
zǎo lèi
  • alga
藻类 [zǎo lèi]
  • [alga] 叶状体植物亚界(Thallobionta)的一些含有叶绿素的有机体的通称

藻类[zǎo lèi]
  1. 藻类叶绿体DNA和基因图谱

    DNA and gene map of alga chloroplast genome

  2. 基于BP神经网络的藻类生长预测研究

    Prediction of Alga Growth Based on BP Neural Networks

  3. 支持铁物质增殖作用理论的人认为这些尘埃促成了海洋藻类的茂密生长,后来这些藻类沉入海床,带走了大量的二氧化碳,这进一步降低了地球温度。

    Supporters of the iron-fertilization theory believe this dust produced blooms of oceanic algae that then sank to the seabed , taking large amounts of carbon with them , which helped to reduce temperatures still further .

  4. 一些专家认为,打印机可以利用大量可再生能源,如藻类和草中的水胶体,来代替熟悉的成分。

    Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids from plentiful renewables like algae and grass to replace the familiar ingredients .

  5. 通过利用藻类中首次发现的感光蛋白,一名完全失明男子的部分视力得到了恢复。40年前,这名来自法国布列塔尼的男子被诊断患有视网膜色素变性。

    The man from Brittany in France was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa 40 years ago .

  6. 多数藻类生长在水中。

    Most algae live in water .

  7. 在悉尼南部的杰维斯湾,海藻,这种富含纤维和奥米茄-3脂肪酸的藻类植物被种植和收获。

    In Jervis Bay , south of Sydney , seaweed , which is rich in fibre and omega 3 , is grown and harvested .

  8. pH值对藻类生长的影响十分显著。

    PH can significantly affect on the growth of algae .

  9. 藻类生长适宜温度为25~32℃,pH为6.5~7.5;

    The suitable temperature is between 25 ℃ and 32 ℃;

  10. 耐受极高浓度CO2藻类的研究及其在固碳领域的应用

    Progress of the Study on the High-CO_2-Tolerant Algae and its Application in Carbon Fixation Technology

  11. 结果表明:氯化样品的致突变活性与藻类代谢物含量及加氧量均呈正相关(P<0.05);

    The results showed that the mutagenic activity of chlorinated samples was positively correlated with the concentration of algal metabolites and chlorine ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  12. 不同藻类在UV-B处理下的抗性生理研究

    Study on Physiological Changes of Different Algae under UV-B Radiation Treatment

  13. 分析了海洋浮游藻类细胞外碳酸酐酶(细胞外CA)活性与无机碳浓度以及藻细胞质膜氧化还原活性之间的关系。

    Extracellular carbonic anhydrase activity in relation to inorganic carbon concentration and plasma membrane redox activity are investigated in marine phytoplankton species .

  14. 浮游动物与浮游植物的现存量没有明显的相关关系(p>0.05),仅依靠浮游动物不能对浮游藻类进行有效的控制。

    There was no pronounced relationship between the standing crops of zooplankton and of phytoplankton ( p > 0.05 ); so phytoplankton cannot be well controlled only depending on zooplankton .

  15. 主要探讨了在水库水藻类水华现象中pH值的变化,发现水体pH值与藻类数量之间存在较好的相关性,并在pH值与藻种群密度D之间尝试性建立数学模型。

    This paper discusses the change of pH in algae blooming in reservoir , pH is relativity to the quantity of algae and gets its model .

  16. Fenton试剂净化藻类污染水的理论与工艺技术研究

    Study on the Theory and the Technics of Alga Polluted Water Decontamination by Fenton Reagent

  17. 18Srdna可用于海洋藻类分子分类与鉴定。

    18s rDNA was useful to identify and classify marine algae .

  18. 结果显示电场、紫外线辐射、OH自由基、臭氧和过氧化氢(活性物质和自由基)是导致藻类失活的主要因素。

    It was found that the electric fields , ultra-violet radiations , OH radicals , ozone and hydrogen peroxide were the main factors for the inactivation of algae .

  19. 潮滩沉积物&水界面NH3-N交换通量的底栖藻类效应

    Effect of benthic alga on ammonium flux in the intertidal sediment-water interface

  20. 为了进一步探索染色体DNA与核基质之间的相互作用,从单细胞真核藻类杜氏盐藻中克隆出了MAR片段。

    In order to investigate the interactions between chromosomal DNA and nuclear matrices , we isolated the MARs from unicellular alga Dunaliella salina .

  21. 多介质环境模型研究太湖藻类生物量对POPs的影响

    Study on effect of algae biomass on POPs in Taihu Lake by using multimedia environmental model

  22. 此外,以聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳的方法研究了化感作用对藻类POD、SOD、CAT、COD等酶活性强弱及其同工酶的影响,从藻类酶活性变化角度探讨了化感作用的抑藻机理。

    Furthermore , the allelopathic influences on algae enzymes and isoenzyme of POD , SOD , CAT , COD were investigated by means of PAGE .

  23. 级联加法TS型MLP预警藻类污染

    Cascade Adder TS-MLP Algae Pollution Warning

  24. 但TN、TP和浮游藻类细胞密度增长较快,水体向富营养发展的趋势明显。

    But the TN ? TP and cells density of phytoplankton are on the increase , water body tend to be of eutrophication .

  25. 在一定pH、温度和营养条件下,光照的强弱和时间的长短决定着藻类光合作用的效率,对藻类的生长速率起着重要的作用。

    The intensities and time of the illumination determine algal photosynthetic efficiency in certain circumstances of pH 、 temperature and nutrient . Meanwhile , it play an important role in the Cyanobacteria growth rate .

  26. 结果表明,底泥的性质、水温及pH、溶解氧和藻类的生长,对氮素转化都有一定的影响。

    The results demonstrate that the nitrogen conversion in water is affected to a certain extent by the nature of the sediment , temperature , pH , DO and the growth of algae in water .

  27. AGP实验证明,磷含量的多寡,明显影响到水体中浮游藻类的生长繁殖。

    AGP test proves that the amount of phosphorus obviously affects growth and reproduction of phytoplankton .

  28. 在这三种藻失活的因素中,活性物质和自由基的数量(OH自由基,臭氧和过氧化氢)是对藻类的失活最重要的。

    Among these three algae inactivation factors , the amount of active substances and free radicals ( OH radicals , O radicals , ozone and hydrogen peroxide ) is the most important for the inactivation of algae .

  29. 藻类光合作用和CCM关键酶分子定位与codA转基因烟草光合生理分析

    Molecular Localization of the Key Enzymes of Photosynthesis and CCM in Alga and Analysis of Photosynthetic Physiology of the codA Transgenic Tobacco

  30. 目前,SRAP标记已经广泛应用于许多物种遗传图谱的构建、遗传多样性分析以及比较遗传学中,SRAP标记在藻类中应用较少,仅有在紫菜中遗传多样性分析和遗传图谱构建的相关报道。

    SRAP has been applied extensively in genetic linkage map construction , genetic diversity analysis and comparative genetics of different species .