fish fries are seasoned tomato sauce and vinegar , can also add50 pence to a Zhanliao Curry .

  8. 旁边配有生菜叶,用于卷裹各种不同的色拉馅料,还有以糖、柠檬和醋为主的传统调味蘸料。

    There were lettuce leaves on the side for wrapping various salad ingredients in , and traditional sauces , accentuated by sugar , lemon and vinegar , for dipping .

  9. 另一道菜是小火慢炖的羊肉,一条条羊腿肉被烹得软糯无骨,搭配的小菜由亮晶晶的石榴籽做成,蘸料则是盛在小玻璃杯里的浓香酸奶。

    The other was the slow-cooked lamb , ribbons of meltingly soft leg meat placed next to a glittering relish of pomegranate and a tiny glass bottle filled with a tangy yogurt dressing .

  10. 虽然金的蘸料抢镜了,但其实她点了很多麦当劳单品:6个带蜂蜜蘸料的鸡块、芝士汉堡、小薯条,还有香草奶昔。

    While Kim 's dipping sauce stole the spotlight , her complete McDonald 's order included much more : six chicken nuggets with honey dipping sauce , a cheeseburger , a small fries , and a vanilla milkshake .

  11. 我在1996年弄到些花椒,当时因为不知道什么时候才能再弄到一些,所以我明智地把它们加盐烘焙,做成了花椒粉,在吃炸鸡时当蘸料享用。

    I got my hands on some in 1996 , and since I didn 't know when I 'd get more , I used the peppercorns judiciously ─ roasting them with salt , say , to make a zesty dip for fried chicken .
